* The list of recommended video resolutions.
* - Note that the higher the resolution, the connectivity speed might
* be affected.
* - The available video resolutions type are:
* @param {JSON} QQVGA QQVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} QQVGA.width 160
* @param {Integer} QQVGA.height 120
* @param {String} QQVGA.aspectRatio 4:3
* @param {JSON} HQVGA HQVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} HQVGA.width 240
* @param {Integer} HQVGA.height 160
* @param {String} HQVGA.aspectRatio 3:2
* @param {JSON} QVGA QVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} QVGA.width 320
* @param {Integer} QVGA.height 180
* @param {String} QVGA.aspectRatio 4:3
* @param {JSON} WQVGA WQVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} WQVGA.width 384
* @param {Integer} WQVGA.height 240
* @param {String} WQVGA.aspectRatio 16:10
* @param {JSON} HVGA HVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} HVGA.width 480
* @param {Integer} HVGA.height 320
* @param {String} HVGA.aspectRatio 3:2
* @param {JSON} VGA VGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} VGA.width 640
* @param {Integer} VGA.height 360
* @param {String} VGA.aspectRatio 4:3
* @param {JSON} WVGA WVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} WVGA.width 768
* @param {Integer} WVGA.height 480
* @param {String} WVGA.aspectRatio 16:10
* @param {JSON} FWVGA FWVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} FWVGA.width 854
* @param {Integer} FWVGA.height 480
* @param {String} FWVGA.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} SVGA SVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} SVGA.width 800
* @param {Integer} SVGA.height 600
* @param {String} SVGA.aspectRatio 4:3
* @param {JSON} DVGA DVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} DVGA.width 960
* @param {Integer} DVGA.height 640
* @param {String} DVGA.aspectRatio 3:2
* @param {JSON} WSVGA WSVGA resolution.
* @param {Integer} WSVGA.width 1024
* @param {Integer} WSVGA.height 576
* @param {String} WSVGA.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} HD HD resolution.
* @param {Integer} HD.width 1280
* @param {Integer} HD.height 720
* @param {String} HD.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} HDPLUS HDPLUS resolution.
* @param {Integer} HDPLUS.width 1600
* @param {Integer} HDPLUS.height 900
* @param {String} HDPLUS.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} FHD FHD resolution.
* @param {Integer} FHD.width 1920
* @param {Integer} FHD.height 1080
* @param {String} FHD.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} QHD QHD resolution.
* @param {Integer} QHD.width 2560
* @param {Integer} QHD.height 1440
* @param {String} QHD.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} WQXGAPLUS WQXGAPLUS resolution.
* @param {Integer} WQXGAPLUS.width 3200
* @param {Integer} WQXGAPLUS.height 1800
* @param {String} WQXGAPLUS.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} UHD UHD resolution.
* @param {Integer} UHD.width 3840
* @param {Integer} UHD.height 2160
* @param {String} UHD.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} UHDPLUS UHDPLUS resolution.
* @param {Integer} UHDPLUS.width 5120
* @param {Integer} UHDPLUS.height 2880
* @param {String} UHDPLUS.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} FUHD FUHD resolution.
* @param {Integer} FUHD.width 7680
* @param {Integer} FUHD.height 4320
* @param {String} FUHD.aspectRatio 16:9
* @param {JSON} QUHD resolution.
* @param {Integer} QUHD.width 15360
* @param {Integer} QUHD.height 8640
* @param {String} QUHD.aspectRatio 16:9
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype.VIDEO_RESOLUTION = {
QQVGA: { width: 160, height: 120, aspectRatio: '4:3' },
HQVGA: { width: 240, height: 160, aspectRatio: '3:2' },
QVGA: { width: 320, height: 180, aspectRatio: '4:3' },
WQVGA: { width: 384, height: 240, aspectRatio: '16:10' },
HVGA: { width: 480, height: 320, aspectRatio: '3:2' },
VGA: { width: 640, height: 360, aspectRatio: '4:3' },
WVGA: { width: 768, height: 480, aspectRatio: '16:10' },
FWVGA: { width: 854, height: 480, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
SVGA: { width: 800, height: 600, aspectRatio: '4:3' },
DVGA: { width: 960, height: 640, aspectRatio: '3:2' },
WSVGA: { width: 1024, height: 576, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
HD: { width: 1280, height: 720, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
HDPLUS: { width: 1600, height: 900, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
FHD: { width: 1920, height: 1080, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
QHD: { width: 2560, height: 1440, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
WQXGAPLUS: { width: 3200, height: 1800, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
UHD: { width: 3840, height: 2160, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
UHDPLUS: { width: 5120, height: 2880, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
FUHD: { width: 7680, height: 4320, aspectRatio: '16:9' },
QUHD: { width: 15360, height: 8640, aspectRatio: '16:9' }
* The list of local media streams.
