* The list of Skylink Peer connection handshake triggered states.
* @type JSON
* @param {String} ENTER Connection handshake Step 1a.
* Received <code>ENTER</code> from peer, and Peer connection is
* initialised to start connection. In this Step, self would
* sent <code>WELCOME</code> to the peer to start the WebRTC
* session description connection handshake.
* @param {String} WELCOME Connection handshake Step 1b.
* Received <code>WELCOME</code> from peer, and Peer connection is
* initialised to start connection. In this Step, the WebRTC layer
* to begin the session description connection handshake starts here
* and send the local <code>OFFER</code> session description to peer.
* @param {String} OFFER Connection handshake Step 2a. Received
* <code>OFFER</code> from peer, and Peer connection has received the
* remote <code>OFFER</code> session description. In this Step, self
* would start to send local <code>ANSWER</code> session description
* to peer.
* @param {String} ANSWER Connection handshake Step 2b. Received
* <code>ANSWER</code> from peer, and Peer connection has received the
* remote <code>ANSWER</code> session description. In this Step, the
* connection handshaking progress has been completed.
* @param {String} ERROR Connection handshake has occurred and exception,
* in this which the connection handshake could have been aborted abruptly
* and no Peer connection is established.
* @readOnly
* @component Peer
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.1.0
Skylink.prototype.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS = {
ENTER: 'enter',
WELCOME: 'welcome',
OFFER: 'offer',
ANSWER: 'answer',
ERROR: 'error'
* Stores the list of Peer connection health timeout objects that
* waits for any existing Peer "healthy" state in successful
* {{#crossLink "Skylink/_peerConnectionHealth:attr"}}_peerConnectionHealth{{/crossLink}}.
* If timeout has reached it's limit and does not have any "healthy" connection state
* with Peer connection, it will restart the connection again with
* {{#crossLink "Skylink/_restartPeerConnection:method"}}_restartPeerConnection(){{/crossLink}}.
* @attribute _peerConnectionHealthTimers
* @param {Object} (#peerId) The timeout object set using <code>setTimeout()</code> that
* does the wait for any "healthy" state connection associated with the Peer connection.
* This will be removed when the Peer connection has ended or when the Peer
* connection has been met with a "healthy" state.
* @type JSON
* @private
* @required
* @component Peer
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._peerConnectionHealthTimers = {};
* Stores the list of Peer connections that has connection
* established successfully. When the Peer connection has a
* successful ICE connection state of <code>"completed"</code>,
* it stores the Peer connection as "healthy".
* @attribute _peerConnectionHealth
* @param {Boolean} (#peerId) The flag that indicates if the associated Peer
* connection is in a "healthy" state. If the value is <code>true</code>, it means
* that the Peer connectin is in a "healthy" state.
* @type JSON
* @private
* @required
* @component Peer
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._peerConnectionHealth = {};
* Stores the list of Peer handshake connection weights.
* This is implemented to prevent the conflict of sending <code>WELCOME</code>
* to peer and receiving <code>WELCOME</code> from peer at the same time.
* To handle this event, both self and the peer has to generate a weight initially.
* Then in the {{#crossLink "Skylink/_welcomeHandler:attr"}}_welcomeHandler(){{/crossLink}}
* when conflict <code>WELCOME</code> message is received, the handler woudl check
* if there is already an existing Peer connection object with the peer (due
* to the initialisation in the received <code>ENTER</code>). If so the handler would
* then compare the received weight if it is higher than the weight generated for this peer.
* The one with the highest weight would have the "priority" to initiate the WebRTC layer of
* handshake and start sending the <code>OFFER</code> session description.
* @attribute _peerHSPriorities
* @param {Number} (#peerId) The generated weight for associated Peer peer.
* The weight is generated with <code>Date.getTime()</code>.
* @param
* @type JSON
* @private
* @required
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.0
Skylink.prototype._peerHSPriorities = {};
* Starts to initiate the WebRTC layer of handshake connection by
* creating the <code>OFFER</code> session description and then
* sending it to the associated Peer.
