Skylink Class   Defined in: source/template/header.js:109      Available since 0.5.0

Before using Skylink

Please invoke init() method first to initialise the Application Key before using any functionalities in Skylink.

If you do not have an Application Key, you may register for a Skylink platform developer account to create one.

To get started you may visit the getting started page, or alternatively fork a ready made demo application that uses Skylink Web SDK at

For tips on using skylink and troubleshooting you can visit our support portal.

  Skylink ()   _ACKProtocolHandler   _addIceCandidateFromQueue   _addIceCandidateToQueue   _addLocalMediaStreams   _addPeer   _addSDPSsrcFirefoxAnswer   _addSDPStereo   _answerHandler   _approachEventHandler   _assembleDataURL   _base64ToBlob   _blobToBase64   _byeHandler   _CANCELProtocolHandler   _candidateHandler   _chunkBlobData   _chunkDataURL   _clearAllStoredLogsFn   _clearDataChannelTimeout   _closeChannel   _closeDataChannel   _condition   _createDataChannel   _createPeerConnection   _createSocket   _dataChannelProtocolHandler   _DATAProtocolHandler   _doAnswer   _doOffer   _enterHandler   _ERRORProtocolHandler   _getStoredLogsFn   _initSelectedRoom   _inRoomHandler   _introduceErrorEventHandler   _loadInfo   _logFn   _MESSAGEProtocolHandler   _muteAudioEventHandler   _muteLocalMediaStreams   _muteVideoEventHandler   _offerHandler   _onAddIceCandidateFailure   _onAddIceCandidateSuccess   _onIceCandidate   _onRemoteStreamAdded   _onUserMediaError   _onUserMediaSuccess   _openChannel   _parseAudioStreamSettings   _parseBandwidthSettings   _parseDefaultMediaStreamSettings   _parseInfo   _parseMediaStreamSettings   _parseMutedSettings   _parseUserData   _parseVideoStreamSettings   _peerListEventHandler   _printAllStoredLogsFn   _privateMessageHandler   _processingSingleMessage   _processSigMessage   _publicMessageHandler   _redirectHandler   _removePeer   _removeSDPFirefoxH264Pref   _requestServerInfo   _restartHandler   _restartMCUConnection   _restartPeerConnection   _roomLockEventHandler   _sendBlobDataToPeer   _sendChannelMessage   _sendDataChannelMessage   _setDataChannelTimeout   _setIceServers   _setLocalAndSendMessage   _setSDPAudioCodec   _setSDPBitrate   _setSDPVideoCodec   _setSDPVideoResolution   _startDataTransfer   _startPeerConnectionHealthCheck   _stopLocalMediaStreams   _stopPeerConnectionHealthCheck   _streamEventHandler   _throttle   _trigger   _updateUserEventHandler   _wait   _waitForLocalMediaStream   _waitForOpenChannel   _welcomeHandler   _WRQProtocolHandler   acceptDataTransfer   cancelBlobTransfer deprecated   cancelDataTransfer   disableAudio deprecated   disableVideo   enableAudio deprecated   enableVideo deprecated   generateUUID   getPeerInfo   getPeers   getUserData   getUserMedia   init   introducePeer   joinRoom   leaveRoom   lockRoom   muteStream   off   on   once   refreshConnection   respondBlobRequest deprecated   sendBlobData   sendMessage   sendP2PMessage   sendStream   sendURLData   setDebugMode   setLogLevel   setUserData   shareScreen   stopScreen   stopStream   unlockRoom   log.debug   log.error   log.log   log.warn   SkylinkLogs   SkylinkLogs.clearAllLogs   SkylinkLogs.getLogs   SkylinkLogs.printAllLogs   _addedCandidates   _appKey   _appKeyOwner   _audioFallback   _autoIntroduce   _channelOpen   _CHUNK_DATAURL_SIZE   _CHUNK_FILE_SIZE   _dataChannels   _dataTransfersTimeout   _DC_PROTOCOL_TYPE   _defaultRoom   _defaultStreamSettings   _downloadDataSessions   _downloadDataTransfers   _enableDataChannel   _enableDebugMode   _enableDebugStack   _enableDebugTrace   _enableIceTrickle   _enableSTUN   _enableTURN   _EVENTS   _forceSSL   _forceTURN   _forceTURNSSL   _getUserMediaSettings   _groupMessageList   _hasMCU   _hasMCU   _ICEConnectionFailures   _inRoom   _INTEROP_MULTI_TRANSFERS   _key   _lastRestart   _LOG_KEY   _LOG_LEVELS   _logLevel   _mediaScreen   _mediaScreenClone   _mediaStream   _mediaStreamsStatus   _MOZ_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE   _onceEvents   _path   _peerCandidatesQueue   _peerConnectionHealth   _peerConnectionHealthTimers   _peerConnections   _peerInformations   _peerList   _peerPriorityWeight   _readyState   _receiveOnly   _retryCount   _room   _roomCredentials   _roomDuration   _roomLocked   _roomServer   _roomStart   _screenSharingAvailable   _screenSharingStreamSettings   _selectedAudioCodec   _selectedRoom   _selectedVideoCodec   _serverRegion   _SIG_MESSAGE_TYPE   _signalingServer   _signalingServerPort   _signalingServerProtocol   _socket   _socketMessageQueue   _socketMessageTimeout   _socketPorts   _socketTimeout   _socketUseXDR   _storedLogs   _streamSettings   _timestamp   _TRANSFER_DELIMITER   _TURNTransport   _uploadDataSessions   _uploadDataTransfers   _usePublicSTUN   _user   _userData   AUDIO_CODEC   CANDIDATE_GENERATION_STATE   DATA_CHANNEL_STATE   DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE   DATA_TRANSFER_DATA_TYPE   DATA_TRANSFER_STATE   DATA_TRANSFER_TYPE   DT_PROTOCOL_VERSION   GET_PEERS_STATE   HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS   ICE_CONNECTION_STATE   INTRODUCE_STATE   isPrivileged   log   LOG_LEVEL   PEER_CONNECTION_STATE   READY_STATE_CHANGE   READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR   REGIONAL_SERVER deprecated   SERVER_PEER_TYPE   SM_PROTOCOL_VERSION   SOCKET_ERROR   SOCKET_FALLBACK   SYSTEM_ACTION   SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON   TURN_TRANSPORT   VERSION   VIDEO_CODEC   VIDEO_RESOLUTION   candidateGenerationState   channelClose   channelError   channelMessage   channelOpen   channelRetry   dataChannelState   dataTransferState   getPeersStateChange   handshakeProgress   iceConnectionState   incomingData   incomingDataRequest   incomingMessage   incomingStream   introduceStateChange   mediaAccessError   mediaAccessFallback   mediaAccessRequired   mediaAccessStopped   mediaAccessSuccess   peerConnectionState   peerJoined   peerLeft   peerRestart   peerUpdated   readyStateChange   roomLock   serverPeerJoined   serverPeerLeft   serverPeerRestart   sessionDisconnect   socketError   streamEnded   streamMuted   systemAction
  Scroll to top