* @attribute _mediaStreams
* @type Array
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._mediaStreams = [];
* The user stream settings.
* @attribute _defaultStreamSettings
* @type JSON
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [audio] If user enables audio, this is the default setting.
* @param {Boolean} [audio.stereo] Enabled stereo or not
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [video] If user enables video, this is the default setting.
* @param {JSON} [video.resolution] [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
* @param {Integer} [video.resolution.width] Video width
* @param {Integer} [video.resolution.height] Video height
* @param {Integer} [video.frameRate] Maximum frameRate of Video
* @param {String} bandwidth Bandwidth settings.
* @param {String} bandwidth.audio Audio default Bandwidth
* @param {String} bandwidth.video Video default Bandwidth
* @param {String} bandwidth.data Data default Bandwidth.
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.7
Skylink.prototype._defaultStreamSettings = {
audio: {
stereo: false
video: {
resolution: {
width: 640,
height: 480
frameRate: 50
bandwidth: {
audio: 50,
video: 256,
data: 1638400
* The user stream settings.
* @attribute _streamSettings
* @type JSON
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [audio=false] This call requires audio
* @param {Boolean} [audio.stereo] Enabled stereo or not
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [video=false] This call requires video
* @param {JSON} [video.resolution] [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
* @param {Integer} [video.resolution.width] Video width
* @param {Integer} [video.resolution.height] Video height
* @param {Integer} [video.frameRate] Maximum frameRate of Video
* @param {String} [bandwidth] Bandwidth settings
* @param {String} [bandwidth.audio] Audio Bandwidth
* @param {String} [bandwidth.video] Video Bandwidth
* @param {String} [bandwidth.data] Data Bandwidth.
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._streamSettings = {};
* The getUserMedia settings parsed from
* {{#crossLink "Skylink/_streamSettings:attr"}}_streamSettings{{/crossLink}}.
* @attribute _getUserMediaSettings
* @type JSON
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [audio=false] This call requires audio.
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [video=false] This call requires video.
* @param {Integer} [video.mandatory.maxHeight] Video maximum width.
* @param {Integer} [video.mandatory.maxWidth] Video maximum height.
* @param {Integer} [video.mandatory.maxFrameRate] Maximum frameRate of Video.
* @param {Array} [video.optional] The getUserMedia options.
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._getUserMediaSettings = {};
* The user MediaStream(s) status.
* @attribute _mediaStreamsStatus
* @type JSON
* @param {Boolean} [audioMuted=true] Is user's audio muted.
* @param {Boolean} [videoMuted=true] Is user's vide muted.
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._mediaStreamsStatus = {};
* Fallback to audio call if audio and video is required.
* @attribute _audioFallback
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @private
* @required
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.4
Skylink.prototype._audioFallback = false;
* Access to user's MediaStream is successful.
* @method _onUserMediaSuccess
* @param {MediaStream} stream MediaStream object.
* @trigger mediaAccessSuccess
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.3.0
Skylink.prototype._onUserMediaSuccess = function(stream) {
var self = this;
log.log([null, 'MediaStream', stream.id,
'User has granted access to local media'], stream);
self._trigger('mediaAccessSuccess', stream);
var streamEnded = function () {
mid: self._user.sid,
rid: self._room.id,
status: 'ended'
self._trigger('streamEnded', self._user.sid, self.getPeerInfo(), true);
stream.onended = streamEnded;
// Workaround for local stream.onended because firefox has not yet implemented it
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'firefox') {
stream.onended = setInterval(function () {
if (typeof stream.recordedTime === 'undefined') {
stream.recordedTime = 0;
if (stream.recordedTime === stream.currentTime) {
// trigger that it has ended
} else {
stream.recordedTime = stream.currentTime;
}, 1000);
// check if readyStateChange is done
self._condition('readyStateChange', function () {
self._mediaStreams[stream.id] = stream;
// check if users is in the room already
self._condition('peerJoined', function () {
self._trigger('incomingStream', self._user.sid, stream, true, self.getPeerInfo());
}, function () {
return self._inRoom;
}, function (peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
return isSelf;
}, function () {
return self._readyState === self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.COMPLETED;
}, function (state) {
return state === self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.COMPLETED;
* Access to user's MediaStream failed.
