File: source/skylink-events.js

var _eventsDocs = {
   * Event triggered when socket connection to Signaling server has opened.
   * @event channelOpen
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  channelOpen: [],

   * Event triggered when socket connection to Signaling server has closed.
   * @event channelClose
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  channelClose: [],

   * <blockquote class="info">
   *   Note that this is used only for SDK developer purposes.
   * </blockquote>
   * Event triggered when receiving socket message from the Signaling server.
   * @event channelMessage
   * @param {JSON} message The socket message object.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  channelMessage: [],

   * <blockquote class="info">
   *   This may be caused by Javascript errors in the event listener when subscribing to events.<br>
   *   It may be resolved by checking for code errors in your Web App in the event subscribing listener.<br>
   *   <code>skylinkDemo.on("eventName", function () { // Errors here });</code>
   * </blockquote>
   * Event triggered when socket connection encountered exception.
   * @event channelError
   * @param {Error|String} error The error object.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  channelError: [],

   * Event triggered when attempting to establish socket connection to Signaling server when failed.
   * @event channelRetry
   * @param {String} fallbackType The current fallback state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_FALLBACK]
   * @param {Number} currentAttempt The current reconnection attempt.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.6
  channelRetry: [],

   * Event triggered when attempt to establish socket connection to Signaling server has failed.
   * @event socketError
   * @param {Number} errorCode The socket connection error code.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_ERROR]
   * @param {Error|String|Number} error The error object.
   * @param {String} type The fallback state of the socket connection attempt.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_FALLBACK]
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.5
  socketError: [],

   * Event triggered when <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a> ready state changes.
   * @event readyStateChange
   * @param {Number} readyState The current <code>init()</code> ready state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE]
   * @param {JSON} [error] The error result.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> is <code>ERROR</code>.</small>
   * @param {Number} error.status The HTTP status code when failed.
   * @param {Number} error.errorCode The ready state change failure code.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR]
   * @param {Error} error.content The error object.
   * @param {String} room The Room to The Room to retrieve session token for.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.4.0
  readyStateChange: [],

   * Event triggered when a Peer connection establishment state has changed.
   * @event handshakeProgress
   * @param {String} state The current Peer connection establishment state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS]
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {Error|String} [error] The error object.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> is <code>ERROR</code>.</small>
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.3.0
  handshakeProgress: [],

   * <blockquote class="info">
   *   Learn more about how ICE works in this
   *   <a href="">article here</a>.
   * </blockquote>
   * Event triggered when a Peer connection ICE gathering state has changed.
   * @event candidateGenerationState
   * @param {String} state The current Peer connection ICE gathering state.
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  candidateGenerationState: [],

   * <blockquote class="info">
   *   Learn more about how ICE works in this
   *   <a href="">article here</a>.
   * </blockquote>
   * Event triggered when a Peer connection session description exchanging state has changed.
   * @event peerConnectionState
   * @param {String} state The current Peer connection session description exchanging state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE]
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  peerConnectionState: [],

   * <blockquote class="info">
   *   Learn more about how ICE works in this
   *   <a href="">article here</a>.
   * </blockquote>
   * Event triggered when a Peer connection ICE connection state has changed.
   * @event iceConnectionState
   * @param {String} state The current Peer connection ICE connection state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE]
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  iceConnectionState: [],

   * Event triggered when retrieval of Stream failed.
   * @event mediaAccessError
   * @param {Error|String} error The error object.
   * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag if event occurred during
   *   <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> method</a> and not
   *   <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>.
   * @param {Boolean} isAudioFallbackError The flag if event occurred during
   *   retrieval of audio tracks only when <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>
   *   had failed to retrieve both audio and video tracks.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  mediaAccessError: [],

   * Event triggered when Stream retrieval fallback state has changed.
   * @event mediaAccessFallback
   * @param {JSON} error The error result.
   * @param {Error|String} error.error The error object.
   * @param {JSON} [error.diff=null] The list of excepted but received audio and video tracks in Stream.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>FALLBACKED</code>.</small>
   * @param {JSON} The expected and received video tracks.
   * @param {Number} The expected video tracks.
   * @param {Number} The received video tracks.
   * @param {JSON} The expected and received audio tracks.
   * @param {Number} The expected audio tracks.
   * @param {Number} The received audio tracks.
   * @param {Number} state The fallback state.
   * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag if event occurred during
   *   <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> method</a> and not
   *   <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>.
   * @param {Boolean} isAudioFallback The flag if event occurred during
   *   retrieval of audio tracks only when <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>
   *   had failed to retrieve both audio and video tracks.
   * @param {String} streamId The Stream ID.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>FALLBACKED</code>.</small>
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.3
  mediaAccessFallback: [],

   * Event triggered when retrieval of Stream is successful.
   * @event mediaAccessSuccess
   * @param {MediaStream} stream The Stream object.
   *   <small>To attach it to an element: <code>attachMediaStream(videoElement, stream);</code>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag if event occurred during
   *   <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> method</a> and not
   *   <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>.
   * @param {Boolean} isAudioFallback The flag if event occurred during
   *   retrieval of audio tracks only when <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>
   *   had failed to retrieve both audio and video tracks.
   * @param {String} streamId The Stream ID.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  mediaAccessSuccess: [],

   * Event triggered when retrieval of Stream is required to complete <a href="#method_joinRoom">
   * <code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> request.
   * @event mediaAccessRequired
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.5
  mediaAccessRequired: [],