* The offerer status may be shifted to the other peer depending on
* when version of browser that is initiating the connection
* to what version of browser to.
* @method _doOffer
* @param {String} targetMid The Peer ID to send the <code>OFFER</code> to.
* @param {JSON} peerBrowser The Peer platform agent information.
* @param {String} peerBrowser.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
* @param {Number} peerBrowser.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
* @param {Number} peerBrowser.os The Peer platform name.
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @component Peer
* @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._doOffer = function(targetMid, peerBrowser) {
var self = this;
var pc = self._peerConnections[targetMid] || self._addPeer(targetMid, peerBrowser);
log.log([targetMid, null, null, 'Checking caller status'], peerBrowser);
// NOTE ALEX: handle the pc = 0 case, just to be sure
var inputConstraints = self._room.connection.offerConstraints;
var sc = self._room.connection.sdpConstraints;
for (var name in sc.mandatory) {
if (sc.mandatory.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
inputConstraints.mandatory[name] = sc.mandatory[name];
checkMediaDataChannelSettings(peerBrowser.agent, peerBrowser.version,
function(beOfferer, unifiedOfferConstraints) {
// attempt to force make firefox not to offer datachannel.
// we will not be using datachannel in MCU
if (window.webrtcDetectedType === 'moz' && peerBrowser.agent === 'MCU') {
unifiedOfferConstraints.mandatory = unifiedOfferConstraints.mandatory || {};
unifiedOfferConstraints.mandatory.MozDontOfferDataChannel = true;
beOfferer = true;
// for windows firefox to mac chrome interopability
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'firefox' &&
window.navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') === 0 &&
peerBrowser.agent !== 'firefox' &&
peerBrowser.os.indexOf('Mac') === 0) {
beOfferer = false;
if (beOfferer) {
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'firefox' && window.webrtcDetectedVersion >= 32) {
unifiedOfferConstraints = {
offerToReceiveAudio: true,
offerToReceiveVideo: true
/*if (window.webrtcDetectedVersion > 37) {
unifiedOfferConstraints = {};
log.debug([targetMid, null, null, 'Creating offer with config:'], unifiedOfferConstraints);
pc.createOffer(function(offer) {
log.debug([targetMid, null, null, 'Created offer'], offer);
self._setLocalAndSendMessage(targetMid, offer);
}, function(error) {
self._trigger('handshakeProgress', self.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.ERROR,
targetMid, error);
log.error([targetMid, null, null, 'Failed creating an offer:'], error);
}, unifiedOfferConstraints);
} else {
log.debug([targetMid, null, null, 'User\'s browser is not eligible to create ' +
'the offer to the other peer. Requesting other peer to create the offer instead'
], peerBrowser);
mid: self._user.sid,
rid: self._room.id,
agent: window.webrtcDetectedBrowser,
version: window.webrtcDetectedVersion,
os: window.navigator.platform,
userInfo: self.getPeerInfo(),
target: targetMid,
weight: -1,
sessionType: !!self._mediaScreen ? 'screensharing' : 'stream'
}, inputConstraints);
* Responses to the <code>OFFER</code> session description received and
* creates an <code>ANSWER</code> session description to sent
* to the associated Peer to complete the WebRTC handshake layer.
* @method _doAnswer
* @param {String} targetMid The Peer ID to send the <code>ANSWER</code> to.
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @component Peer
* @since 0.1.0
Skylink.prototype._doAnswer = function(targetMid) {
var self = this;
log.log([targetMid, null, null, 'Creating answer with config:'],
var pc = self._peerConnections[targetMid];
if (pc) {
pc.createAnswer(function(answer) {
log.debug([targetMid, null, null, 'Created answer'], answer);
self._setLocalAndSendMessage(targetMid, answer);
}, function(error) {
log.error([targetMid, null, null, 'Failed creating an answer:'], error);
self._trigger('handshakeProgress', self.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.ERROR, targetMid, error);
});//, self._room.connection.sdpConstraints);
} else {
/* Houston ..*/
log.error([targetMid, null, null, 'Requested to create an answer but user ' +
'does not have any existing connection to peer']);
* Starts the waiting timeout for a "healthy" connection
* with associated Peer connection.