* @method _onUserMediaError
* @param {Object} error Error object that was thrown.
* @trigger mediaAccessError
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.4
Skylink.prototype._onUserMediaError = function(error) {
var self = this;
log.error([null, 'MediaStream', null, 'Failed retrieving stream:'], error);
if (self._audioFallback && self._streamSettings.video) {
// redefined the settings for video as false
self._streamSettings.video = false;
log.debug([null, 'MediaStream', null, 'Falling back to audio stream call']);
audio: true
}, function(stream) {
}, function(error) {
log.error([null, 'MediaStream', null,
'Failed retrieving audio in audio fallback:'], error);
self._trigger('mediaAccessError', error);
this.getUserMedia({ audio: true });
} else {
log.error([null, 'MediaStream', null, 'Failed retrieving stream:'], error);
self._trigger('mediaAccessError', error);
* The remote peer advertised streams, that we are forwarding to the app. This is part
* of the peerConnection's addRemoteDescription() API's callback.
* @method _onRemoteStreamAdded
* @param {String} targetMid PeerId of the peer that has remote stream to send.
* @param {Event} event This is provided directly by the peerconnection API.
* @trigger incomingStream
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._onRemoteStreamAdded = function(targetMid, event) {
var self = this;
if(targetMid !== 'MCU') {
if (!self._peerInformations[targetMid]) {
log.error([targetMid, 'MediaStream', event.stream.id,
'Received remote stream when peer is not connected. ' +
'Ignoring stream ->'], event.stream);
if (!self._peerInformations[targetMid].settings.audio &&
!self._peerInformations[targetMid].settings.video) {
log.log([targetMid, 'MediaStream', event.stream.id,
'Receive remote stream but ignoring stream as it is empty ->'
], event.stream);
log.log([targetMid, 'MediaStream', event.stream.id,
'Received remote stream ->'], event.stream);
self._trigger('incomingStream', targetMid, event.stream,
false, self._peerInformations[targetMid]);
} else {
log.log([targetMid, null, null, 'MCU is listening']);
* Parse stream settings
* @method _parseAudioStreamSettings
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options=false] This call requires audio
* @param {Boolean} [options.stereo] Enabled stereo or not.
* @return {JSON} The parsed audio options.
* - settings: User set audio options
* - userMedia: getUserMedia options
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._parseAudioStreamSettings = function (audioOptions) {
audioOptions = (typeof audioOptions === 'object') ?
audioOptions : !!audioOptions;
// Cleaning of unwanted keys
if (audioOptions !== false) {
audioOptions = (typeof audioOptions === 'boolean') ? {} : audioOptions;
var tempAudioOptions = {};
tempAudioOptions.stereo = !!audioOptions.stereo;
audioOptions = tempAudioOptions;
var userMedia = (typeof audioOptions === 'object') ?
true : audioOptions;
return {
settings: audioOptions,
userMedia: userMedia
* Parse stream settings
* @method _parseAudioStreamSettings
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options=false] This call requires video
* @param {JSON} [options.resolution] [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
* @param {Integer} [options.resolution.width] Video width
* @param {Integer} [options.resolution.height] Video height
* @param {Integer} [options.frameRate] Maximum frameRate of Video
* @return {JSON} The parsed video options.
* - settings: User set video options
* - userMedia: getUserMedia options
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.8
Skylink.prototype._parseVideoStreamSettings = function (videoOptions) {
videoOptions = (typeof videoOptions === 'object') ?
videoOptions : !!videoOptions;
var userMedia = false;
// Cleaning of unwanted keys
if (videoOptions !== false) {
videoOptions = (typeof videoOptions === 'boolean') ?
{ resolution: {} } : videoOptions;
var tempVideoOptions = {};
// set the resolution parsing
videoOptions.resolution = videoOptions.resolution || {};
tempVideoOptions.resolution = tempVideoOptions.resolution || {};
// set resolution
tempVideoOptions.resolution.width = videoOptions.resolution.width ||
tempVideoOptions.resolution.height = videoOptions.resolution.height ||
// set the framerate
tempVideoOptions.frameRate = videoOptions.frameRate ||
videoOptions = tempVideoOptions;
userMedia = {
mandatory: {
//minWidth: videoOptions.resolution.width,
//minHeight: videoOptions.resolution.height,
maxWidth: videoOptions.resolution.width,
maxHeight: videoOptions.resolution.height,
//minFrameRate: videoOptions.frameRate,
maxFrameRate: videoOptions.frameRate
optional: []
//Remove maxFrameRate for AdapterJS to work with Safari
if (window.webrtcDetectedType === 'plugin') {
delete userMedia.mandatory.maxFrameRate;
return {
settings: videoOptions,
userMedia: userMedia
* Parse and set bandwidth settings.