   * Event triggered when Stream has stopped streaming.
   * @event mediaAccessStopped
   * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag if event occurred during
   *   <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> method</a> and not
   *   <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>.
   * @param {Boolean} isAudioFallback The flag if event occurred during
   *   retrieval of audio tracks only when <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a>
   *   had failed to retrieve both audio and video tracks.
   * @param {String} streamId The Stream ID.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.6
  mediaAccessStopped: [],

   * Event triggered when a Peer joins the room.
   * @event peerJoined
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   * @param {JSON|String} peerInfo.userData The Peer current custom data.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer sending Stream settings.
   * @param {Boolean|JSON} The Peer Stream audio settings.
   *   <small>When defined as <code>false</code>, it means there is no audio being sent from Peer.</small>
   *   <small>When defined as <code>true</code>, the <code></code> value is
   *   considered as <code>false</code> and the <code></code>
   *   value is considered as <code>false</code>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} The flag if stereo band is configured
   *   when encoding audio codec is <a href="#attr_AUDIO_CODEC"><code>OPUS</code></a> for receiving audio data.
   * @param {Boolean} [] <blockquote class="info">
   *   Note that this feature might not work depending on the browser support and implementation.</blockquote>
   *   The flag if DTX (Discontinuous Transmission) is configured when encoding audio codec
   *   is <a href="#attr_AUDIO_CODEC"><code>OPUS</code></a> for sending audio data.
   *   <small>This might help to reduce bandwidth it reduces the bitrate during silence or background noise.</small>
   *   <small>When not defined, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} [] <blockquote class="info">
   *   Note that this feature might not work depending on the browser support and implementation.</blockquote>
   *   The flag if capability to take advantage of in-band FEC (Forward Error Correction) is
   *   configured when encoding audio codec is <a href="#attr_AUDIO_CODEC"><code>OPUS</code></a> for sending audio data.
   *   <small>This might help to reduce the harm of packet loss by encoding information about the previous packet.</small>
   *   <small>When not defined, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] <blockquote class="info">
   *   Note that this feature might not work depending on the browser support and implementation.</blockquote>
   *   The maximum output sampling rate rendered in Hertz (Hz) when encoding audio codec is
   *   <a href="#attr_AUDIO_CODEC"><code>OPUS</code></a> for sending audio data.
   *   <small>This value must be between <code>8000</code> to <code>48000</code>.</small>
   *   <small>When not defined, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} The flag if echo cancellation is enabled for audio tracks.
   * @param {Array} [] The Peer Stream <code>navigator.getUserMedia()</code> API
   *   <code>audio: { optional [..] }</code> property.
   * @param {String} [] The Peer Stream audio track source ID of the device used.
   * @param {Boolean} The flag if Peer Stream audio track is sending exact
   *   requested values of <code></code> when provided.
   * @param {Boolean|JSON} The Peer Stream video settings.
   *   <small>When defined as <code>false</code>, it means there is no video being sent from Peer.</small>
   *   <small>When defined as <code>true</code>, the <code></code> value is
   *   considered as <code>false</code>  and the <code></code>
   *   value is considered as <code>false</code>.</small>
   * @param {JSON} [] The Peer Stream video resolution.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
   * @param {Number|JSON} The Peer Stream video resolution width or
   *   video resolution width settings.
   *   <small>When defined as a JSON object, it is the user set resolution width settings with (<code>"min"</code> or
   *   <code>"max"</code> or <code>"ideal"</code> or <code>"exact"</code> etc configurations).</small>
   * @param {Number|JSON} The Peer Stream video resolution height or
   *   video resolution height settings.
   *   <small>When defined as a JSON object, it is the user set resolution height settings with (<code>"min"</code> or
   *   <code>"max"</code> or <code>"ideal"</code> or <code>"exact"</code> etc configurations).</small>
   * @param {Number|JSON} [] The Peer Stream video
   *   <a href="">frameRate</a> per second (fps) or video frameRate settings.
   *   <small>When defined as a JSON object, it is the user set frameRate settings with (<code>"min"</code> or
   *   <code>"max"</code> or <code>"ideal"</code> or <code>"exact"</code> etc configurations).</small>
   * @param {Boolean} The flag if Peer Stream is a screensharing Stream.
   * @param {Array} [] The Peer Stream <code>navigator.getUserMedia()</code> API
   *   <code>video: { optional [..] }</code> property.
   * @param {String} [] The Peer Stream video track source ID of the device used.
   * @param {Boolean} The flag if Peer Stream video track is sending exact
   *   requested values of <code></code>,
   *   <code></code> and <code></code>
   *   when provided.
   * @param {String|JSON} [] The Peer Stream video camera facing mode.
   *   <small>When defined as a JSON object, it is the user set facingMode settings with (<code>"min"</code> or
   *   <code>"max"</code> or <code>"ideal"</code> or <code>"exact"</code> etc configurations).</small>
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings.bandwidth The maximum streaming bandwidth sent from Peer.
   * @param {Number} [] The maximum audio streaming bandwidth sent from Peer.
   * @param {Number} [] The maximum video streaming bandwidth sent from Peer.
   * @param {Number} [] The maximum data streaming bandwidth sent from Peer.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings.googleXBandwidth <blockquote class="info">
   *   Note that this feature might not work depending on the browser support and implementation,
   *   and its properties and values are only defined for User's end and cannot be viewed
   *   from Peer's end (when <code>isSelf</code> value is <code>false</code>).</blockquote>
   *   The experimental google video streaming bandwidth sent to Peers.
   * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.googleXBandwidth.min] The minimum experimental google video streaming bandwidth sent to Peers.
   * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.googleXBandwidth.max] The maximum experimental google video streaming bandwidth sent to Peers.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream muted settings.
   * @param {Boolean} peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted The flag if Peer Stream audio tracks is muted or not.
   *   <small>If Peer <code></code> is false, this will be defined as <code>true</code>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted The flag if Peer Stream video tracks is muted or not.
   *   <small>If Peer <code></code> is false, this will be defined as <code>true</code>.</small>
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer agent information.
   * @param {String} The Peer agent name.
   *   <small>Data may be accessing browser or non-Web SDK name.</small>
   * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer agent version.
   *   <small>Data may be accessing browser or non-Web SDK version. If the original value is <code>""</code>,
   *   it will be interpreted as <code>0.90601</code> where <code>0</code> helps to seperate the minor dots.</small>
   * @param {String} [peerInfo.agent.os] The Peer platform name.
   *  <small>Data may be accessing OS platform version from Web SDK.</small>
   * @param {String} [peerInfo.agent.pluginVersion] The Peer Temasys Plugin version.
   *  <small>Defined only when Peer is using the Temasys Plugin (IE / Safari).</small>
   * @param {String} The Room Peer is from.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo.config The Peer connection configuration.
   * @param {Boolean} peerInfo.config.enableIceTrickle The flag if Peer connection has
   *   trickle ICE enabled or faster connectivity.
   * @param {Boolean} peerInfo.config.enableDataChannel The flag if Datachannel connections would be enabled for Peer.
   * @param {Boolean} peerInfo.config.enableIceRestart The flag if Peer connection has ICE connection restart support.
   *   <small>Note that ICE connection restart support is not honoured for MCU enabled Peer connection.</small>
   * @param {Number} peerInfo.config.priorityWeight The flag if Peer or User should be the offerer.
   *   <small>If User's <code>priorityWeight</code> is higher than Peer's, User is the offerer, else Peer is.
   *   However for the case where the MCU is connected, User will always be the offerer.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} peerInfo.config.publishOnly The flag if Peer is publishing only stream but not receiving streams.
   * @param {Boolean} peerInfo.config.receiveOnly The flag if Peer is receiving only streams but not publishing stream.
   * @param {String} [peerInfo.parentId] The parent Peer ID that it is matched to for multi-streaming connections.
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.2
  peerJoined: [],

