- /**
- * Stores the list of {{#crossLink "Skylink/on:method"}}on(){{/crossLink}}
- * event subscription handlers.
- * @attribute _EVENTS
- * @param {Array} (#eventName) The array of event subscription handlers that is
- * subscribed using {{#crossLink "Skylink/on:method"}}on() method{{/crossLink}}
- * associated with the event name.
- * @param {Function} (#eventName).(#index) The event subscription handler
- * associated with the event name. This is to be triggered multiple times
- * until {{#crossLink "Skylink/off:method"}}off(){{/crossLink}} is invoked for
- * this event subscription handler.
- * @type JSON
- * @private
- * @required
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.2
- */
- Skylink.prototype._EVENTS = {
- /**
- * Event triggered when the socket connection to the platform signaling is opened.
- * - This event means that socket connection is open and self is ready to join the room.
- * @event channelOpen
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- channelOpen: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when the socket connection to the platform signaling is closed.
- * - This event means that socket connection is closed and self has left the room.
- * @event channelClose
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- channelClose: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when the socket connection is exchanging messages with the platform signaling.
- * - This event is a debugging feature, and it's not advisable to subscribe to
- * this event unless you are debugging the socket messages
- * received from the platform signaling.
- * @event channelMessage
- * @param {JSON} message The socket message object data received from the platform signaling.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- channelMessage: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when the socket connection has occurred an exception
- * during a connection with the platform signaling.
- * - After this event is triggered, it may result in <a href="#event_channelClose">channelClose</a>,
- * and the socket connection with the platform signaling could be disrupted.
- * @event channelError
- * @param {Object|String} error The error object thrown that caused the exception.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- channelError: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when attempting to reconnect the socket connection with the platform signaling.
- * - Depending on the current <code>type</code> triggered in <a href="#event_socketError">
- * socketError</a> event before, it may or may not attempt the socket reconnection and
- * this event may not be triggered.
- * - If reconnection attempt fails, it will trigger <a href="#event_socketError">socketError</a> event
- * again and repeat the stage from there.
- * @event channelRetry
- * @param {String} fallbackType The fallback socket transport that Skylink is attempting to reconnect with.
- * [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_FALLBACK]
- * @param {Number} currentAttempt The current reconnection attempt.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.6
- */
- channelRetry: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when attempt to <em>(re)</em>connect the socket connection with the platform signaling has failed.
- * - Depending on the current <code>type</code> payload, it may or may not attempt the
- * socket reconnection and <a href="#event_channelRetry">channelRetry</a> event may not be triggered.
- * - If reconnection attempt fails and there are still available ports to reconnect with,
- * it will trigger <a href="#event_channelRetry">channelRetry</a> event again and
- * repeat the stage from there.
- * @event socketError
- * @param {String} errorCode The socket connection error code received.
- * [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_ERROR]
- * @param {Number|String|Object} error The error object thrown that caused the failure.
- * @param {String} type The socket transport that Skylink has failed to connect with.
- * [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_FALLBACK]
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.5
- */
- socketError: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when room connection information is being retrieved from platform server.
- * - This is also triggered when <a href="#method_init">init()</a> is invoked, but
- * the socket connection events like <a href="#event_channelOpen">channelOpen</a> does
- * not get triggered but stops at <u>readyStateChange</u> event.
- * @event readyStateChange
- * @param {String} readyState The current ready state of the retrieval when the event is triggered.
- * [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE]
- * @param {JSON} [error=null] The error object thrown when there is a failure in retrieval.
- * If received as <code>null</code>, it means that there is no errors.
- * @param {Number} error.status Http status when retrieving information.
- * May be empty for other errors.
- * @param {Number} error.errorCode The
- * if there is an <a href="#event_readyStateChange">readyStateChange</a>
- * event error that caused the failure for initialising Skylink.
- * @param {Object} error.content The exception thrown that caused the failure
- * for initialising Skylink.
- * @param {Number} error.status The XMLHttpRequest status code received
- * when exception is thrown that caused the failure for initialising Skylink.
- * @param {String} room The selected room connection information that Skylink is attempting
- * to retrieve the information for to start connection to.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.4.0
- */
- readyStateChange: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer handshaking state has changed.
- * - This event may trigger <code>state</code> <code>HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.ENTER</code> for
- * self to indicate that broadcast to ping for any existing Peers in the room has
- * been made.