* @method _parseBandwidthSettings
* @param {String} [options] Bandwidth settings
* @param {String} [options.audio=50] Audio Bandwidth
* @param {String} [options.video=256] Video Bandwidth
* @param {String} [options.data=1638400] Data Bandwidth
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._parseBandwidthSettings = function (bwOptions) {
bwOptions = (typeof bwOptions === 'object') ?
bwOptions : {};
// set audio bandwidth
bwOptions.audio = (typeof bwOptions.audio === 'number') ?
bwOptions.audio : 50;
// set video bandwidth
bwOptions.video = (typeof bwOptions.video === 'number') ?
bwOptions.video : 256;
// set data bandwidth
bwOptions.data = (typeof bwOptions.data === 'number') ?
bwOptions.data : 1638400;
// set the settings
this._streamSettings.bandwidth = bwOptions;
* Parse stream settings
* @method _parseMutedSettings
* @param {JSON} options Media Constraints.
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.audio=false] This call requires audio
* @param {Boolean} [options.audio.stereo] Enabled stereo or not.
* @param {Boolean} [options.audio.mute=false] If audio stream should be muted.
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.video=false] This call requires video
* @param {JSON} [options.video.resolution] [Rel: VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
* @param {Integer} [options.video.resolution.width] Video width
* @param {Integer} [options.video.resolution.height] Video height
* @param {Integer} [options.video.frameRate] Maximum frameRate of video.
* @param {Boolean} [options.video.mute=false] If video stream should be muted.
* @return {JSON} The parsed muted options.
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._parseMutedSettings = function (options) {
// the stream options
options = (typeof options === 'object') ?
options : { audio: false, video: false };
var updateAudioMuted = (typeof options.audio === 'object') ?
!!options.audio.mute : !options.audio;
var updateVideoMuted = (typeof options.video === 'object') ?
!!options.video.mute : !options.video;
return {
audioMuted: updateAudioMuted,
videoMuted: updateVideoMuted
* Parse stream default settings
* @method _parseDefaultMediaStreamSettings
* @param {JSON} options Media default Constraints.
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.maxWidth=640] Video default width.
* @param {Boolean} [options.maxHeight=480] Video default height.
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.7
Skylink.prototype._parseDefaultMediaStreamSettings = function(options) {
var hasMediaChanged = false;
// prevent undefined error
options = options || {};
log.debug('Parsing stream settings. Default stream options:', options);
options.maxWidth = (typeof options.maxWidth === 'number') ? options.maxWidth :
options.maxHeight = (typeof options.maxHeight === 'number') ? options.maxHeight :
// parse video resolution. that's for now
this._defaultStreamSettings.video.resolution.width = options.maxWidth;
this._defaultStreamSettings.video.resolution.height = options.maxHeight;
log.debug('Parsed default media stream settings', this._defaultStreamSettings);
* Parse stream settings
* @method _parseMediaStreamSettings
* @param {JSON} options Media Constraints.
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.audio=false] This call requires audio
* @param {Boolean} [options.audio.stereo] Enabled stereo or not.
* @param {Boolean} [options.audio.mute=false] If audio stream should be muted.
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.video=false] This call requires video
* @param {JSON} [options.video.resolution] [Rel: VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
* @param {Integer} [options.video.resolution.width] Video width
* @param {Integer} [options.video.resolution.height] Video height
* @param {Integer} [options.video.frameRate] Maximum frameRate of video.
* @param {Boolean} [options.video.mute=false] If video stream should be muted.