   * Event triggered when a Peer connection has been refreshed.
   * @event peerRestart
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelfInitiateRestart The flag if User is initiating the Peer connection refresh.
   * @param {Boolean} isIceRestart The flag if Peer connection ICE connection will restart.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.5
  peerRestart: [],

   * Event triggered when a Peer session information has been updated.
   * @event peerUpdated
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.2
  peerUpdated: [],

   * Event triggered when a Peer leaves the room.
   * @event peerLeft
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.2
  peerLeft: [],

   * Event triggered when Room session has ended abruptly due to network disconnections.
   * @event sessionDisconnect
   * @param {String} peerId The User's Room session Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The User's Room session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.10
  sessionDisconnect: [],

   * Event triggered when receiving Peer Stream.
   * @event incomingStream
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {MediaStream} stream The Stream object.
   *   <small>To attach it to an element: <code>attachMediaStream(videoElement, stream);</code>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag if Peer Stream is a screensharing Stream.
   * @param {String} streamId The Stream ID.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.5
  incomingStream: [],

   * Event triggered when receiving message from Peer.
   * @event incomingMessage
   * @param {JSON} message The message result.
   * @param {JSON|String} message.content The message object.
   * @param {String} message.senderPeerId The sender Peer ID.
   * @param {String|Array} [message.targetPeerId] The value of the <code>targetPeerId</code>
   *   defined in <a href="#method_sendP2PMessage"><code>sendP2PMessage()</code> method</a> or
   *   <a href="#method_sendMessage"><code>sendMessage()</code> method</a>.
   *   <small>Defined as User's Peer ID when <code>isSelf</code> payload value is <code>false</code>.</small>
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when provided <code>targetPeerId</code> in
   *   <a href="#method_sendP2PMessage"><code>sendP2PMessage()</code> method</a> or
   *   <a href="#method_sendMessage"><code>sendMessage()</code> method</a> is not defined.</small>
   * @param {Array} [message.listOfPeers] The list of Peers that the message has been sent to.
   *  <small>Defined only when <code>isSelf</code> payload value is <code>true</code>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} message.isPrivate The flag if message is targeted or not, basing
   *   off the <code>targetPeerId</code> parameter being defined in
   *   <a href="#method_sendP2PMessage"><code>sendP2PMessage()</code> method</a> or
   *   <a href="#method_sendMessage"><code>sendMessage()</code> method</a>.
   * @param {Boolean} message.isDataChannel The flag if message is sent from
   *   <a href="#method_sendP2PMessage"><code>sendP2PMessage()</code> method</a>.
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.2
  incomingMessage: [],

   * Event triggered when receiving completed data transfer from Peer.
   * @event incomingData
   * @param {Blob|String} data The data.
   * @param {String} transferId The data transfer ID.
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} transferInfo The data transfer information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>transferInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_dataTransferState"><code>dataTransferState</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.1
  incomingData: [],

   * Event triggered when receiving upload data transfer from Peer.
   * @event incomingDataRequest
   * @param {String} transferId The transfer ID.
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {String} transferInfo The data transfer information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>transferInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_dataTransferState"><code>dataTransferState</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.1
  incomingDataRequest: [],

   * Event triggered when Room locked status has changed.
   * @event roomLock
   * @param {Boolean} isLocked The flag if Room is locked.
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if User changed the Room locked status.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.2
  roomLock: [],