- * - This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the
- * Peer handshaking connection status.
- * - This starts the Peer connection handshaking, where it retrieves all the Peer
- * information and then proceeds to start the ICE connection.
- * @event handshakeProgress
- * @param {String} state The Peer connection handshake state.
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated with the connection
- * handshake state.
- * @param {Object|String} [error] The error object thrown when there is a failure in
- * the connection handshaking.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.3.0
- */
- handshakeProgress: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer connection ICE gathering state has changed.
- * - This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the
- * Peer ICE candidate gathering status.
- * - This indicates if the ICE gathering has been completed to
- * start ICE connection for DataChannel and media streaming connection.
- * @event candidateGenerationState
- * @param {String} state The current ICE gathering state.
- * <small>See the list of available triggered states in the related link.</small>
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated with the connection
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- candidateGenerationState: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer connection signaling state has changed.
- * - This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the
- * Peer signaling connection status.
- * - This event indicates if the session description is received
- * to start ICE gathering for DataChannel and media streaming connection.
- * @event peerConnectionState
- * @param {String} state The current connection signaling state.
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated with the current connection
- * signaling state.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- peerConnectionState: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer connection ICE connection state has changed.
- * - This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the
- * Peer ICE connection of added ICE candidates status.
- * - This event indicates if the ICE connection is established for successful
- * DataChannel and media streaming connection.
- * @event iceConnectionState
- * @param {String} state The current ICE connection state.
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated with the current ICE connection state.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- iceConnectionState: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when access to self user media stream has failed.
- * - If <code>audioFallback</code> is enabled in <a href="#method_init">init()</a>,
- * it will throw an error if audio only user media stream failed after
- * a failed attempt to retrieve video and audio user media.
- * @event mediaAccessError
- * @param {Object|String} error The error object thrown that caused the failure.
- * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag that indicates if self
- * Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {Boolean} isAudioFallbackError The flag that indicates if Skylink throws
- * the error after an audio fallback has been attempted.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- mediaAccessError: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when media access fallback has been made.
- * - If <code>audioFallback</code> is enabled in <a href="#method_init">init()</a>,
- * and if there is a failed attempt to retrieve video and audio user media,
- * it will attempt to do the audio fallback.
- * - If MediaStream successfully received does not meet to expected tracks, this
- * event would be triggered.
- * @event mediaAccessFallback
- * @param {JSON} error The error object information.
- * @param {Object|String} error.error The error object thrown that caused the failure
- * from retrieve video and audio user media stream.
- * is triggered because (video+audio) error is fallbacking to audio only.
- * @param {JSON} [error.diff=null] The list of expected audio and video tracks and received
- * tracks.<br>This is only defined when <code>state</code> payload is <code>1</code>.
- * @param {JSON} error.diff.video The expected and received video tracks.
- * @param {Number} error.diff.video.expected The expected video tracks.
- * @param {Number} error.diff.video.received The received video tracks.
- * @param {JSON} error.diff.audio The expected and received audio tracks.
- * @param {Number} error.diff.audio.expected The expected audio tracks.
- * @param {Number} error.diff.audio.received The received audio tracks.
- * @param {Number} state The access fallback state.
- * <small><ul>
- * <li><code>0</code>: Attempting to retrieve access for fallback state.</li>
- * <li><code>1</code>: Fallback access has been completed successfully</li>
- * <li><code>-1</code>: Failed retrieving fallback access</li>
- * </ul></small>
- * @param {Boolean} [isScreensharing=false] The flag that indicates if this event ia an
- * fallback from failed screensharing retrieval or attaching of audio.
- * @component Events
- * @param {Boolean} [isAudioFallback=false] The flag that indicates if this event is an
- * audio fallbacking from failed attempt to retrieve video and audio user media.
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.3
- */
- mediaAccessFallback: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when access to self user media stream is successfully
- * attached to Skylink.
- * @event mediaAccessSuccess
- * @param {Object} stream The self user [MediaStream](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream_API)
- * object. To display the MediaStream object to a <code>video</code> or <code>audio</code>, simply invoke:<br>
- * <code>attachMediaStream(domElement, stream);</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag that indicates if self
- * Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- mediaAccessSuccess: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when the application requires to retrieve self
- * user media stream manually instead of doing it automatically in
- * {{#crossLink "Skylink/joinRoom:method"}}joinRoom(){{/crossLink}}.