* It waits for any existing Peer "healthy" state in successful
* {{#crossLink "Skylink/_peerConnectionHealth:attr"}}_peerConnectionHealth{{/crossLink}}.
* If timeout has reached it's limit and does not have any "healthy" connection state
* with Peer connection, it will restart the connection again with
* {{#crossLink "Skylink/_restartPeerConnection:method"}}_restartPeerConnection(){{/crossLink}}.
* This sets the timeout object associated with the Peer into
* {{#crossLink "Skylink/_peerConnectionHealthTimers"}}_peerConnectionHealthTimers(){{/crossLink}}.
* @method _startPeerConnectionHealthCheck
* @param {String} peerId The Peer ID to start a waiting timeout for a "healthy" connection.
* @param {Boolean} [toOffer=false] The flag that indicates if Peer connection
* is an offerer or an answerer for an accurate timeout waiting time.
* @private
* @component Peer
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._startPeerConnectionHealthCheck = function (peerId, toOffer) {
var self = this;
var timer = (self._enableIceTrickle && !self._peerIceTrickleDisabled[peerId]) ?
(toOffer ? 12500 : 10000) : 50000;
timer = (self._hasMCU) ? 105000 : timer;
timer += self._retryCount*10000;
log.log([peerId, 'PeerConnectionHealth', null,
'Initializing check for peer\'s connection health']);
if (self._peerConnectionHealthTimers[peerId]) {
// might be a re-handshake again
self._peerConnectionHealthTimers[peerId] = setTimeout(function () {
// re-handshaking should start here.
if (!self._peerConnectionHealth[peerId]) {
log.warn([peerId, 'PeerConnectionHealth', null, 'Peer\'s health timer ' +
'has expired'], 10000);
// clear the loop first
log.debug([peerId, 'PeerConnectionHealth', null,
'Ice connection state time out. Re-negotiating connection']);
//Maximum increament is 5 minutes
if (self._retryCount<30){
//Increase after each consecutive connection failure
// do a complete clean
if (!self._hasMCU) {
self._restartPeerConnection(peerId, true, true, null, false);
} else {
}, timer);
* Stops the waiting timeout for a "healthy" connection associated
* with the Peer.
* @method _stopPeerConnectionHealthCheck
* @param {String} peerId The Peer ID to stop a waiting
* timeout for a "healthy" connection.
* @private
* @component Peer
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._stopPeerConnectionHealthCheck = function (peerId) {
var self = this;
if (self._peerConnectionHealthTimers[peerId]) {
log.debug([peerId, 'PeerConnectionHealth', null,
'Stopping peer connection health timer check']);
delete self._peerConnectionHealthTimers[peerId];
} else {
log.debug([peerId, 'PeerConnectionHealth', null,
'Peer connection health does not have a timer check']);
* Sets the WebRTC handshake layer session description into the
* Peer <code>RTCPeerConnection</code> object <i><code>
* RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription()</code></i> associated
* with the Peer connection.
* @method _setLocalAndSendMessage
* @param {String} targetMid The Peer ID to send the session description to
* after setting into the associated <code>RTCPeerConnection</code> object.
* @param {JSON} sessionDescription The <code>OFFER</code> or an <code>ANSWER</code>
* session description to set to the associated Peer after setting into
* the <code>RTCPeerConnection</code> object.