   * Event triggered when a Datachannel connection state has changed.
   * @event dataChannelState
   * @param {String} state The current Datachannel connection state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_STATE]
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {Error} [error] The error object.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>ERROR</code> or <code>SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR</code>.</small>
   * @param {String} channelName The Datachannel ID.
   * @param {String} channelType The Datachannel type.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE]
   * @param {String} messageType The Datachannel sending Datachannel message error type.
   *   <small>Defined only when <cod>state</code> payload is <code>SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR</code>.</small>
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.1.0
  dataChannelState: [],

   * Event triggered when a data transfer state has changed.
   * @event dataTransferState
   * @param {String} state The current data transfer state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_STATE]
   * @param {String} transferId The data transfer ID.
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} transferInfo The data transfer information.
   * @param {Blob|String} [] The data object.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>UPLOAD_STARTED</code> or
   *   <code>DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED</code>.</small>
   * @param {String} The data transfer name.
   * @param {Number} transferInfo.size The data transfer data object size.
   * @param {String} transferInfo.dataType The data transfer session type.
   * @param {String} transferInfo.chunkType The data transfer type of data chunk being used to send to Peer for transfers.
   *   <small>For <a href="#method_sendBlobData"><code>sendBlobData()</code> method</a> data transfers, the
   *   initial data chunks value may change depending on the currently received data chunk type or the
   *   agent supported sending type of data chunks.</small>
   *   <small>For <a href="#method_sendURLData"><code>sendURLData()</code> method</a> data transfers, it is
   *   <code>STRING</code> always.</small>
   *   [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_DATA_TYPE]
   * @param {String} [transferInfo.mimeType] The data transfer data object MIME type.
   *   <small>Defined only when <a href="#method_sendBlobData"><code>sendBlobData()</code> method</a>
   *   data object sent MIME type information is defined.</small>
   * @param {Number} transferInfo.chunkSize The data transfer data chunk size.
   * @param {Number} transferInfo.percentage The data transfer percentage of completion progress.
   * @param {Number} transferInfo.timeout The flag if message is targeted or not, basing
   *   off the <code>targetPeerId</code> parameter being defined in
   *   <a href="#method_sendURLData"><code>sendURLData()</code> method</a> or
   *   <a href="#method_sendBlobData"><code>sendBlobData()</code> method</a>.
   * @param {Boolean} transferInfo.isPrivate The flag if message is targeted or not, basing
   *   off the <code>targetPeerId</code> parameter being defined in
   *   <a href="#method_sendBlobData"><code>sendBlobData()</code> method</a> or
   *   <a href="#method_sendURLData"><code>sendURLData()</code> method</a>.
   * @param {String} transferInfo.direction The data transfer direction.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_TYPE]
   * @param {JSON} [error] The error result.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>ERROR</code>, <code>CANCEL</code>,
   *   <code>REJECTED</code> or <code>USER_REJECTED</code>.</small>
   * @param {Error|String} error.message The error object.
   * @param {String} error.transferType The data transfer direction from where the error occurred.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_TYPE]
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.4.1
  dataTransferState: [],

   * Event triggered when Signaling server reaction state has changed.
   * @event systemAction
   * @param {String} action The current Signaling server reaction state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.SYSTEM_ACTION]
   * @param {String} message The message.
   * @param {String} reason The Signaling server reaction state reason of action code.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON]
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.1
  systemAction: [],

   * Event triggered when a server Peer joins the room.
   * @event serverPeerJoined
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {String} serverPeerType The server Peer type
   *   [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.1
  serverPeerJoined: [],

   * Event triggered when a server Peer leaves the room.
   * @event serverPeerLeft
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {String} serverPeerType The server Peer type
   *   [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.1
  serverPeerLeft: [],

   * Event triggered when a server Peer connection has been refreshed.
   * @event serverPeerRestart
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {String} serverPeerType The server Peer type
   *   [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.1
  serverPeerRestart: [],

   * Event triggered when a Peer Stream streaming has stopped.
   * <small>Note that it may not be the currently sent Stream to User, and it also triggers
   * when User leaves the Room for any currently sent Stream to User from Peer.</small>
   * @event streamEnded
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag if Peer Stream is a screensharing Stream.
   * @param {String} streamId The Stream ID.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.5.10
  streamEnded: [],

   * Event triggered when Peer Stream audio or video tracks has been muted / unmuted.
   * @event streamMuted
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerInfo The Peer session information.
   *   <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
   *   <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag if Peer is User.
   * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag if Peer Stream is a screensharing Stream.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.1
  streamMuted: [],

   * Event triggered when <a href="#method_getPeers"><code>getPeers()</code> method</a> retrieval state changes.
   * @event getPeersStateChange
   * @param {String} state The current <code>getPeers()</code> retrieval state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.GET_PEERS_STATE]
   * @param {String} privilegedPeerId The User's privileged Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} peerList The list of Peer IDs Rooms within the same App space.
   * @param {Array} peerList.#room The list of Peer IDs associated with the Room defined in <code>#room</code> property.
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.1
  getPeersStateChange: [],

   * Event triggered when <a href="#method_introducePeer"><code>introducePeer()</code> method</a>
   * introduction request state changes.
   * @event introduceStateChange
   * @param {String} state The current <code>introducePeer()</code> introduction request state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.INTRODUCE_STATE]
   * @param {String} privilegedPeerId The User's privileged Peer ID.
   * @param {String} sendingPeerId The Peer ID to be connected with <code>receivingPeerId</code>.
   * @param {String} receivingPeerId The Peer ID to be connected with <code>sendingPeerId</code>.
   * @param {String} [reason] The error object.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>ERROR</code>.</small>
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.1
  introduceStateChange: [],