- * - This event triggers based on the configuration of <code>manualGetUserMedia</code>
- * in the <a href="#method_joinRoom">joinRoom() configuration settings</a>.
- * - Developers must manually invoke <a href="#method_getUserMedia">getUserMedia()</a>
- * to retrieve the user media stream before self would join the room.
- * Once the user media stream is attached, self would proceed to join the room
- * automatically.
- * @event mediaAccessRequired
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.5
- */
- mediaAccessRequired: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when self user media stream attached to Skylink has been stopped.
- * @event mediaAccessStopped
- * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag that indicates if self
- * Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.6
- */
- mediaAccessStopped: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer joins the room.
- * @event peerJoined
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of the new peer
- * that has joined the room.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.2
- */
- peerJoined: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer connection has been restarted for
- * a reconnection.
- * @event peerRestart
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of the connection that
- * is restarted for a reconnection.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelfInitiateRestart The flag that indicates if self is
- * the one who have initiated the Peer connection restart.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.5
- */
- peerRestart: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer information have been updated.
- * - This event would only be triggered if self is in the room.
- * - This event triggers when the <code>peerInfo</code> data is updated,
- * like <code>peerInfo.mediaStatus</code> or the <code>peerInfo.userData</code>,
- * which is invoked through <a href="#method_muteStream">muteStream()</a> or
- * <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @event peerUpdated
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of the peer with updated information.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.2
- */
- peerUpdated: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer leaves the room.
- * @event peerLeft
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of the peer
- * that had left the room.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.2
- */
- peerLeft: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Stream is sent by Peer.
- * - This event may trigger for self, which indicates that self has joined the room
- * and is sending this Stream object to other Peers connected in the room.
- * @event incomingStream
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated to the Stream object.
- * @param {Object} stream The Peer
- * [MediaStream](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream_API)
- * object that is sent in this connection.
- * To display the MediaStream object to a <code>video</code> or <code>audio</code>, simply invoke:<br>
- * <code>attachMediaStream(domElement, stream);</code>.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.5
- */
- incomingStream: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when message data is received from Peer.
- * - This event may trigger for self when sending message data to Peer,
- * which indicates that self has sent the message data.
- * @event incomingMessage
- * @param {JSON} message The message object received from Peer.
- * @param {JSON|String} message.content The message object content. This is the
- * message data content passed in {{#crossLink "Skylink/sendMessage:method"}}sendMessage(){{/crossLink}}
- * and {{#crossLink "Skylink/sendP2PMessage:method"}}sendP2PMessage(){{/crossLink}}.
- * @param {String} message.senderPeerId The Peer ID of the peer who
- * sent the message object.
- * @param {String|Array} [message.targetPeerId=null] The array of targeted Peer
- * peers or the single targeted Peer the message is
- * targeted to received the message object. If the value is <code>null</code>, the message
- * object is broadcasted to all Peer peers in the room.
- * @param {Boolean} message.isPrivate The flag that indicates if the message object is sent to
- * targeted Peer peers and not broadcasted to all Peer peers.
- * @param {Boolean} message.isDataChannel The flag that indicates if the message object is sent
- * from the platform signaling socket connection or P2P channel connection (DataChannel connection).
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of peer who sent the
- * message object.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.2
- */
- incomingMessage: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a data transfer is completed.
- * - This event may trigger for self when transferring data to Peer,
- * which indicates that self has transferred the data successfully.
- * - For more extensive states like the outgoing and incoming
- * data transfer progress and rejection of data transfer requests,
- * you may subscribe to the <a href="#event_dataTransferState">dataTransferState</a> event.
- * - If <code>enableDataChannel</code> disabled in <a href="#method_init">init() configuration
- * settings</a>, this event will not be triggered at all.
- * @event incomingData
- * @param {Blob|String} data The transferred data object.<br>
- * For Blob data object, see the
- * [createObjectURL](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL.createObjectURL)
- * method on how you can convert the Blob data object to a download link.
- * @param {String} transferId The transfer ID of the completed data transfer.
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated with the data transfer.
- * @param {JSON} transferInfo The transfer data object information.