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._parseMediaStreamSettings = function(options) {
var hasMediaChanged = false;
options = options || {};
log.debug('Parsing stream settings. Stream options:', options);
// Set audio settings
var audioSettings = this._parseAudioStreamSettings(options.audio);
// check for change
this._streamSettings.audio = audioSettings.settings;
this._getUserMediaSettings.audio = audioSettings.userMedia;
// Set video settings
var videoSettings = this._parseVideoStreamSettings(options.video);
// check for change
this._streamSettings.video = videoSettings.settings;
this._getUserMediaSettings.video = videoSettings.userMedia;
// Set user media status options
var mutedSettings = this._parseMutedSettings(options);
this._mediaStreamsStatus = mutedSettings;
log.debug('Parsed user media stream settings', this._streamSettings);
log.debug('User media status:', this._mediaStreamsStatus);
* Sends our Local MediaStreams to other Peers.
* By default, it sends all it's other stream
* @method _addLocalMediaStreams
* @param {String} peerId The peerId of the peer to send local stream to.
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._addLocalMediaStreams = function(peerId) {
// NOTE ALEX: here we could do something smarter
// a mediastream is mainly a container, most of the info
// are attached to the tracks. We should iterates over track and print
try {
log.log([peerId, null, null, 'Adding local stream']);
if (Object.keys(this._mediaStreams).length > 0) {
for (var stream in this._mediaStreams) {
if (this._mediaStreams.hasOwnProperty(stream)) {
log.debug([peerId, 'MediaStream', stream, 'Sending stream']);
} else {
log.warn([peerId, null, null, 'No media to send. Will be only receiving']);
} catch (error) {
// Fix errors thrown like NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED
log.error([peerId, null, null, 'Failed adding local stream'], error);
* Stops all MediaStreams(s) playback and streaming.
* @method stopStream
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype.stopStream = function () {
for (var streamId in this._mediaStreams) {
if (this._mediaStreams.hasOwnProperty(streamId)) {
if (Object.keys(this._mediaStreams).length > 0) {
this._mediaStreams = [];
* Handles the muting of audio and video streams.
* @method _muteLocalMediaStreams
* @return options If MediaStream(s) has specified tracks.
* @return options.hasAudioTracks If MediaStream(s) has audio tracks.
* @return options.hasVideoTracks If MediaStream(s) has video tracks.
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._muteLocalMediaStreams = function () {
var hasAudioTracks = false;
var hasVideoTracks = false;
// Loop and enable tracks accordingly
for (var streamId in this._mediaStreams) {
if (this._mediaStreams.hasOwnProperty(streamId)) {
var audioTracks = this._mediaStreams[streamId].getAudioTracks();
var videoTracks = this._mediaStreams[streamId].getVideoTracks();
hasAudioTracks = audioTracks.length > 0 || hasAudioTracks;
hasVideoTracks = videoTracks.length > 0 || hasVideoTracks;
// loop audio tracks
for (var a = 0; a < audioTracks.length; a++) {
audioTracks[a].enabled = this._mediaStreamsStatus.audioMuted !== true;
// loop video tracks
for (var v = 0; v < videoTracks.length; v++) {
videoTracks[v].enabled = this._mediaStreamsStatus.videoMuted !== true;
// update accordingly if failed
if (!hasAudioTracks) {
//this._mediaStreamsStatus.audioMuted = true;
this._streamSettings.audio = false;
if (!hasVideoTracks) {
//this._mediaStreamsStatus.videoMuted = true;
this._streamSettings.video = false;
log.log('Update to isAudioMuted status ->', this._mediaStreamsStatus.audioMuted);
log.log('Update to isVideoMuted status ->', this._mediaStreamsStatus.videoMuted);
return {
hasAudioTracks: hasAudioTracks,
hasVideoTracks: hasVideoTracks
* Waits for MediaStream.
* - Once the stream is loaded, callback is called
* - If there's not a need for stream, callback is called
* @method _waitForLocalMediaStream
* @param {Function} callback Callback after requested constraints are loaded.
* @param {JSON} [options] Media Constraints.
* @param {JSON} [options.userData] User custom data.
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.audio=false] This call requires audio
* @param {Boolean} [options.audio.stereo] Enabled stereo or not
* @param {Boolean} [options.audio.mute=false] If audio stream should be muted.
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.video=false] This call requires video
* @param {JSON} [options.video.resolution] [Rel: VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
* @param {Integer} [options.video.resolution.width] Video width
* @param {Integer} [options.video.resolution.height] Video height
* @param {Integer} [options.video.frameRate] Maximum frameRate of Video
* @param {Boolean} [options.video.mute=false] If video stream should be muted.