( peerId ,   data ,   channelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:723      Available since 0.5.2

Handles the ACK Protocol request received from the DataChannel connection.




  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • data {JSON}

    The data object received from the DataChannel connection. This should contain the ACK payload.

    • ackN {Number}

      The ACK response of the current data transfer. If 0, it means that the request has been accepted and the sending Peer has to send the first data transfer packet (chunk). If it's greater than 0, it means that the previous data transfer packet (chunk) has been received and is expecting for the next data transfer packet. The number always increment based on the number of data packets the receiving end has received. If it's -1, it means that the data transfer request has been rejected and the data transfer will be terminated.

    • sender {String}

      The Peer ID of sender.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "ACK".

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID associated with the transfer.


( targetMid ,   )
  Defined in: source/ice-candidate.js:225      Available since 0.5.2

Adds the list of ICE candidates bufferred before RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription is called associated with the Peer connection.


  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID to add the associated bufferred ICE candidates.


( targetMid ,   candidate ,   )
  Defined in: source/ice-candidate.js:175      Available since 0.5.2

Buffers an ICE candidate object associated with a Peer connection to prevent disruption to ICE connection when ICE candidate is received before RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription is called.


  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the ICE candidate object.

  • candidate {Object}

    The constructed ICE candidate object.