- * @param {String} [transferInfo.name=transferId] The transfer data object name.
- * If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.
- * @param {Number} transferInfo.size The transfer data size.
- * @param {String} transferInfo.dataType The type of data transfer initiated.
- * Available types are <code>"dataURL"</code> and <code>"blob"</code>.
- * @param {String} transferInfo.timeout The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel
- * connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
- * @param {Boolean} transferInfo.isPrivate The flag to indicate if the data transferred
- * targeted Peer peers and not broadcasted to all Peer peers.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if the data transfer is from self or from
- * associated Peer.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.1
- */
- incomingData: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when there is a request to start a data transfer.
- * - This event may trigger for self when requesting a data transfer to Peer,
- * which indicates that self has sent the data transfer request.
- * - For more extensive states like the outgoing and incoming
- * data transfer progress and rejection of data transfer requests,
- * you may subscribe to the <a href="#event_dataTransferState">dataTransferState</a> event.
- * - If <code>enableDataChannel</code> disabled in <a href="#method_init">init() configuration
- * settings</a>, this event will not be triggered at all.
- * - <sub>DATA TRANSFER STAGE</sub><br>
- * <small>
- * <a href="#event_dataTransferState">dataTransferState</a> →
- * <b>incomingDataRequest</b> →
- * <a href="#event_incomingData">incomingData</a>
- * </small>
- * @event incomingDataRequest
- * @param {String} transferId The transfer ID of the data transfer request.
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated with the data transfer request.
- * @param {JSON} transferInfo The transfer data object information.
- * @param {String} [transferInfo.name=transferId] The transfer data object name.
- * If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.
- * @param {Number} transferInfo.size The transfer data size.
- * @param {String} transferInfo.dataType The type of data transfer initiated.
- * Available types are <code>"dataURL"</code> and <code>"blob"</code>.
- * @param {String} transferInfo.timeout The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel
- * connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
- * @param {Boolean} transferInfo.isPrivate The flag to indicate if the data transferred
- * targeted Peer peers and not broadcasted to all Peer peers.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if the data transfer request is from self or from
- * associated Peer.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.1
- */
- incomingDataRequest: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when the currently connected room lock status have been updated.
- * - If this event is triggered, this means that the room is locked / unlocked which
- * may allow or prevent any other Peers from joining the room.
- * @event roomLock
- * @param {Boolean} isLocked The flag that indicates if the currently connected room is locked.
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of the peer that updated the
- * currently connected room lock status.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.2
- */
- roomLock: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer connection DataChannel connection state has changed.
- * - This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the
- * Peer DataChannel connection, which is used for P2P messaging and transfers for
- * methods like <a href="#method_sendBlobData">sendBlobData()</a>,
- * <a href="#method_sendURLData">sendURLData()</a> and
- * <a href="#method_sendP2PMessage">sendP2PMessage()</a>.
- * - If <code>enableDataChannel</code> disabled in <a href="#method_init">init() configuration
- * settings</a>, this event will not be triggered at all.
- * @event dataChannelState
- * @param {String} state The current DataChannel connection state.
- * [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_STATE]
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated with the current DataChannel connection state.
- * @param {Object} [error=null] The error object thrown when there is a failure in
- * the DataChannel connection.
- * If received as <code>null</code>, it means that there is no errors.
- * @param {String} channelName The DataChannel connection ID.
- * @param {String} channelType The DataChannel connection functionality type.
- * [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE]
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- dataChannelState: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a data transfer state has changed.
- * - This event triggers more extensive states like the outgoing and incoming
- * data transfer progress and rejection of data transfer requests.
- * For simplified events, you may subscribe to the
- * <a href="#event_incomingDataRequest">incomingDataRequest</a> and
- * <a href="#event_incomingData">incomingData</a> events.
- * - If <code>enableDataChannel</code> disabled in <a href="#method_init">init() configuration
- * settings</a>, this event will not be triggered at all.
- * @event dataTransferState
- * @param {String} state The data transfer made to Peer
- * in a DataChannel connection state.
- * [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_STATE]
- * @param {String} transferId The transfer ID of the completed data transfer.
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated with the data transfer.
- * @param {JSON} transferInfo The transfer data object information.
