* The list of Signaling server reaction states during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a>.
* @attribute SYSTEM_ACTION
* @param {String} WARNING <small>Value <code>"warning"</code></small>
* The value of the state when Room session is about to end.
* @param {String} REJECT <small>Value <code>"reject"</code></small>
* The value of the state when Room session has failed to start or has ended.
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.1
Skylink.prototype.SYSTEM_ACTION = {
WARNING: 'warning',
REJECT: 'reject'
* The list of Signaling server reaction states reason of action code during
* <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a>.
* @param {String} CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED <small>Value <code>"oldTimeStamp"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session token has expired.
* <small>Happens during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>REJECT</code></small>
* @param {String} CREDENTIALS_ERROR <small>Value <code>"credentialError"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session token provided is invalid.
* <small>Happens during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.</small>
* @param {String} DUPLICATED_LOGIN <small>Value <code>"duplicatedLogin"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session token has been used already.
* <small>Happens during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>REJECT</code></small>
* @param {String} ROOM_NOT_STARTED <small>Value <code>"notStart"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session has not started.
* <small>Happens during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>REJECT</code></small>
* @param {String} EXPIRED <small>Value <code>"expired"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session has ended already.
* <small>Happens during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>REJECT</code></small>
* @param {String} ROOM_LOCKED <small>Value <code>"locked"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room is locked.
* <small>Happens during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>REJECT</code></small>
* @param {String} FAST_MESSAGE <small>Value <code>"fastmsg"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when User is flooding socket messages to the Signaling server
* that is sent too quickly within less than a second interval.
* <small>Happens after Room session has started. This can be caused by various methods like
* <a href="#method_sendMessage"><code>sendMessage()</code> method</a>,
* <a href="#method_setUserData"><code>setUserData()</code> method</a>,
* <a href="#method_muteStream"><code>muteStream()</code> method</a>,
* <a href="#method_enableAudio"><code>enableAudio()</code> method</a>,
* <a href="#method_enableVideo"><code>enableVideo()</code> method</a>,
* <a href="#method_disableAudio"><code>disableAudio()</code> method</a> and
* <a href="#method_disableVideo"><code>disableVideo()</code> method</a></small>
* <small>Results with: <code>WARNING</code></small>
* @param {String} ROOM_CLOSING <small>Value <code>"toClose"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session is ending.
* <small>Happens after Room session has started. This serves as a prerequisite warning before
* <code>ROOM_CLOSED</code> occurs.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>WARNING</code></small>
* @param {String} ROOM_CLOSED <small>Value <code>"roomclose"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session has just ended.
* <small>Happens after Room session has started.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>REJECT</code></small>
* @param {String} SERVER_ERROR <small>Value <code>"serverError"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session fails to start due to some technical errors.
* <small>Happens during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>REJECT</code></small>
* @param {String} KEY_ERROR <small>Value <code>"keyFailed"</code></small>
* The value of the reason code when Room session fails to start due to some technical error pertaining to
* App Key initialization.
* <small>Happens during <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.</small>
* <small>Results with: <code>REJECT</code></small>
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype.SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON = {
CREDENTIALS_ERROR: 'credentialError',
DUPLICATED_LOGIN: 'duplicatedLogin',
EXPIRED: 'expired',
ROOM_LOCKED: 'locked',
FAST_MESSAGE: 'fastmsg',
ROOM_CLOSING: 'toclose',
ROOM_CLOSED: 'roomclose',
SERVER_ERROR: 'serverError',
KEY_ERROR: 'keyFailed'
* Stores the current Room name that User is connected to.
* @attribute _selectedRoom
* @type String
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.3.0
Skylink.prototype._selectedRoom = null;
* Stores the flag that indicates if Room is locked.
* @attribute _roomLocked
* @type Boolean
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._roomLocked = false;
* Stores the flag that indicates if User is connected to the Room.
* @attribute _inRoom
* @type Boolean
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.4.0
Skylink.prototype._inRoom = false;
* Function that starts the Room session.
* @method joinRoom
* @param {String} [room] The Room name.
* - When not provided, its value is the <code>options.defaultRoom</code> provided in the
* <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a>.
* <small>Note that if you are using credentials based authentication, you cannot switch the Room
* that is not the same as the <code>options.defaultRoom</code> defined in the
* <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a>.</small>
* @param {JSON} [options] The Room session configuration options.