* @param {String} [options.bandwidth] Bandwidth settings
* @param {String} [options.bandwidth.audio] Audio Bandwidth
* @param {String} [options.bandwidth.video] Video Bandwidth
* @param {String} [options.bandwidth.data] Data Bandwidth
* @trigger mediaAccessRequired
* @private
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._waitForLocalMediaStream = function(callback, options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
// get the stream
if (options.manualGetUserMedia === true) {
// If options video or audio false, do the opposite to throw a true.
var requireAudio = !!options.audio;
var requireVideo = !!options.video;
log.log('Requested audio:', requireAudio);
log.log('Requested video:', requireVideo);
// check if it requires audio or video
if (!requireAudio && !requireVideo && !options.manualGetUserMedia) {
// set to default
if (options.audio === false && options.video === false) {
// get the user media
if (!options.manualGetUserMedia && (options.audio || options.video)) {
audio: options.audio,
video: options.video
// clear previous mediastreams
var current50Block = 0;
var mediaAccessRequiredFailure = false;
// wait for available audio or video stream
self._wait(function () {
if (mediaAccessRequiredFailure === true) {
self._onUserMediaError('Waiting for stream timeout');
} else {
}, function () {
var hasAudio = !requireAudio;
var hasVideo = !requireVideo;
// for now we require one MediaStream with both audio and video
// due to firefox non-supported audio or video
for (var streamId in self._mediaStreams) {
if (self._mediaStreams.hasOwnProperty(streamId)) {
var stream = self._mediaStreams[streamId];
if (stream && options.manualGetUserMedia) {
return true;
// do the check
if (requireAudio) {
hasAudio = stream.getAudioTracks().length > 0;
if (requireVideo) {
hasVideo = stream.getVideoTracks().length > 0;
if (hasAudio && hasVideo) {
return true;
if (options.manualGetUserMedia === true) {
current50Block += 1;
if (current50Block === 600) {
mediaAccessRequiredFailure = true;
return true;
}, 50);
* Gets the default video source and microphone source.
* - This is an implemented function for Skylink.
* - Constraints are not the same as the [MediaStreamConstraints](http://dev.w3.
* org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140817/getusermedia.html#dictionary
* -mediastreamconstraints-members) specified in the w3c specs.
* - Calling <b>getUserMedia</b> while having streams being sent to another peer may
* actually cause problems, because currently <b>getUserMedia</b> refreshes all streams.
* @method getUserMedia
* @param {JSON} [options] MediaStream constraints.
* @param {JSON|Boolean} [options.audio=true] Option to allow audio stream.
* @param {Boolean} [options.audio.stereo] Option to enable stereo
* during call.
* @param {Boolean} [options.audio.mute=false] If audio stream should be muted.
* @param {JSON|Boolean} [options.video=true] Option to allow video stream.
* @param {JSON} [options.video.resolution] The resolution of video stream.
* @param {Integer} [options.video.resolution.width]
* The video stream resolution width (in px).
* @param {Integer} [options.video.resolution.height]
* The video stream resolution height (in px).
* @param {Integer} [options.video.frameRate]
* The video stream maximum frameRate.
* @param {Boolean} [options.video.mute=false] If video stream should be muted.
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback fired after media was successfully accessed.
* Default signature: function(error object, success object)
* @example
* // Default is to get both audio and video
* // Example 1: Get both audio and video by default.
* SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia();
* // Example 2: Get the audio stream only
* SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia({
* 'video' : false,
* 'audio' : true
* });
* // Example 3: Set the stream settings for the audio and video
* SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia({
* 'video' : {
* 'resolution': SkylinkDemo.VIDEO_RESOLUTION.HD,
* 'frameRate': 50
* },
* 'audio' : {
* 'stereo': true
* }
* });
* // Example 4: Get user media with callback
* SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia({
* 'video' : false,
* 'audio' : true
* },function(error,success){
* if (error){
* console.log(error);
* }
* else{
* console.log(success);
* }
* });
* @trigger mediaAccessSuccess, mediaAccessError, streamEnded
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype.getUserMedia = function(options,callback) {
var self = this;
if (!options){
options = {
audio: true,
video: true
else if (typeof options === 'function'){
callback = options;
options = {
audio: true,
video: true
// parse stream settings
// if audio and video is false, do not call getUserMedia
if (!(options.audio === false && options.video === false)) {
// clear previous mediastreams
try {
window.getUserMedia(self._getUserMediaSettings, function (stream) {
if (typeof callback === 'function'){
}, function (error) {
if (typeof callback === 'function'){
} catch (error) {
if (typeof callback === 'function'){
} else {
log.warn([null, 'MediaStream', null, 'Not retrieving stream']);
* Resends a Local MediaStreams. This overrides all previous MediaStreams sent.