- * @param {Blob|String} transferInfo.data The transfer data object. This is defined
- * only after the transfer data is completed, when the state is
- * For Blob data object, see the
- * [createObjectURL](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL.createObjectURL)
- * method on how you can convert the Blob data object to a download link.
- * @param {String} [transferInfo.name=transferId] The transfer data object name.
- * If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.
- * @param {Number} transferInfo.size The transfer data size.
- * @param {String} transferInfo.dataType The type of data transfer initiated.
- * Available types are <code>"dataURL"</code> and <code>"blob"</code>.
- * @param {String} transferInfo.timeout The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel
- * connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
- * @param {Boolean} transferInfo.isPrivate The flag to indicate if the data transferred
- * targeted Peer peers and not broadcasted to all Peer peers.
- * @param {JSON} [error] The error object thrown when there is a failure in transferring data.
- * @param {Object} error.message The exception thrown that caused the failure
- * for transferring data.
- * @param {String} error.transferType The data transfer type to indicate if the DataChannel is
- * uploading or downloading the data transfer when the exception occurred.
- * [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_TYPE]
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.4.1
- */
- dataTransferState: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when Skylink receives an system action from the platform signaling.
- * @event systemAction
- * @param {String} action The system action that is received from the platform signaling.
- * [Rel: Skylink.SYSTEM_ACTION]
- * @param {String} message The message received from the platform signaling when
- * the system action and reason is given.
- * @param {String} reason The reason received from the platform signaling behind the
- * system action given.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.1
- */
- systemAction: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a server Peer joins the room.
- * @event serverPeerJoined
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of the new server peer
- * that has joined the room.
- * @param {String} serverPeerType The server Peer type
- * [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.1
- */
- serverPeerJoined: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a server Peer leaves the room.
- * @event serverPeerLeft
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of the new server peer
- * that has left the room.
- * @param {String} serverPeerType The server Peer type
- * [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.1
- */
- serverPeerLeft: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a sever Peer connection has been restarted for
- * a reconnection.
- * @event serverPeerRestart
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID of the new server peer
- * that has joined the room.
- * @param {String} serverPeerType The server Peer type
- * [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.1
- */
- serverPeerRestart: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer connection Stream streaming has stopped.
- * @event streamEnded
- * @param {String} [peerId=null] The Peer ID associated to the Stream object.
- * If self is not in the room, the value returned would be <code>null</code>.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag that indicates if Peer connection
- * Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.10
- */
- streamEnded: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when a Peer connection Stream streaming audio or video
- * stream muted status have been updated.
- * @event streamMuted
- * @param {String} peerId The Peer ID associated to the Stream object.
- * If self is not in the room, the value returned would be <code>null</code>.
- * @param {Object} peerInfo The peer information associated
- * with the Peer Connection.
- * @param {String|JSON} peerInfo.userData The custom user data
- * information set by developer. This custom user data can also
- * be set in <a href="#method_setUserData">setUserData()</a>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.settings The Peer Stream
- * streaming settings information. If both audio and video
- * option is <code>false</code>, there should be no
- * receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.audio=false] The
- * Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If
- * <code>false</code>, it means that audio streaming is disabled in
- * the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo] The flag that indicates if
- * stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream.
- * Check the <code>audioCodec</code> configuration settings in
- * <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled
- * for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly
- * enable stereo in the audio streaming.
- * @param {Boolean|JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video=false] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video settings. If <code>false</code>, it means that
- * video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
- * @param {JSON} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may
- * not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the
- * browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution width.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video resolution height.
- * @param {Number} [peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate] The Peer
- * Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.settings.video.screenshare=false] The flag
- * that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent
- * is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth] The Peer
- * streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not
- * force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends
- * on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured
- * in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.audio] The configured
- * audio stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that audio streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.video] The configured
- * video stream channel for the remote Stream object bandwidth
- * that video streaming should use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {String} [peerInfo.settings.bandwidth.data] The configured
- * datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth
- * that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in <var>kb/s</var>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.mediaStatus The Peer Stream mute
- * settings for both audio and video streamings.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If
- * there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {Boolean} [peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted=true] The flag that
- * indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If
- * there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default,
- * it is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @param {JSON} peerInfo.agent The Peer platform agent information.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.agent.name The Peer platform browser or agent name.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.version The Peer platform browser or agent version.