* @param {JSON|String} [options.userData] The User custom data.
* <small>This can be set after Room session has started using the
* <a href="#method_setUserData"><code>setUserData()</code> method</a>.</small>
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.audio] The <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code>
* method</a> <code>options.audio</code> parameter settings.
* <small>When value is defined as <code>true</code> or an object, <a href="#method_getUserMedia">
* <code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a> to be invoked to retrieve new Stream. If
* <code>options.video</code> is not defined, it will be defined as <code>false</code>.</small>
* <small>Object signature matches the <code>options.audio</code> parameter in the
* <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>.</small>
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [options.video] The <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code>
* method</a> <code>options.video</code> parameter settings.
* <small>When value is defined as <code>true</code> or an object, <a href="#method_getUserMedia">
* <code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a> to be invoked to retrieve new Stream. If
* <code>options.audio</code> is not defined, it will be defined as <code>false</code>.</small>
* <small>Object signature matches the <code>options.video</code> parameter in the
* <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>.</small>
* @param {JSON} [options.bandwidth] <blockquote class="info">Note that this currently does not work
* with Firefox browsers.</blockquote> The configuration to set the maximum streaming bandwidth sent to Peers.
* @param {Number} [options.bandwidth.audio] The maximum audio streaming bandwidth sent to Peers.
* @param {Number} [options.bandwidth.video] The maximum video streaming bandwidth sent to Peers.
* @param {Number} [options.bandwidth.data] The maximum data streaming bandwidth sent to Peers.
* <small>This affects the P2P messaging in <a href="#method_sendP2PMessage"><code>sendP2PMessage()</code> method</a>,
* and data transfers in <a href="#method_sendBlobData"><code>sendBlobData()</code> method</a> and
* <a href="#method_sendURLData"><code>sendURLData()</code> method</a>.</small>
* @param {Boolean} [options.manualGetUserMedia] The flag if <code>joinRoom()</code> should trigger
* <a href="#event_mediaAccessRequired"><code>mediaAccessRequired</code> event</a> in which the
* <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> Stream</a> or
* <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> Stream</a>
* must be retrieved as a requirement before Room session may begin.
* <small>This ignores the <code>options.audio</code> and <code>options.video</code> configuration.</small>
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback function fired when request has completed.
* <small>Function parameters signature is <code>function (error, success)</code></small>
* <small>Function request completion is determined by the <a href="#event_peerJoined">
* <code>peerJoined</code> event</a> triggering <code>isSelf</code> parameter payload value as <code>true</code>
* for request success.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.error The error result in request.
* <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are no errors in request</small>
* @param {Error|String} callback.error.error The error received when starting Room session has failed.
* @param {Number} callback.error.errorCode The current <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a> ready state.
* @param {String} callback.error.room The Room name.
* @param {JSON} callback.success The success result in request.
* <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are errors in request</small>
* @param {String} callback.success.room The Room name.
* @param {String} callback.success.peerId The User's Room session Peer ID.
* @param {JSON} callback.success.peerInfo The User's current Room session information.
* <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
* <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
* @example
* // Example 1: Connecting to the default Room without Stream
* skylinkDemo.joinRoom(function (error, success) {
* if (error) return;
* console.log("User connected.");
* });
* // Example 2: Connecting to Room "testxx" with Stream
* skylinkDemo.joinRoom("testxx", {
* audio: true,
* video: true
* }, function (error, success) {
* if (error) return;
* console.log("User connected with getUserMedia() Stream.")