* @trigger handshakeProgress
* @private
* @component Peer
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._setLocalAndSendMessage = function(targetMid, sessionDescription) {
var self = this;
var pc = self._peerConnections[targetMid];
if (sessionDescription.type === self.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.ANSWER && pc.setAnswer) {
log.log([targetMid, 'RTCSessionDescription', sessionDescription.type,
'Ignoring session description. User has already set local answer'], sessionDescription);
if (sessionDescription.type === self.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.OFFER && pc.setOffer) {
log.log([targetMid, 'RTCSessionDescription', sessionDescription.type,
'Ignoring session description. User has already set local offer'], sessionDescription);
// NOTE ALEX: handle the pc = 0 case, just to be sure
var sdpLines = sessionDescription.sdp.split('\r\n');
// remove h264 invalid pref
sdpLines = self._removeSDPFirefoxH264Pref(sdpLines);
// Check if stereo was enabled
if (self._streamSettings.hasOwnProperty('audio')) {
if (self._streamSettings.audio.stereo) {
log.info([targetMid, null, null, 'Requested stereo:'], (self._streamSettings.audio ?
(self._streamSettings.audio.stereo ? self._streamSettings.audio.stereo : false) :
// set sdp bitrate
if (self._streamSettings.hasOwnProperty('bandwidth')) {
var peerSettings = (self._peerInformations[targetMid] || {}).settings || {};
sdpLines = self._setSDPBitrate(sdpLines, peerSettings);
// set sdp resolution
/*if (self._streamSettings.hasOwnProperty('video')) {
sdpLines = self._setSDPVideoResolution(sdpLines, self._streamSettings.video);
self._streamSettings.bandwidth = self._streamSettings.bandwidth || {};
self._streamSettings.video = self._streamSettings.video || false;
log.info([targetMid, null, null, 'Custom bandwidth settings:'], {
audio: (self._streamSettings.bandwidth.audio || 'Not set') + ' kB/s',
video: (self._streamSettings.bandwidth.video || 'Not set') + ' kB/s',
data: (self._streamSettings.bandwidth.data || 'Not set') + ' kB/s'
if (self._streamSettings.video.hasOwnProperty('frameRate') &&
log.info([targetMid, null, null, 'Custom resolution settings:'], {
frameRate: (self._streamSettings.video.frameRate || 'Not set') + ' fps',
width: (self._streamSettings.video.resolution.width || 'Not set') + ' px',
height: (self._streamSettings.video.resolution.height || 'Not set') + ' px'
// set video codec
if (self._selectedVideoCodec !== self.VIDEO_CODEC.AUTO) {
sdpLines = self._setSDPVideoCodec(sdpLines);
} else {
log.log([targetMid, null, null, 'Not setting any video codec']);
// set audio codec
if (self._selectedAudioCodec !== self.AUDIO_CODEC.AUTO) {
sdpLines = self._setSDPAudioCodec(sdpLines);
} else {
log.log([targetMid, null, null, 'Not setting any audio codec']);
sessionDescription.sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n');
// NOTE ALEX: opus should not be used for mobile
// Set Opus as the preferred codec in SDP if Opus is present.
//sessionDescription.sdp = preferOpus(sessionDescription.sdp);
// limit bandwidth
//sessionDescription.sdp = this._limitBandwidth(sessionDescription.sdp);
log.log([targetMid, 'RTCSessionDescription', sessionDescription.type,
'Updated session description:'], sessionDescription);
pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription, function() {
log.debug([targetMid, sessionDescription.type, 'Local description set']);
self._trigger('handshakeProgress', sessionDescription.type, targetMid);
if (sessionDescription.type === self.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.ANSWER) {
pc.setAnswer = 'local';
} else {
pc.setOffer = 'local';
if (self._enableIceTrickle && !self._peerIceTrickleDisabled[targetMid]) {
type: sessionDescription.type,
sdp: sessionDescription.sdp,
mid: self._user.sid,
target: targetMid,
rid: self._room.id
} else {
log.log([targetMid, 'RTCSessionDescription', sessionDescription.type,
'Waiting for Ice gathering to complete to prevent Ice trickle']);
}, function(error) {
self._trigger('handshakeProgress', self.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.ERROR, targetMid, error);
log.error([targetMid, 'RTCSessionDescription', sessionDescription.type,
'Failed setting local description: '], error);