- * @param {Number} peerInfo.agent.os The Peer platform name.
- * @param {String} peerInfo.room The current room that the Peer is in.
- * @param {Boolean} isSelf The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.
- * @param {Boolean} isScreensharing The flag that indicates if Peer connection
- * Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.1
- */
- streamMuted: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when the retrieval of the list of rooms and peers under the same realm based
- * on the Application Key configured in <a href="#method_init">init()</a>
- * from the platform signaling state has changed.
- * - This requires that the provided alias Application Key has privileged feature configured.
- * @event getPeersStateChange
- * @param {String} state The retrieval current status.
- * @param {String} privilegedPeerId The Peer ID of the privileged Peer.
- * @param {JSON} peerList The retrieved list of rooms and peers under the same realm based on
- * the Application Key configured in <code>init()</code>.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.1
- */
- getPeersStateChange: [],
- /**
- * Event triggered when introductory state of two Peer peers to each other
- * selected by the privileged Peer state has changed.
- * - This requires that the provided alias Application Key has privileged feature configured.
- * @event introduceStateChange
- * @param {String} state The Peer introduction state.
- * @param {String} privilegedPeerId The Peer ID of the privileged Peer.
- * @param {String} sendingPeerId The Peer ID of the peer
- * that initiates the connection with the introduced Peer.
- * @param {String} receivingPeerId The Peer ID of the
- * introduced peer who would be introduced to the initiator Peer.
- * @param {String} reason The error object thrown when there is a failure in
- * the introduction with the two Peer peers.
- * If received as <code>null</code>, it means that there is no errors.
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.1
- */
- introduceStateChange: []
- };
- /**
- * Stores the list of {{#crossLink "Skylink/once:method"}}once(){{/crossLink}}
- * event subscription handlers.
- * @attribute _onceEvents
- * @param {Array} (#eventName) The array of event subscription handlers that is
- * subscribed using {{#crossLink "Skylink/once:method"}}once() method{{/crossLink}}
- * associated with the event name.
- * @param {Function} (#eventName).(#index) The event subscription handler
- * associated with the event name. This is to be triggered once when condition is met.
- * Alternatively, the <code>once()</code> event subscription handler can be
- * unsubscribed with {{#crossLink "Skylink/off:method"}}off(){{/crossLink}} before
- * condition is met.
- * @type JSON
- * @private
- * @required
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.4
- */
- Skylink.prototype._onceEvents = {};
- /**
- * The throttling function datetime stamp in
- * [(ISO 8601 format)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601).
- * @attribute _timestamp
- * @type JSON
- * @private
- * @required
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.8
- */
- Skylink.prototype._timestamp = {
- now: Date.now() || function() { return +new Date(); },
- screen: false
- };
- /**
- * Triggers event subscription handlers that is associated with the event name.
- * {{#crossLink "Skylink/on:method"}}on() event subscription handlers{{/crossLink}}
- * will be triggered always, but
- * {{#crossLink "Skylink/once:method"}}once() event subscription hadlers{{/crossLink}}
- * will only be triggered once the condition is met.
- * @method _trigger
- * @param {String} eventName The Skylink event name to trigger that would trigger event subscription
- * handlers associated to the event name with the <code>arguments</code> parameters payload.
- * @for Skylink
- * @private
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- Skylink.prototype._trigger = function(eventName) {
- //convert the arguments into an array
- var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- var arr = this._EVENTS[eventName];
- var once = this._onceEvents[eventName] || null;
- args.shift(); //Omit the first argument since it's the event name
- if (arr) {
- // for events subscribed forever
- for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
- try {
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is fired']);
- if(arr[i].apply(this, args) === false) {
- break;
- }
- } catch(error) {
- log.error([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Exception occurred in event:'], error);
- throw error;
- }
- }
- }
- if (once){
- // for events subscribed on once
- for (var j = 0; j < once.length; j++) {
- if (once[j][1].apply(this, args) === true) {
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Condition is met. Firing event']);
- if(once[j][0].apply(this, args) === false) {
- break;
- }
- if (!once[j][2]) {
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Removing event after firing once']);
- once.splice(j, 1);
- //After removing current element, the next element should be element of the same index
- j--;
- }
- } else {
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Condition is still not met. ' +
- 'Holding event from being fired']);
- }
- }
- }
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is triggered']);
- };
- /**
- * Subscribes an event handler associated to the event name.