( peerId ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1018      Available since 0.5.2

Sends self selected Stream object to current Peer connections. If _mediaScreen is not empty, it will send the screensharing stream, else it will send the _mediaStream if is not empty. If self does not have any Stream object to send, it will a connection without any remote Stream sent to the Peer connection.


  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the connection to send Stream object to.


( targetMid ,   peerBrowser ,   [toOffer=false] ,   [restartConn=false] ,   [receiveOnly=false] ,   [isSS=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:93      Available since 0.5.4

Connects to the Peer.


  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID to connect to.

  • peerBrowser {JSON}

    The Peer platform agent information.

    • agent {String}

      The Peer platform browser or agent name.

    • version {Number}

      The Peer platform browser or agent version.

    • os {Number}

      The Peer platform name.

  • toOffer {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if the Peer connection should be start connection as an offerer or as an answerer.

  • restartConn {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if the Peer connection is part of restart functionality use-case.

  • receiveOnly {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if the Peer connection would send Stream or not (receive only).

  • isSS {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream sent is a screensharing stream or not.


( targetMid ,   answerSdp ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-sdp.js:379      Available since 0.6.6

Modifies the session description received to append the correct ssrc lines for Firefox.


  • targetMid {String}

    The peer connection ID.

  • answerSdp {String}

    The answer session description.



The update answer session description with correct SSRC lines.


( sdpLines ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-sdp.js:1      Available since 0.5.10

Modifies the array of session description received to enable stereo in the audio streaming connection.


  • sdpLines {Array}

    The array of lines in the session description.



The updated array of lines in the session description with the stereo feature.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:1405      Available since 0.5.1

Handles the ANSWER Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the ANSWER payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • sdp {String}

      The generated answer session description.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • target {String}

      The targeted Peer ID to receive the message object.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "answer".


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:332      Available since 0.6.1

Handles the APPROACH message event received from the platform signaling.


  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "approach".

    • target {Object}

      The peer to initiate the handshake to


( dataURLArray ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:209      Available since 0.6.1

Assembles the data string chunks of a chunked dataURL binary string (base64) into the original dataURL binary string (base64).


  • dataURLArray {Array}

    The array of chunked dataURL binary strings (base64) based on the dataURL string provided.



The original huge dataURL binary string (base64).


( dataURL ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:78      Available since 0.1.0

Converts a binary string (base64) derived from dataURL conversion to a Blob data object.
Author: #6850276


  • dataURL {String}

    The binary string (base64) to convert.



The converted Blob data object.


( data ,   callback ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:104      Available since 0.1.0

Converts a Blob data object into a binary string (base64) using dataURL conversion


  • data {Blob}

    The Blob data object to convert.

  • callback {Function}

    The callback triggered when Blob data conversion to binary string (base64) has completed.

    • data {String}

      The converted binary string (base64).


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:554      Available since 0.1.0

Handles the BYE Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the BYE payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "bye".


( senderPeerId ,   data ,   channelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:966      Available since 0.5.0

Handles the CANCEL Protocol request received from the DataChannel connection.




  • senderPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • data {JSON}

    The data object received from the DataChannel connection. This should contain the CANCEL payload.

    • name {String}

      The transfer data object name.

    • content {String}

      The reason for termination as a message.

    • sender {String}

      The Peer ID of the sender.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "CANCEL".

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID associated with the transfer.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:1296      Available since 0.5.1

Handles the CANDIDATE Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.


  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the CANDIDATE payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • id {String}

      The ICE candidate identifier of the "media stream identification" for the m-line this candidate is associated with if present. The value is retrieved from RTCIceCandidate.sdpMid.

    • label {String}

      The ICE candidate index (starting at zero) of the m-line in the SDP this candidate is associated with. The value is retrieved from RTCIceCandidate.sdpMLineIndex.

    • candidate {String}

      The ICE candidate candidate-attribute. The value is retrieved from RTCIceCandidate.candidate.

    • target {String}

      The targeted Peer ID to receive the message object.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step: "candidate".


( blob ,   chunkSize ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:128      Available since 0.5.2

Chunks a huge Blob data object into smaller Blob data object chunks based on the chunk sizes provided. If provided Blob data object is smaller than chunk sizes, it will return an array length of 1 with the Blob data object.