* Provided MediaStream would be automatically detected as unmuted by default.
* @method sendStream
* @param {Object|JSON} stream The stream object or options.
* @param {Boolean} [stream.audio=false] If send a new stream with audio.
* @param {Boolean} [stream.audio.stereo] Option to enable stereo
* during call.
* @param {Boolean} [stream.audio.mute=false] If send a new stream with audio muted.
* @param {JSON|Boolean} [stream.video=false] Option to allow video stream.
* @param {JSON} [stream.video.resolution] The resolution of video stream.
* @param {Integer} [stream.video.resolution.width]
* The video stream resolution width (in px).
* @param {Integer} [stream.video.resolution.height]
* The video stream resolution height (in px).
* @param {Integer} [stream.video.frameRate]
* The video stream maximum frameRate.
* @param {Boolean} [stream.video.mute=false] If send a new stream with video muted.
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback fired after stream was sent.
* Default signature: function(error object, success object)
* @example
* // Example 1: Send a stream object instead
* SkylinkDemo.on('mediaAccessSuccess', function (stream) {
* SkylinkDemo.sendStream(stream);
* });
* // Example 2: Send stream with getUserMedia automatically called for you
* SkylinkDemo.sendStream({
* audio: true,
* video: false
* });
* // Example 3: Send stream with getUserMedia automatically called for you
* // and audio is muted
* SkylinkDemo.sendStream({
* audio: { mute: true },
* video: false
* });
* // Example 4: Send stream with callback
* SkylinkDemo.sendStream({
* audio: true,
* video: true
* },function(error,success){
* if (error){
* console.log('Error occurred. Stream was not sent: '+error)
* }
* else{
* console.log('Stream successfully sent: '+success);
* }
* });
* @trigger peerRestart, incomingStream
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype.sendStream = function(stream, callback) {
var self = this;
var restartCount = 0;
var peerCount = Object.keys(self._peerConnections).length;
if (typeof stream !== 'object') {
var error = 'Provided stream settings is not an object';
if (typeof callback === 'function'){
// Stream object
// getAudioTracks or getVideoTracks first because adapterjs
// has not implemeneted MediaStream as an interface
// interopability with firefox and chrome
//MediaStream = MediaStream || webkitMediaStream;
// NOTE: eventually we should do instanceof
if (typeof stream.getAudioTracks === 'function' ||
typeof stream.getVideoTracks === 'function') {
// stop playback
// send the stream
if (!self._mediaStreams[stream.id]) {
self._mediaStreamsStatus.audioMuted = false;
self._mediaStreamsStatus.videoMuted = false;
self._streamSettings.audio = stream.getAudioTracks().length > 0;
self._streamSettings.video = stream.getVideoTracks().length > 0;
if (typeof callback === 'function'){
self.once('peerRestart',function(peerId, peerInfo, isSelfInitiatedRestart){
log.log([null, 'MediaStream', stream.id,
'Stream was sent. Firing callback'], stream);
restartCount = 0; //reset counter
},function(peerId, peerInfo, isSelfInitiatedRestart){
if (isSelfInitiatedRestart){
if (restartCount === peerCount){
return true;
return false;
for (var peer in self._peerConnections) {
if (self._peerConnections.hasOwnProperty(peer)) {
self._restartPeerConnection(peer, true);
self._trigger('peerUpdated', self._user.sid, self.getPeerInfo(), true);
// Options object
} else {
if (typeof callback === 'function'){
self.once('peerRestart',function(peerId, peerInfo, isSelfInitiatedRestart){
log.log([null, 'MediaStream', stream.id,
'Stream was sent. Firing callback'], stream);
restartCount = 0; //reset counter
},function(peerId, peerInfo, isSelfInitiatedRestart){
if (isSelfInitiatedRestart){
if (restartCount === peerCount){
return true;
return false;
// get the mediastream and then wait for it to be retrieved before sending
self._waitForLocalMediaStream(function () {
// mute unwanted streams
for (var peer in self._peerConnections) {
if (self._peerConnections.hasOwnProperty(peer)) {
self._restartPeerConnection(peer, true);
self._trigger('peerUpdated', self._user.sid, self.getPeerInfo(), true);
}, stream);
* Mutes a Local MediaStreams.