* });
* // Example 3: Connecting to default Room with Stream retrieved earlier
* skylinkDemo.getUserMedia(function (gUMError, gUMSuccess) {
* if (gUMError) return;
* skylinkDemo.joinRoom(function (error, success) {
* if (error) return;
* console.log("User connected with getUserMedia() Stream.");
* });
* });
* // Example 4: Connecting to "testxx" Room with shareScreen() Stream retrieved manually
* skylinkDemo.on("mediaAccessRequired", function () {
* skylinkDemo.shareScreen(function (sSError, sSSuccess) {
* if (sSError) return;
* });
* });
* skylinkDemo.joinRoom("testxx", {
* manualGetUserMedia: true
* }, function (error, success) {
* if (error) return;
* console.log("User connected with shareScreen() Stream.");
* });
* // Example 5: Connecting to "testxx" Room with User custom data
* var data = { username: "myusername" };
* skylinkDemo.joinRoom("testxx", {
* userData: data
* }, function (error, success) {
* if (error) return;
* console.log("User connected with correct user data?", success.peerInfo.userData.username === data.username);
* });
* @trigger <ol class="desc-seq">
* <li>Invokes <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a> to retrieve Room session token.</li>
* <li>Starts a socket connection with the Signaling server.<ol>
* <li>When socket connection to Signaling server is successfully established,
* <a href="#event_channelOpen"><code>channelOpen</code> event</a> triggers.</li>
* <li>When socket connection to Signaling server is fails to establish,
* <a href="#event_socketError"><code>socketError</code> event</a> triggers.<small>
* Triggers <a href="#event_channelRetry"><code>channelRetry</code> event</a> if there are
* still existing fallback ports and transport to attempt to establish a successful
* socket connection with the Signaling server.</small></li></ol></li>
* <li><a href="#event_channelMessage"><code>channelMessage</code> event</a> triggers.</li>
* <li><a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a> triggers parameter payload
* <code>isSelf</code> value as <code>true</code>. <small>If MCU is enabled for the App Key,
* the <a href="#event_serverPeerJoined"><code>serverPeerJoined</code> event</a> will be triggered
* when MCU is present in the Room, and then Peer connections can commence.</small><small>If
* <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> Stream</a> is available despite having
* <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> Stream</a> available, the
* <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> Stream</a> is sent instead of the
* <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> Stream</a> to Peers.</small></li></ol>
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype.joinRoom = function(room, mediaOptions, callback) {
var self = this;
var error;
var stopStream = false;
var previousRoom = self._selectedRoom;
if (room === null) {
error = 'Invalid room name is provided';
log.error(error, room);
if (typeof mediaOptions === 'function') {
callback = mediaOptions;
mediaOptions = undefined;
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
room: room,
errorCode: self._readyState,
error: new Error(error)
}, null);
else if (typeof room === 'string') {
//joinRoom(room+); - skip
//joinRoom(room+,mediaOptions+) - skip
// joinRoom(room+,callback+)
if (typeof mediaOptions === 'function') {
callback = mediaOptions;
mediaOptions = undefined;
// joinRoom(room+, mediaOptions-)
} else if (typeof mediaOptions !== 'undefined') {
if (mediaOptions === null || typeof mediaOptions !== 'object') {
error = 'Invalid mediaOptions is provided';
log.error(error, mediaOptions);
// joinRoom(room+,mediaOptions-,callback+)
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
room: room,
errorCode: self._readyState,
error: new Error(error)
}, null);
} else if (typeof room === 'object') {
//joinRoom(mediaOptions+, callback);
if (typeof mediaOptions === 'function') {
callback = mediaOptions;
mediaOptions = room;
room = undefined;
} else if (typeof room === 'function') {
callback = room;
room = undefined;
mediaOptions = undefined;
} else if (typeof room !== 'undefined') {
error = 'Invalid mediaOptions is provided';
log.error(error, mediaOptions);
if (typeof mediaOptions === 'function') {
callback = mediaOptions;
mediaOptions = undefined;
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
room: self._defaultRoom,
errorCode: self._readyState,
error: new Error(error)
}, null);
// If no room provided, join the default room
if (!room) {
room = self._defaultRoom;
//if none of the above is true --> joinRoom()
var channelCallback = function (error, success) {
if (error) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
error: error,
errorCode: null,
room: self._selectedRoom
}, null);
} else {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
self.once('peerJoined', function(peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
// keep returning _inRoom false, so do a wait
self._wait(function () {