   * Event triggered when recording session state has changed.
   * @event recordingState
   * @param {Number} state The current recording session state.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.RECORDING_STATE]
   * @param {String} recordingId The recording session ID.
   * @param {JSON} link The recording session mixin videos link in
   *   <a href="">MP4</a> format.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>LINK</code>.</small>
   * @param {String} link.#peerId The recording session recorded Peer only video associated
   *   with the Peer ID defined in <code>#peerId</code> property.
   *   <small>If <code>#peerId</code> value is <code>"mixin"</code>, it means that is the mixin
   *   video of all Peers in the Room.</small>
   * @param {Error|String} error The error object.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>ERROR</code>.</small>
   * @beta
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.16
  recordingState: [],

   * Event triggered when <a href="#method_getConnectionStatus"><code>getConnectionStatus()</code> method</a>
   * retrieval state changes.
   * @event getConnectionStatusStateChange
   * @param {Number} state The current <code>getConnectionStatus()</code> retrieval state.
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {JSON} [stats] The Peer connection current stats.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>RETRIEVE_SUCCESS</code>.</small>
   * @param {JSON} stats.raw The Peer connection raw stats before parsing.
   * @param {JSON} The Peer connection audio streaming stats.
   * @param {JSON} The Peer connection sending audio streaming stats.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current sending audio streaming bytes.
   *   <small>Note that value is in bytes so you have to convert that to bits for displaying for an example kbps.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total sending audio streaming bytes.
   *   <small>Note that value is in bytes so you have to convert that to bits for displaying for an example kbps.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current sending audio streaming packets.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total sending audio streaming packets.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current sending audio streaming packets lost.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total sending audio streaming packets lost.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection sending audio streaming RTP packets SSRC.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection sending audio streaming RTT (Round-trip delay time).
   *   <small>Defined as <code>0</code> if it's not present in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection sending audio streaming RTP packets jitter in seconds.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>0</code> if it's not present in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming
   *   RTP packets jitter buffer in miliseconds.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {JSON} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming selected codec information.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if local session description is not available before parsing.</small>
   * @param {String} The Peer connection sending audio streaming selected codec name.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection sending audio streaming selected codec payload type.
   * @param {String} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming selected codec implementation.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming selected codec channels (2 for stereo).
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing,
   *   and this is usually present in <code></code> property.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming selected codec media sampling rate.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {String} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming selected codec parameters.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming input level.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming echo return loss in db (decibels).
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending audio streaming
   *   echo return loss enhancement db (decibels).
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {JSON} The Peer connection receiving audio streaming stats.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current sending audio streaming bytes.
   *   <small>Note that value is in bytes so you have to convert that to bits for displaying for an example kbps.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total sending audio streaming bytes.
   *   <small>Note that value is in bytes so you have to convert that to bits for displaying for an example kbps.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current receiving audio streaming packets.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total receiving audio streaming packets.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current receiving audio streaming packets lost.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total receiving audio streaming packets lost.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection receiving audio streaming RTP packets SSRC.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection receiving audio streaming RTP packets jitter in seconds.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>0</code> if it's not present in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving audio streaming
   *   RTP packets jitter buffer in miliseconds.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {JSON} [] The Peer connection receiving audio streaming selected codec information.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if remote session description is not available before parsing.</small>
   *   <small>Note that if the value is polyfilled, the value may not be accurate since the remote Peer can override the selected codec.
   *   The value is derived from the remote session description.</small>
   * @param {String} The Peer connection receiving audio streaming selected codec name.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection receiving audio streaming selected codec payload type.
   * @param {String} [] The Peer connection receiving audio streaming selected codec implementation.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving audio streaming selected codec channels (2 for stereo).
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing,
   *   and this is usually present in <code></code> property.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving audio streaming selected codec media sampling rate.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {String} [] The Peer connection receiving audio streaming selected codec parameters.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving audio streaming output level.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {JSON} The Peer connection video streaming stats.
   * @param {JSON} The Peer connection sending video streaming stats.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current sending video streaming bytes.
   *   <small>Note that value is in bytes so you have to convert that to bits for displaying for an example kbps.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total sending video streaming bytes.
   *   <small>Note that value is in bytes so you have to convert that to bits for displaying for an example kbps.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current sending video streaming packets.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total sending video streaming packets.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current sending video streaming packets lost.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total sending video streaming packets lost.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection sending video streaming RTP packets SSRC.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection sending video streaming RTT (Round-trip delay time).
   *   <small>Defined as <code>0</code> if it's not present in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection sending video streaming RTP packets jitter in seconds.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>0</code> if it's not present in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming
   *   RTP packets jitter buffer in miliseconds.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {JSON} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming selected codec information.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if local session description is not available before parsing.</small>
   * @param {String} The Peer connection sending video streaming selected codec name.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection sending video streaming selected codec payload type.
   * @param {String} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming selected codec implementation.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming selected codec channels (2 for stereo).
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing,
   *   and this is usually present in <code></code> property.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming selected codec media sampling rate.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {String} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming selected codec parameters.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming frames.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming frames input.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming frames dropped.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming fps mean.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection sending video streaming fps standard deviation.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection current sending video streaming nacks.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection total sending video streaming nacks.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection current sending video streaming plis.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection total sending video streaming plis.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection current sending video streaming firs.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection total sending video streaming firs.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {JSON} The Peer connection receiving video streaming stats.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current receiving video streaming bytes.
   *   <small>Note that value is in bytes so you have to convert that to bits for displaying for an example kbps.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total receiving video streaming bytes.
   *   <small>Note that value is in bytes so you have to convert that to bits for displaying for an example kbps.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current receiving video streaming packets.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total receiving video streaming packets.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection current receiving video streaming packets lost.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection total receiving video streaming packets lost.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection receiving video streaming RTP packets SSRC.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection receiving video streaming e2e delay.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not present in original raw stats before parsing, and that
   *   it finds any existing audio, video or object (plugin) DOM elements that has set with the
   *   Peer remote stream object to parse current time. Note that <code>document.getElementsByTagName</code> function
   *   and DOM <code>.currentTime</code> has to be supported inorder for data to be parsed correctly.</small>