  • blob {Blob}

    The huge Blob binary data object.

  • chunkSize {Number}

    The chunk size that the Blob binary data should be cut into.



The array of chunked Blob data objects based on the Blob data object provided.


( dataURL ,   chunkSize ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:167      Available since 0.6.1

Chunks a huge dataURL binary string (base64) into smaller strings based on the chunk length provided. If provided dataURL binary string (base64) is smaller than chunk length, it will return an array length of 1 with the dataURL string.


  • dataURL {String}

    The huge dataURL binary string (base64).

  • chunkSize {Number}

    The string (chunk) length that the dataURL binary string (base64) should be cut into.



The array of chunked dataURL binary strings (base64) based on the dataURL string provided.


( [logLevel] ,   )
private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:163      Available since 0.5.5

Clears the stored Skylink console logs in _storedLogs.


  • logLevel {Number} Optional

    The specific log level of Skylink console logs that should be cleared. If value is not provided, it will clear all stored console logs. [Rel: Skylink.LOG_LEVEL]


( peerId ,   [isSender=false] ,   channelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:322      Available since 0.5.0

Stops and clears the waitig timeout for the associated DataChannel connection.


  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • isSender {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag thats indicates if the response is related to a downloading or uploading data transfer.

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID.


  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:571      Available since 0.5.5

Disconnects the current socket connection with the platform signaling.


( peerId ,   [channelName] ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-channel.js:362      Available since 0.1.0

Stops DataChannel connections associated with a Peer connection and remove any object references to the DataChannel connection(s).




  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection(s) to close.

  • channelName {String} Optional

    The targeted DataChannel channelName to close the connection with. If channelName is not provided, all associated DataChannel connections with the Peer connection would be closed.


( eventName ,   callback ,   [checkFirst] ,   [condition] ,   [fireAlways=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1539      Available since 0.5.5

Checks if the first condition is already met before doing an event handler subscription to wait for the second condition to be met. This method will do a event subscription with once() as this _condition() would only trigger once, unless fireAlways is set to true.


  • eventName {String}

    The Skylink event name to subscribe to.

  • callback {Function}

    The event handler to subscribe to the associated Skylink event name to trigger once the condition has met. If fireAlways option is set to true, this will always be fired when condition is met.

  • checkFirst {Function} Optional

    The first condition to check before doing an event subscription to wait for second condition to meet. Return in the first condition function true to pass as meeting the condition. If the first condition is met, the event handler would be triggered and the event handler will not be subscribed to the event or wait for second condition to pass.

  • condition {Function} Optional

    The second condition function that once the it has been met, it will trigger the event handler once. Return in the second condition function true to pass as meeting the condition. If the second condition is met, the event handler would be triggered and depending if fireAlways option is set to true, this will always be fired when condition is met.

  • fireAlways {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if Skylink should interrupt the second condition function once the function has been triggered to not unsubscribe the event handler but to always trigger when the second condition has been met.


( peerId ,   channelType ,   [dataChannel] ,   customChannelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-channel.js:108      Available since 0.5.5

Starts a DataChannel connection with a Peer connection. If the DataChannel is provided in the parameter, it simply appends event handlers to check the current state of the DataChannel.




  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID to start the DataChannel with or associate the provided DataChannel object connection with.

  • channelType {String}

    The DataChannel functionality type. [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE]

  • dataChannel {Object} Optional

    The RTCDataChannel object received in the Peer connection .ondatachannel event.

  • customChannelName {String}

    The custom RTCDataChannel label name to identify the different opened channels.



The DataChannel connection object associated with the provided Peer ID.


( targetMid ,   [isScreenSharing=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:363      Available since 0.5.1

Creates a Peer connection. This does not start the handshake connection but creates the Peer connection object ready for connection.


  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID to create the connection object with.

  • isScreenSharing {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream sent is a screensharing stream or not.



The Peer connection object associated with the provided ID.


( type ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:356      Available since 0.5.10

Starts a connection with the platform signaling.


  • type {String}

    The transport type of connection to use.

    • "WebSocket": Uses the WebSocket connection.
      options.transports = ["websocket"]
    • "Polling": Uses the Polling connection.
      options.transports = ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "polling"]


( data ,   senderPeerId ,   channelName ,   channelType ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:580      Available since 0.5.2

Routes the data received to the relevant Protocol handler based on the data received.


