File: source/ice-candidate.js
* Stores the list of queued ICE Candidates received before handshaking is completed.
* @attribute _peerCandidatesQueue
* @type Object
* @private
* @required
* @since 0.5.1
* @component ICE
* @for Skylink
Skylink.prototype._peerCandidatesQueue = [];
* The list of ICE candidate generation states that would be triggered.
* @type JSON
* @param {String} NEW The object was just created, and no networking
* has occurred yet.
* @param {String} GATHERING The ICE engine is in the process of gathering
* candidates for connection.
* @param {String} COMPLETED The ICE engine has completed gathering. Events
* such as adding a new interface or a new TURN server will cause the
* state to go back to gathering.
* @readOnly
* @since 0.4.1
* @component ICE
* @for Skylink
NEW: 'new',
GATHERING: 'gathering',
COMPLETED: 'completed'
* An ICE candidate has just been generated (ICE gathering) and will be sent to the peer.
* Part of connection establishment.
* @method _onIceCandidate
* @param {String} targetMid The peerId of the target peer.
* @param {Event} event This is provided directly by the peerconnection API.
* @trigger candidateGenerationState
* @private
* @since 0.1.0
* @component ICE
* @for Skylink
Skylink.prototype._onIceCandidate = function(targetMid, event) {
if (event.candidate) {
if (this._enableIceTrickle) {
var messageCan = event.candidate.candidate.split(' ');
var candidateType = messageCan[7];
log.debug([targetMid, 'RTCIceCandidate', null, 'Created and sending ' +
candidateType + ' candidate:'], event);
label: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
id: event.candidate.sdpMid,
candidate: event.candidate.candidate,
mid: this._user.sid,
target: targetMid,
} else {
log.debug([targetMid, 'RTCIceCandidate', null, 'End of gathering']);
this._trigger('candidateGenerationState', this.CANDIDATE_GENERATION_STATE.COMPLETED,
// Disable Ice trickle option
if (!this._enableIceTrickle) {
var sessionDescription = this._peerConnections[targetMid].localDescription;
type: sessionDescription.type,
sdp: sessionDescription.sdp,
mid: this._user.sid,
agent: window.webrtcDetectedBrowser,
target: targetMid,
* Stores an ICE Candidate received before handshaking
* @method _addIceCandidateToQueue
* @param {String} targetMid The peerId of the target peer.
* @param {Object} candidate The ICE Candidate object.
* @private
* @since 0.5.2
* @component ICE
* @for Skylink
Skylink.prototype._addIceCandidateToQueue = function(targetMid, candidate) {
log.debug([targetMid, null, null, 'Queued candidate to add after ' +
'setRemoteDescription'], candidate);
this._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid] =
this._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid] || [];
* Adds all stored ICE Candidates received before handshaking.
* @method _addIceCandidateFromQueue
* @param {String} targetMid The peerId of the target peer.
* @private
* @since 0.5.2
* @component ICE
* @for Skylink
Skylink.prototype._addIceCandidateFromQueue = function(targetMid) {
this._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid] =
this._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid] || [];
if(this._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid].length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid].length; i++) {
var candidate = this._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid][i];
log.debug([targetMid, null, null, 'Added queued candidate'], candidate);
delete this._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid];
} else {
log.log([targetMid, null, null, 'No queued candiate to add']);