* Finds a line in the SDP that contains the condition string and returns it.
* @method _findSDPLine
* @param {Array} sdpLines Sdp received.
* @param {Array} condition Return if one of the conditions satisfies.
* @return {Array} [index, line] - Returns the sdpLines based on the condition
* @private
* @component SDP
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._findSDPLine = function(sdpLines, condition) {
for (var index in sdpLines) {
if (sdpLines.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
for (var c = 0; c < condition.length; c++) {
if (typeof sdpLines[index] === 'string') {
if (sdpLines[index].indexOf(condition[c]) === 0) {
return [index, sdpLines[index]];
} else {
log.warn([null, 'SDP', index, 'SDP line is not defined'], sdpLines[index]);
return [];
* Enables the stereo feature by modifying the SDP. This requires the OPUS
* to be enabled in the connection first.
* @method _addSDPStereo
* @param {Array} sdpLines Sdp received.
* @return {Array} Updated version with Stereo feature
* @private
* @component SDP
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.2.0
Skylink.prototype._addSDPStereo = function(sdpLines) {
var opusLineFound = false,
opusPayload = 0;
// Check if opus exists
var rtpmapLine = this._findSDPLine(sdpLines, ['a=rtpmap:']);
if (rtpmapLine.length) {
if (rtpmapLine[1].split(' ')[1].indexOf('opus/48000/') === 0) {
opusLineFound = true;
opusPayload = (rtpmapLine[1].split(' ')[0]).split(':')[1];
// Find the A=FMTP line with the same payload
if (opusLineFound) {
var fmtpLine = this._findSDPLine(sdpLines, ['a=fmtp:' + opusPayload]);
if (fmtpLine.length) {
sdpLines[fmtpLine[0]] = fmtpLine[1] + '; stereo=1';
log.debug([null, 'SDP', null, 'OPUS line is found. Enabling stereo']);
return sdpLines;
* Sets the video resolution by modifying the SDP.
* - This is broken.
* @method _setSDPVideoResolution
* @param {Array} sdpLines Sdp received.
* @return {Array} Updated version with custom Resolution settings
* @private
* @component SDP
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.6
Skylink.prototype._setSDPVideoResolution = function(sdpLines){
var video = this._streamSettings.video;
var frameRate = video.frameRate || 50;
var resolution = video.resolution || {};
var fmtpLine = this._findSDPLine(sdpLines, ['a=fmtp:']);
if (fmtpLine.length){
sdpLines.splice(fmtpLine[0], 1,fmtpLine[1] + ';max-fr=' + frameRate +
';max-recv-width=' + (resolution.width ? resolution.width : 640) +
';max-recv-height=' + (resolution.height ? resolution.height : 480));
log.debug([null, 'SDP', null, 'Setting video resolution (broken)']);
return sdpLines;
* Set the audio, video and data streamming bandwidth by modifying the SDP.
* It sets the bandwidth when the connection is good. In low bandwidth environment,
* the bandwidth is managed by the browser.
* @method _setSDPBitrate
* @param {Array} sdpLines The session description received.
* @return {Array} Updated session description.
* @private
* @component SDP
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.7
Skylink.prototype._setSDPBitrate = function(sdpLines) {
// Find if user has audioStream
var bandwidth = this._streamSettings.bandwidth;
var maLineFound = this._findSDPLine(sdpLines, ['m=', 'a=']).length;
var cLineFound = this._findSDPLine(sdpLines, ['c=']).length;
// Find the RTPMAP with Audio Codec
if (maLineFound && cLineFound) {
if (bandwidth.audio) {
var audioLine = this._findSDPLine(sdpLines, ['a=audio', 'm=audio']);
sdpLines.splice(audioLine[0], 1, audioLine[1], 'b=AS:' + bandwidth.audio);
log.debug([null, 'SDP', null, 'Setting audio bitrate (' +
bandwidth.audio + ')'], audioLine);
if (bandwidth.video) {
var videoLine = this._findSDPLine(sdpLines, ['a=video', 'm=video']);
sdpLines.splice(videoLine[0], 1, videoLine[1], 'b=AS:' + bandwidth.video);
log.debug([null, 'SDP', null, 'Setting video bitrate (' +
bandwidth.video + ')'], videoLine);
if (bandwidth.data && this._enableDataChannel) {
var dataLine = this._findSDPLine(sdpLines, ['a=application', 'm=application']);
sdpLines.splice(dataLine[0], 1, dataLine[1], 'b=AS:' + bandwidth.data);
log.debug([null, 'SDP', null, 'Setting data bitrate (' +
bandwidth.data + ')'], dataLine);
return sdpLines;
* Removes Firefox 32 H262 preference in the SDP to prevent breaking connection in
* unsupported browsers.
* @method _removeSDPFirefoxH264Pref
* @param {Array} sdpLines The session description received.
* @return {Array} Updated session description.
* @private
* @component SDP
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._removeSDPFirefoxH264Pref = function(sdpLines) {
var invalidLineIndex = sdpLines.indexOf(
'a=fmtp:0 profile-level-id=0x42e00c;packetization-mode=1');
if (invalidLineIndex > -1) {
log.debug([null, 'SDP', null, 'Firefox H264 invalid pref found:'], invalidLineIndex);
sdpLines.splice(invalidLineIndex, 1);
return sdpLines;