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection receiving video streaming RTP packets jitter in seconds.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>0</code> if it's not present in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming
   *   RTP packets jitter buffer in miliseconds.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {JSON} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming selected codec information.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if remote session description is not available before parsing.</small>
   *   <small>Note that if the value is polyfilled, the value may not be accurate since the remote Peer can override the selected codec.
   *   The value is derived from the remote session description.</small>
   * @param {String} The Peer connection receiving video streaming selected codec name.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection receiving video streaming selected codec payload type.
   * @param {String} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming selected codec implementation.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming selected codec channels (2 for stereo).
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing,
   *   and this is usually present in <code></code> property.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming selected codec media sampling rate.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {String} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming selected codec parameters.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming frames.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming frames output.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming frames decoded.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming fps mean.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection receiving video streaming fps standard deviation.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection current receiving video streaming nacks.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection total receiving video streaming nacks.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection current receiving video streaming plis.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection totally receiving video streaming plis.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection current receiving video streaming firs.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {Number} [] The Peer connection total receiving video streaming firs.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> if it's not available in original raw stats before parsing.</small>
   * @param {JSON} stats.selectedCandidate The Peer connection selected ICE candidate pair stats.
   * @param {JSON} stats.selectedCandidate.local The Peer connection selected local ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} stats.selectedCandidate.local.ipAddress The Peer connection selected
   *   local ICE candidate IP address.
   * @param {Number} stats.selectedCandidate.local.portNumber The Peer connection selected
   *   local ICE candidate port number.
   * @param {String} stats.selectedCandidate.local.transport The Peer connection selected
   *   local ICE candidate IP transport type.
   * @param {String} stats.selectedCandidate.local.candidateType The Peer connection selected
   *   local ICE candidate type.
   * @param {JSON} stats.selectedCandidate.remote The Peer connection selected remote ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} stats.selectedCandidate.remote.ipAddress The Peer connection selected
   *   remote ICE candidate IP address.
   * @param {Number} stats.selectedCandidate.remote.portNumber The Peer connection selected
   *   remote ICE candidate port number.
   * @param {String} stats.selectedCandidate.remote.transport The Peer connection selected
   *   remote ICE candidate IP transport type.
   * @param {String} stats.selectedCandidate.remote.candidateType The Peer connection selected
   *   remote ICE candidate type.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection The Peer connection object stats.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.iceConnectionState The Peer connection ICE connection state.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.iceGatheringState The Peer connection ICE gathering state.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.signalingState The Peer connection signaling state.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.localDescription The Peer connection local session description.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.localDescription.type The Peer connection local session description type.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when local session description is not available.</small>
   * @param {String} stats.connection.localDescription.sdp The Peer connection local session description SDP.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when local session description is not available.</small>
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.remoteDescription The Peer connection remote session description.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.remoteDescription.type The Peer connection remote session description type.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when remote session description is not available.</small>
   * @param {String} stats.connection.remoteDescription.sdp The Peer connection remote session description sdp.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when remote session description is not available.</small>
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.candidates The Peer connection list of ICE candidates sent or received.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.candidates.sending The Peer connection list of local ICE candidates sent.
   * @param {Array} The Peer connection list of local
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidates sent.
   * @param {JSON} The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidate connection description.
   * @param {String} The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidate identifier based on the local session description.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidate media description index (starting from <code>0</code>)
   *   based on the local session description.
   * @param {Array} stats.connection.candidates.sending.srflx The Peer connection list of local
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidates sent.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.candidates.sending.srflx.#index The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.candidates.sending.srflx.#index.candidate The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidate connection description.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.candidates.sending.srflx.#index.sdpMid The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidate identifier based on the local session description.
   * @param {Number} stats.connection.candidates.sending.srflx.#index.sdpMLineIndex The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidate media description index (starting from <code>0</code>)
   *   based on the local session description.
   * @param {Array} stats.connection.candidates.sending.relay The Peer connection list of local
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) candidates sent.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.candidates.sending.relay.#index The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.candidates.sending.relay.#index.candidate The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidate connection description.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.candidates.sending.relay.#index.sdpMid The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidate identifier based on the local session description.
   * @param {Number} stats.connection.candidates.sending.relay.#index.sdpMLineIndex The Peer connection local
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidate media description index (starting from <code>0</code>)
   *   based on the local session description.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.candidates.receiving The Peer connection list of remote ICE candidates received.
   * @param {Array} The Peer connection list of remote
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidates received.
   * @param {JSON} The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidate connection description.
   * @param {String} The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidate identifier based on the remote session description.
   * @param {Number} The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"host"</code> (local network) ICE candidate media description index (starting from <code>0</code>)
   *   based on the remote session description.
   * @param {Array} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.srflx The Peer connection list of remote
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidates received.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.srflx.#index The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.srflx.#index.candidate The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidate connection description.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.srflx.#index.sdpMid The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidate identifier based on the remote session description.
   * @param {Number} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.srflx.#index.sdpMLineIndex The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) ICE candidate media description index (starting from <code>0</code>)
   *   based on the remote session description.
   * @param {Array} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.relay The Peer connection list of remote
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidates received.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.relay.#index The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.relay.#index.candidate The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidate connection description.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.relay.#index.sdpMid The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidate identifier based on the remote session description.
   * @param {Number} stats.connection.candidates.receiving.relay.#index.sdpMLineIndex The Peer connection remote
   *   <code>"relay"</code> (TURN) ICE candidate media description index (starting from <code>0</code>)
   *   based on the remote session description.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.dataChannels The Peer connection list of Datachannel connections.
   * @param {JSON} stats.connection.dataChannels.#channelName The Peer connection Datachannel connection stats.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.dataChannels.#channelName.label The Peer connection Datachannel connection ID.
   * @param {String} stats.connection.dataChannels.#channelName.readyState The Peer connection Datachannel connection readyState.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_STATE]
   * @param {String} stats.connection.dataChannels.#channelName.type The Peer connection Datachannel connection type.
   *   [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE]
   * @param {String} stats.connection.dataChannels.#channelName.currentTransferId The Peer connection
   *   Datachannel connection current progressing transfer session ID.
   *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there is currently no transfer session progressing on the Datachannel connection.</small>
   * @param {Error} error The error object received.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> payload is <code>RETRIEVE_ERROR</code>.</small>
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.14
  getConnectionStatusStateChange: [],