log.log([null, 'Socket', self._selectedRoom, 'Peer joined. Firing callback. ' +
'PeerId ->'
], peerId);
callback(null, {
room: self._selectedRoom,
peerId: peerId,
peerInfo: peerInfo
}, function () {
return self._inRoom;
}, false);
}, function(peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
return isSelf;
}, false);
uid: self._user.uid,
cid: self._key,
rid: self._room.id,
userCred: self._user.token,
timeStamp: self._user.timeStamp,
apiOwner: self._appKeyOwner,
roomCred: self._room.token,
start: self._room.startDateTime,
len: self._room.duration,
isPrivileged: self._isPrivileged === true, // Default to false if undefined
autoIntroduce: self._autoIntroduce !== false, // Default to true if undefined
key: self._appKey
if (self._inRoom) {
if (typeof mediaOptions === 'object') {
if (mediaOptions.audio === false && mediaOptions.video === false) {
stopStream = true;
log.warn([null, 'MediaStream', self._selectedRoom, 'Stopping current MediaStream ' +
'as provided settings for audio and video is false (' + stopStream + ')'], mediaOptions);
log.log([null, 'Socket', previousRoom, 'Leaving room before joining new room'], self._selectedRoom);
self.leaveRoom(stopStream, function(error, success) {
log.log([null, 'Socket', previousRoom, 'Leave room callback result'], {
error: error,
success: success
log.log([null, 'Socket', self._selectedRoom, 'Joining room. Media options:'], mediaOptions);
if (typeof room === 'string' ? room !== self._selectedRoom : false) {
self._initSelectedRoom(room, function(errorObj) {
if (errorObj) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
room: self._selectedRoom,
errorCode: self._readyState,
error: new Error(errorObj)
}, null);
} else {
self._waitForOpenChannel(mediaOptions, channelCallback);
} else {
self._waitForOpenChannel(mediaOptions, channelCallback);
} else {
log.log([null, 'Socket', self._selectedRoom, 'Joining room. Media options:'],
var isNotSameRoom = typeof room === 'string' ? room !== self._selectedRoom : false;
if (isNotSameRoom) {
self._initSelectedRoom(room, function(errorObj) {
if (errorObj) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
room: self._selectedRoom,
errorCode: self._readyState,
error: new Error(errorObj)
}, null);
} else {
self._waitForOpenChannel(mediaOptions, channelCallback);
} else {
self._waitForOpenChannel(mediaOptions, channelCallback);
* Function that stops Room session.
* @method leaveRoom
* @param {Boolean|JSON} [stopMediaOptions=true] The flag if <code>leaveRoom()</code>
* should stop both <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> Stream</a>
* and <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> Stream</a>.
* - When provided as a boolean, this sets both <code>stopMediaOptions.userMedia</code>
* and <code>stopMediaOptions.screenshare</code> to its boolean value.
* @param {Boolean} [stopMediaOptions.userMedia=true] The flag if <code>leaveRoom()</code>
* should stop <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> Stream</a>.
* <small>This invokes <a href="#method_stopStream"><code>stopStream()</code> method</a>.</small>
* @param {Boolean} [stopMediaOptions.screenshare=true] The flag if <code>leaveRoom()</code>
* should stop <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> Stream</a>.
* <small>This invokes <a href="#method_stopScreen"><code>stopScreen()</code> method</a>.</small>
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback function fired when request has completed.
* <small>Function parameters signature is <code>function (error, success)</code></small>
* <small>Function request completion is determined by the <a href="#event_peerLeft">
* <code>peerLeft</code> event</a> triggering <code>isSelf</code> parameter payload value as <code>true</code>
* for request success.</small>
* @param {Error|String} callback.error The error result in request.
* <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are no errors in request</small>
* <small>Object signature is the <code>leaveRoom()</code> error when stopping Room session.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.success The success result in request.
* <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are errors in request</small>
* @param {String} callback.success.peerId The User's Room session Peer ID.
* @param {String} callback.success.previousRoom The Room name.
* @trigger <ol class="desc-seq">
* <li>When <code>stopMediaOptions.userMedia</code> is <code>true</code>, the
* <a href="#method_stopStream"><code>stopStream()</code> method</a> is invoked.</li>
* <li>When <code>stopMediaOptions.screenshare</code> is <code>true</code>, the
* <a href="#method_stopScreen"><code>stopScreen()</code> method</a> is invoked.</li>
* <li>Stops the socket connection with the Signaling server. <ol>
* <li>When socket connection to Signaling server is closed,
* <a href="#event_channelClose"><code>channelClose</code> event</a> triggers.</li></ol></li>
* <li><a href="#event_peerLeft"><code>peerLeft</code> event</a> triggers for Peers in the Room and User.