* @method muteStream
* @param {Object|JSON} options The muted options.
* @param {Boolean} [options.audioMuted=true] If send a new stream with audio muted.
* @param {Boolean} [options.videoMuted=true] If send a new stream with video muted.
* @param {Boolean} [options.getEmptyStream=false] If audio or video muted is set and there is
* no audio or video stream, it will get the stream before muting it.
* @example
* SkylinkDemo.muteStream({
* audioMuted: true,
* videoMuted: false
* });
* @trigger peerRestart, peerUpdated, incomingStream
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.7
Skylink.prototype.muteStream = function(options) {
var self = this;
if (typeof options !== 'object') {
log.error('Provided settings is not an object');
// set the muted status
if (typeof options.audioMuted === 'boolean') {
self._mediaStreamsStatus.audioMuted = !!options.audioMuted;
if (typeof options.videoMuted === 'boolean') {
self._mediaStreamsStatus.videoMuted = !!options.videoMuted;
var hasTracksOption = self._muteLocalMediaStreams();
var refetchAudio = false;
var refetchVideo = false;
// update to mute status of audio tracks
if (!hasTracksOption.hasAudioTracks) {
// do a refetch
refetchAudio = options.audioMuted === false && options.getEmptyStream === true;
// update to mute status of video tracks
if (!hasTracksOption.hasVideoTracks) {
// do a refetch
refetchVideo = options.videoMuted === false && options.getEmptyStream === true;
// do a refetch
if (refetchAudio || refetchVideo) {
// set the settings
audio: options.audioMuted === false || self._streamSettings.audio,
video: options.videoMuted === false || self._streamSettings.video
self.once('mediaAccessSuccess', function (stream) {
// mute unwanted streams
for (var peer in self._peerConnections) {
if (self._peerConnections.hasOwnProperty(peer)) {
self._restartPeerConnection(peer, true);
self._trigger('peerUpdated', self._user.sid, self.getPeerInfo(), true);
// get the mediastream and then wait for it to be retrieved before sending
/*self._waitForLocalMediaStream(function () {
}, stream);*/
} else {
// update to mute status of video tracks
if (hasTracksOption.hasVideoTracks) {
// send message
mid: self._user.sid,
rid: self._room.id,
muted: self._mediaStreamsStatus.videoMuted
// update to mute status of audio tracks
if (hasTracksOption.hasAudioTracks) {
// send message
// set timeout to do a wait interval of 1s
setTimeout(function () {
mid: self._user.sid,
rid: self._room.id,
muted: self._mediaStreamsStatus.audioMuted
}, 1050);
self._trigger('peerUpdated', self._user.sid, self.getPeerInfo(), true);
* Enable microphone.
* - Try to start the audio source.
* - If no audio source was initialy set, this function has no effect.
* - If you want to activate your audio but haven't initially enabled it you would need to
* reinitiate your connection with
* {{#crossLink "Skylink/joinRoom:method"}}joinRoom(){{/crossLink}}
* process and set the audio parameter to true.
* @method enableAudio
* @trigger peerUpdated, peerRestart
* @deprecated
* @example
* SkylinkDemo.enableAudio();
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype.enableAudio = function() {
audioMuted: false,
getEmptyStream: true
* Disable microphone.
* - Try to disable the microphone.
* - If no microphone was initially set, this function has no effect.
* @method disableAudio
* @example
* SkylinkDemo.disableAudio();
* @trigger peerUpdated, peerRestart
* @deprecated
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype.disableAudio = function() {
audioMuted: true,
getEmptyStream: true
* Enable webcam video.
* - Try to start the video source.
* - If no video source was initialy set, this function has no effect.
* - If you want to activate your video but haven't initially enabled it you would need to
* reinitiate your connection with
* {{#crossLink "Skylink/joinRoom:method"}}joinRoom(){{/crossLink}}
* process and set the video parameter to true.
* @method enableVideo
* @example
* SkylinkDemo.enableVideo();
* @trigger peerUpdated, peerRestart
* @deprecated
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype.enableVideo = function() {
videoMuted: false,
getEmptyStream: true
* Disable video source.
* - Try to disable the video source.
* - If no video source was initially set, this function has no effect.
* @method disableVideo
* @example
* SkylinkDemo.disableVideo();
* @trigger peerUpdated, peerRestart
* @deprecated
* @component Stream
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype.disableVideo = function() {
videoMuted: true,
getEmptyStream: true