   * Event triggered when <a href="#method_muteStream"><code>muteStream()</code> method</a> changes
   * User Streams audio and video tracks muted status.
   * @event localMediaMuted
   * @param {JSON} mediaStatus The Streams muted settings.
   *   <small>This indicates the muted settings for both
   *   <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> Stream</a> and
   *   <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> Stream</a>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} mediaStatus.audioMuted The flag if all Streams audio tracks is muted or not.
   *   <small>If User's <code></code> is false, this will be defined as <code>true</code>.</small>
   * @param {Boolean} mediaStatus.videoMuted The flag if all Streams video tracks is muted or not.
   *   <small>If User's <code></code> is false, this will be defined as <code>true</code>.</small>
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.15
  localMediaMuted: [],

   * <blockquote class="info">
   *   Learn more about how ICE works in this
   *   <a href="">article here</a>.<br>
   *   Note that this event may not be triggered for MCU enabled Peer connections as ICE candidates
   *   may be received in the session description instead.
   * </blockquote>
   * Event triggered when remote ICE candidate processing state has changed when Peer is using trickle ICE.
   * @event candidateProcessingState
   * @param {String} state The ICE candidate processing state.
   * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID.
   * @param {String} candidateId The remote ICE candidate session ID.
   *   <small>Note that this value is not related to WebRTC API but for identification of remote ICE candidate received.</small>
   * @param {String} candidateType The remote ICE candidate type.
   *   <small>Expected values are <code>"host"</code> (local network), <code>"srflx"</code> (STUN) and <code>"relay"</code> (TURN).</small>
   * @param {JSON} candidate The remote ICE candidate.
   * @param {String} candidate.candidate The remote ICE candidate connection description.
   * @param {String} candidate.sdpMid The remote ICE candidate identifier based on the remote session description.
   * @param {Number} candidate.sdpMLineIndex The remote ICE candidate media description index
   *   (starting from <code>0</code>) based on the remote session description.
   * @param {Error} [error] The error object.
   *   <small>Defined only when <code>state</code> is <code>DROPPED</code> or <code>PROCESS_ERROR</code>.</small>
   * @for Skylink
   * @since 0.6.16
  candidateProcessingState: []

 * Function that subscribes a listener to an event.
 * @method on
 * @param {String} eventName The event.
 * @param {Function} callback The listener.
 *   <small>This will be invoked when event is triggered.</small>
 * @example
 *   // Example 1: Subscribing to "peerJoined" event
 *   skylinkDemo.on("peerJoined", function (peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
 *"peerJoined event has been triggered with:", peerId, peerInfo, isSelf);
 *   });
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.1.0
Skylink.prototype.on = function(eventName, callback) {
  if ('function' === typeof callback) {
    this._EVENTS[eventName] = this._EVENTS[eventName] || [];
    log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is subscribed']);
  } else {
    log.error([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Provided parameter is not a function']);

 * Function that subscribes a listener to an event once.
 * @method once
 * @param {String} eventName The event.
 * @param {Function} callback The listener.
 *   <small>This will be invoked once when event is triggered and conditional function is satisfied.</small>
 * @param {Function} [condition] The conditional function that will be invoked when event is triggered.
 *   <small>Return <code>true</code> when invoked to satisfy condition.</small>
 *   <small>When not provided, the conditional function will always return <code>true</code>.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [fireAlways=false] The flag that indicates if <code>once()</code> should act like
 *   <code>on()</code> but only invoke listener only when conditional function is satisfied.
 * @example
 *   // Example 1: Subscribing to "peerJoined" event that triggers without condition
 *   skylinkDemo.once("peerJoined", function (peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
 *"peerJoined event has been triggered once with:", peerId, peerInfo, isSelf);
 *   });
 *   // Example 2: Subscribing to "incomingStream" event that triggers with condition
 *   skylinkDemo.once("incomingStream", function (peerId, stream, isSelf, peerInfo) {
 *"incomingStream event has been triggered with User stream:", stream);
 *   }, function (peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
 *     return isSelf;
 *   });
 *   // Example 3: Subscribing to "dataTransferState" event that triggers always only when condition is satisfied
 *   skylinkDemo.once("dataTransferState", function (state, transferId, peerId, transferInfo) {
 *"Received data transfer from Peer:",;
 *   }, function (state, transferId, peerId) {
 *     if (state === skylinkDemo.DATA_TRANSFER_STATE.UPLOAD_REQUEST) {
 *       skylinkDemo.acceptDataTransfer(peerId, transferId);
 *     }
 *     return state === skylinkDemo.DATA_TRANSFER_STATE.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED;
 *   }, true);
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.4
Skylink.prototype.once = function(eventName, callback, condition, fireAlways) {
  if (typeof condition === 'boolean') {
    fireAlways = condition;
    condition = null;
  fireAlways = (typeof fireAlways === 'undefined' ? false : fireAlways);
  condition = (typeof condition !== 'function') ? function () {
    return true;
  } : condition;