* <small>If MCU is enabled for the App Key, the <a href="#event_serverPeerLeft">
* <code>serverPeerLeft</code> event</a> will be triggered when Room session has ended.</small></li></ol>
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype.leaveRoom = function(stopMediaOptions, callback) {
var self = this;
var error; // j-shint !!!
var stopUserMedia = true;
var stopScreenshare = true;
// shift parameters
if (typeof stopMediaOptions === 'function') {
callback = stopMediaOptions;
stopMediaOptions = true;
} else if (typeof stopMediaOptions === 'undefined') {
stopMediaOptions = true;
// stopMediaOptions === null or {} ?
if (typeof stopMediaOptions === 'object' && stopMediaOptions !== null) {
stopUserMedia = stopMediaOptions.userMedia !== false;
stopScreenshare = stopMediaOptions.screenshare !== false;
} else if (typeof stopMediaOptions !== 'boolean') {
error = 'stopMediaOptions parameter provided is not a boolean or valid object';
log.error(error, stopMediaOptions);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
log.log([null, 'Socket', self._selectedRoom, 'Error occurred. ' +
'Firing callback with error -> '
], error);
callback(new Error(error), null);
} else if (stopMediaOptions === false) {
stopUserMedia = false;
stopScreenshare = false;
if (!self._inRoom) {
error = 'Unable to leave room as user is not in any room';
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
log.log([null, 'Socket', self._selectedRoom, 'Error occurred. ' +
'Firing callback with error -> '
], error);
callback(new Error(error), null);
// NOTE: ENTER/WELCOME made but no peerconnection...
// which may result in peerLeft not triggered..
// WHY? but to ensure clear all
var peers = Object.keys(self._peerInformations);
var conns = Object.keys(self._peerConnections);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < conns.length; i++) {
if (peers.indexOf(conns[i]) === -1) {
for (i = 0; i < peers.length; i++) {
self._inRoom = false;
userMedia: stopUserMedia,
screenshare: stopScreenshare
self._wait(function() {
log.log([null, 'Socket', self._selectedRoom, 'User left the room. Callback fired.']);
self._trigger('peerLeft', self._user.sid, self.getPeerInfo(), true);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback(null, {
peerId: self._user.sid,
previousRoom: self._selectedRoom
}, function() {
return (Object.keys(self._peerConnections).length === 0 &&
self._channelOpen === false); // &&
//self._readyState === self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.COMPLETED);
}, false);
* Function that locks the current Room when in session to prevent other Peers from joining the Room.
* @method lockRoom
* @trigger <ol class="desc-seq">
* <li><a href="#event_roomLock"><code>roomLock</code> event</a> triggers parameter payload
* <code>isLocked</code> value as <code>true</code>.</li></ol>
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.0
Skylink.prototype.lockRoom = function() {
log.log('Update to isRoomLocked status ->', true);
mid: this._user.sid,
rid: this._room.id,
lock: true
this._roomLocked = true;
this._trigger('roomLock', true, this._user.sid,
this.getPeerInfo(), true);
* Function that unlocks the current Room when in session to allow other Peers to join the Room.
* @method unlockRoom
* @trigger <ol class="desc-seq">
* <li><a href="#event_roomLock"><code>roomLock</code> event</a> triggers parameter payload
* <code>isLocked</code> value as <code>false</code>.</li></ol>
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.0
Skylink.prototype.unlockRoom = function() {
log.log('Update to isRoomLocked status ->', false);
mid: this._user.sid,
rid: this._room.id,
lock: false
this._roomLocked = false;
this._trigger('roomLock', false, this._user.sid,
this.getPeerInfo(), true);
* Function that waits for Socket connection to Signaling to be opened.
* @method _waitForOpenChannel
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._waitForOpenChannel = function(mediaOptions, callback) {
var self = this;
// when reopening room, it should stay as 0
self._socketCurrentReconnectionAttempt = 0;
// wait for ready state before opening
self._wait(function() {
self._condition('channelOpen', function() {
mediaOptions = mediaOptions || {};
// parse user data settings
self._parseUserData(mediaOptions.userData || self._userData);
// wait for local mediastream
self._waitForLocalMediaStream(callback, mediaOptions);
}, function() { // open channel first if it's not opened
if (!self._channelOpen) {
return self._channelOpen;
}, function(state) {
return true;
}, function() {
return self._readyState === self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.COMPLETED;