- * This event handler will always be triggered when the event name is triggered. If you
- * are looking for subscription event handler to be triggered once, check out
- * {{#crossLink "Skylink/once:method"}}once() event subscription{{/crossLink}}.
- * @method on
- * @param {String} eventName The Skylink event name to subscribe to.
- * @param {Function} callback The event handler to subsribe to the associated
- * Skylink event name that would be triggered once the event name is triggered.
- * @example
- * SkylinkDemo.on("peerJoined", function (peerId, peerInfo) {
- * alert(peerId + " has joined the room");
- * });
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.1.0
- */
- Skylink.prototype.on = function(eventName, callback) {
- if ('function' === typeof callback) {
- this._EVENTS[eventName] = this._EVENTS[eventName] || [];
- this._EVENTS[eventName].push(callback);
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is subscribed']);
- } else {
- log.error([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Provided parameter is not a function']);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Subscribes an event handler associated to the event name that
- * would only be triggered once the provided condition function has been met.
- * @method once
- * @param {String} eventName The Skylink event name to subscribe to.
- * @param {Function} callback The event handler to subscribe to the associated
- * Skylink event name to trigger once the condition has met. If
- * <code>fireAlways</code> option is set toe <code>true</code>, this will
- * always be fired when condition is met.
- * @param {Function} [condition] The condition function that once the condition has
- * been met, trigger the event handler once. Return in the condition function <code>true</code>
- * to pass as meeting the condition.
- * If the condition function is not provided, the event handler will be triggered
- * once the Skylink event name is triggered.
- * @param {Boolean} [fireAlways=false] The flag that indicates if Skylink should interrupt this
- * <code>once()</code> function once the function has been triggered to not unsubscribe the
- * event handler but to always trigger when the condition has been met.
- * @example
- * SkylinkDemo.once("peerConnectionState", function (state, peerId) {
- * alert("Peer has left");
- * }, function (state, peerId) {
- * return state === SkylinkDemo.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE.CLOSED;
- * });
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.4
- */
- Skylink.prototype.once = function(eventName, callback, condition, fireAlways) {
- if (typeof condition === 'boolean') {
- fireAlways = condition;
- condition = null;
- }
- fireAlways = (typeof fireAlways === 'undefined' ? false : fireAlways);
- condition = (typeof condition !== 'function') ? function () {
- return true;
- } : condition;
- if (typeof callback === 'function') {
- this._EVENTS[eventName] = this._EVENTS[eventName] || [];
- // prevent undefined error
- this._onceEvents[eventName] = this._onceEvents[eventName] || [];
- this._onceEvents[eventName].push([callback, condition, fireAlways]);
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is subscribed on condition']);
- } else {
- log.error([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Provided callback is not a function']);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Unsubscribes an event handler associated to the event name.
- * @method off
- * @param {String} eventName The Skylink event name to unsubscribe to.
- * @param {Function} [callback] The event handler to unsubscribe to the associated
- * Skylink event name. If the event handler is not provided, Skylink would
- * unsubscribe all event handlers subscribed to the associated event name.
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Unsubscribe all event handlers related to the event
- * SkylinkDemo.off("peerJoined");
- *
- * // Example 2: Unsubscribe to one event handler
- * SkylinkDemo.off("peerJoined", callback);
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.5
- */
- Skylink.prototype.off = function(eventName, callback) {
- if (callback === undefined) {
- this._EVENTS[eventName] = [];
- this._onceEvents[eventName] = [];
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'All events are unsubscribed']);
- return;
- }
- var arr = this._EVENTS[eventName];
- var once = this._onceEvents[eventName];
- // unsubscribe events that is triggered always
- for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
- if (arr[i] === callback) {
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Event is unsubscribed']);
- arr.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- // unsubscribe events fired only once
- if(once !== undefined) {
- for (var j = 0; j < once.length; j++) {
- if (once[j][0] === callback) {
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'One-time Event is unsubscribed']);
- once.splice(j, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Checks if the first condition is already met before doing an event
- * handler subscription to wait for the second condition to be met.
- * This method will do a event subscription with
- * {{#crossLink "Skylink/once:method"}}once(){{/crossLink}} as this
- * <code>_condition()</code> would only trigger once, unless <code>fireAlways</code>
- * is set to <code>true</code>.