  if (typeof callback === 'function') {

    this._EVENTS[eventName] = this._EVENTS[eventName] || [];
    // prevent undefined error
    this._onceEvents[eventName] = this._onceEvents[eventName] || [];
    this._onceEvents[eventName].push([callback, condition, fireAlways]);
    log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is subscribed on condition']);
  } else {
    log.error([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Provided callback is not a function']);

 * Function that unsubscribes listeners from an event.
 * @method off
 * @param {String} eventName The event.
 * @param {Function} [callback] The listener to unsubscribe.
 * - When not provided, all listeners associated to the event will be unsubscribed.
 * @example
 *   // Example 1: Unsubscribe all "peerJoined" event
 *   // Example 2: Unsubscribe only one listener from "peerJoined event"
 *   var pJListener = function (peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
 *"peerJoined event has been triggered with:", peerId, peerInfo, isSelf);
 *   };
 *"peerJoined", pJListener);
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.5
 */ = function(eventName, callback) {
  if (callback === undefined) {
    this._EVENTS[eventName] = [];
    this._onceEvents[eventName] = [];
    log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'All events are unsubscribed']);
  var arr = this._EVENTS[eventName];
  var once = this._onceEvents[eventName];

  // unsubscribe events that is triggered always
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] === callback) {
      log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is unsubscribed']);
      arr.splice(i, 1);
  // unsubscribe events fired only once
  if(once !== undefined) {
    for (var j = 0; j < once.length; j++) {
      if (once[j][0] === callback) {
        log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'One-time Event is unsubscribed']);
        once.splice(j, 1);

 * Function that triggers an event.
 * The rest of the parameters after the <code>eventName</code> parameter is considered as the event parameter payloads.
 * @method _trigger
 * @private
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.1.0
Skylink.prototype._trigger = function(eventName) {
  //convert the arguments into an array
  var args =;
  var arr = this._EVENTS[eventName];
  var once = this._onceEvents[eventName] || null;
  args.shift(); //Omit the first argument since it's the event name
  if (arr) {
    // for events subscribed forever
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
      try {
        log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is fired']);
        if(arr[i].apply(this, args) === false) {
      } catch(error) {
        log.error([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Exception occurred in event:'], error);
        throw error;
  if (once){
    // for events subscribed on once
    for (var j = 0; j < once.length; j++) {
      if (once[j][1].apply(this, args) === true) {
        log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Condition is met. Firing event']);
        if(once[j][0].apply(this, args) === false) {
        if (once[j] && !once[j][2]) {
          log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Removing event after firing once']);
          once.splice(j, 1);
          //After removing current element, the next element should be element of the same index
      } else {
        log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Condition is still not met. ' +
          'Holding event from being fired']);

  log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is triggered']);

 * Function that checks if the current state condition is met before subscribing
 *   event handler to wait for condition to be fulfilled.
 * @method _condition
 * @private
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._condition = function(eventName, callback, checkFirst, condition, fireAlways) {
  if (typeof condition === 'boolean') {
    fireAlways = condition;
    condition = null;
  if (typeof callback === 'function' && typeof checkFirst === 'function') {
    if (checkFirst()) {
      log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'First condition is met. Firing callback']);
    log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'First condition is not met. Subscribing to event']);
    this.once(eventName, callback, condition, fireAlways);
  } else {
    log.error([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Provided callback or checkFirst is not a function']);

 * Function that starts an interval check to wait for a condition to be resolved.
 * @method _wait
 * @private
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._wait = function(callback, condition, intervalTime, fireAlways) {
  fireAlways = (typeof fireAlways === 'undefined' ? false : fireAlways);
  if (typeof callback === 'function' && typeof condition === 'function') {
    if (condition()) {
      log.log([null, 'Event', null, 'Condition is met. Firing callback']);
    log.log([null, 'Event', null, 'Condition is not met. Doing a check.']);

    intervalTime = (typeof intervalTime === 'number') ? intervalTime : 50;

    var doWait = setInterval(function () {
      if (condition()) {
        log.log([null, 'Event', null, 'Condition is met after waiting. Firing callback']);
        if (!fireAlways){
    }, intervalTime);
  } else {
    if (typeof callback !== 'function'){
      log.error([null, 'Event', null, 'Provided callback is not a function']);
    if (typeof condition !== 'function'){
      log.error([null, 'Event', null, 'Provided condition is not a function']);

 * Function that throttles a method function to prevent multiple invokes over a specified amount of time.
 * Returns a function to be invoked <code>._throttle(fn, 1000)()</code> to make throttling functionality work.
 * @method _throttle
 * @private
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.8
Skylink.prototype._throttle = function(func, prop, wait){
  var self = this;
  var now = (new Date()).getTime();

  if (!(self._timestamp[prop] && ((now - self._timestamp[prop]) < wait))) {
    self._timestamp[prop] = now;
  } else {