- * @method _condition
- * @param {String} eventName The Skylink event name to subscribe to.
- * @param {Function} callback The event handler to subscribe to the associated
- * Skylink event name to trigger once the condition has met. If
- * <code>fireAlways</code> option is set to <code>true</code>, this will
- * always be fired when condition is met.
- * @param {Function} [checkFirst] The first condition to check before
- * doing an event subscription to wait for second condition to meet.
- * Return in the first condition function <code>true</code> to pass as meeting the condition.
- * If the first condition is met, the event handler would be triggered
- * and the event handler will not be subscribed to the event or wait
- * for second condition to pass.
- * @param {Function} [condition] The second condition function that once the it has
- * been met, it will trigger the event handler once.
- * Return in the second condition function <code>true</code> to pass as meeting the condition.
- * If the second condition is met, the event handler would be triggered and
- * depending if <code>fireAlways</code> option is set to <code>true</code>, this will
- * always be fired when condition is met.
- * @param {Boolean} [fireAlways=false] The flag that indicates if Skylink should interrupt the
- * second condition function once the function has been triggered to not unsubscribe the
- * event handler but to always trigger when the second condition has been met.
- * @private
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.5
- */
- Skylink.prototype._condition = function(eventName, callback, checkFirst, condition, fireAlways) {
- if (typeof condition === 'boolean') {
- fireAlways = condition;
- condition = null;
- }
- if (typeof callback === 'function' && typeof checkFirst === 'function') {
- if (checkFirst()) {
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'First condition is met. Firing callback']);
- callback();
- return;
- }
- log.log([null, 'Event', eventName, 'First condition is not met. Subscribing to event']);
- this.once(eventName, callback, condition, fireAlways);
- } else {
- log.error([null, 'Event', eventName, 'Provided callback or checkFirst is not a function']);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Starts the interval check for the condition provided to meet before clearing
- * the interval and triggering the callback provided.
- * This utilises <code>setInterval()</code> function.
- * @method _wait
- * @param {Function} callback The callback fired after the condition provided
- * has been met.
- * @param {Function} condition The condition function that once the condition has
- * been met, trigger the callback. Return in the condition function <code>true</code>
- * to pass as meeting the condition.
- * @param {Number} [intervalTime=50] The interval loop timeout that the interval
- * check should iterate based on the timeout provided (in ms).
- * By default, if the value is not configured, it is <code>50</code>ms.
- * @for Skylink
- * @private
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.5
- */
- Skylink.prototype._wait = function(callback, condition, intervalTime, fireAlways) {
- fireAlways = (typeof fireAlways === 'undefined' ? false : fireAlways);
- if (typeof callback === 'function' && typeof condition === 'function') {
- if (condition()) {
- log.log([null, 'Event', null, 'Condition is met. Firing callback']);
- callback();
- return;
- }
- log.log([null, 'Event', null, 'Condition is not met. Doing a check.']);
- intervalTime = (typeof intervalTime === 'number') ? intervalTime : 50;
- var doWait = setInterval(function () {
- if (condition()) {
- log.log([null, 'Event', null, 'Condition is met after waiting. Firing callback']);
- if (!fireAlways){
- clearInterval(doWait);
- }
- callback();
- }
- }, intervalTime);
- } else {
- if (typeof callback !== 'function'){
- log.error([null, 'Event', null, 'Provided callback is not a function']);
- }
- if (typeof condition !== 'function'){
- log.error([null, 'Event', null, 'Provided condition is not a function']);
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Returns a wrapper of the original function, which fires only once during
- * a specified amount of time.
- * @method _throttle
- * @param {Function} func The function that should be throttled.
- * @param {Number} wait The amount of time that function need to throttled (in ms).
- * @return {Function} The throttled function.
- * @private
- * @component Events
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.8
- */
- Skylink.prototype._throttle = function(func, wait){
- var self = this;
- return function () {
- if (!self._timestamp.func){
- //First time run, need to force timestamp to skip condition
- self._timestamp.func = self._timestamp.now - wait;
- }
- var now = Date.now();
- if (now - self._timestamp.func < wait) {
- return;
- }
- func.apply(self, arguments);
- self._timestamp.func = now;
- };
- };