  • data {String | Object}

    The data received from the DataChannel connection.

  • senderPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID.

  • channelType {String}

    The DataChannel connection functionality type. [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE]


( senderPeerId ,   dataString ,   dataType ,   channelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:1055      Available since 0.5.5

Handles the DATA Protocol request received from the DataChannel connection. In this handler, it actually handles and manipulates the received data transfer packet.




  • senderPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • dataString {ArrayBuffer | Blob | String}

    The data transfer packet (chunk) received.

  • dataType {String}

    The data transfer packet (chunk) data type received. [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_DATA_TYPE]

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID associated with the transfer.


( targetMid ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:259      Available since 0.1.0

Responses to the OFFER session description received and creates an ANSWER session description to sent to the associated Peer to complete the WebRTC handshake layer.


  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID to send the ANSWER to.


( targetMid ,   peerBrowser ,   renegoCallback ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:151      Available since 0.5.2

Starts to initiate the WebRTC layer of handshake connection by creating the OFFER session description and then sending it to the associated Peer. The offerer status may be shifted to the other peer depending on when version of browser that is initiating the connection to what version of browser to.


  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID to send the OFFER to.

  • peerBrowser {JSON}

    The Peer platform agent information.

    • name {String}

      The Peer platform browser or agent name.

    • version {Number}

      The Peer platform browser or agent version.

    • os {Number}

      The Peer platform name.

  • renegoCallback {Function}

    The callback function that triggers after the offer has been created or responsed.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:705      Available since 0.5.1

Handles the ENTER Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.


handshakeProgress, peerJoined


  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the ENTER payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • receiveOnly {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if the Peer connection would send Stream or not (receive only).

    • userInfo {JSON}

      The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

      • userData {String | JSON}
        The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().
      • settings {JSON}
        The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
      • {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in the Peer connection Stream audio streaming.
      • {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • settings.bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • mediaStatus {JSON}
        The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.
      • mediaStatus.audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: true The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • mediaStatus.videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: true The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • {String}

      The Peer platform browser or agent name.

    • version {Number}

      The Peer platform browser or agent version.

    • os {Number}

      The Peer platform name.

    • sessionType {String}

      The Peer connection remote Stream streaming session type. If value is "stream", the Stream streaming session is normal user media streaming, else if it is "screensharing", the Stream streaming session is screensharing session.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "enter".


( senderPeerId ,   data ,   channelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:915      Available since 0.5.2

Handles the ERROR Protocol request received from the DataChannel connection.




  • senderPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • data {JSON}

    The data object received from the DataChannel connection. This should contain the ERROR payload.

    • name {String}

      The transfer data object name.

    • content {String}

      The error message.

    • isUploadError {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag thats indicates if the response is related to a downloading or uploading data transfer.

    • sender {String}

      The Peer ID of the sender.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "ERROR".

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID associated with the transfer.


( [logLevel] ,   )
private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:135      Available since 0.5.5

Gets the stored Skylink console logs from _storedLogs.


  • logLevel {Number} Optional

    The specific log level of Skylink console logs that should be returned. If value is not provided, it will return all stored console logs. [Rel: Skylink.LOG_LEVEL]



The array of stored console logs based on the log level provided.


( [room] ,   callback ,   )
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:788      Available since 0.5.5

Starts loading the required connection information to start connection based on the selected room in joinRoom().




  • room {String} Optional

    The room to retrieve required connection information to start connection. If room is not provided, the room would default to the the defaultRoom option set in init() settings.

  • callback {Function}

    The callback fired after required connection information has been retrieved successfully with the provided media settings or have met with an exception.

    • error {Object}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.


( message ,   message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:640      Available since 0.1.0

Handles the IN_ROOM Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the IN_ROOM payload.

  • message {JSON}

    Expected IN_ROOM data object format.

    • {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • {String}

      The self session socket connection ID. This is used by the signalling socket connection as ID to target self and the peers Peer ID.

    • {JSON}

      The Peer connection iceServers configuration.

    • {String}

      Protocol step: "inRoom".


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:312      Available since 0.6.1

Handles the INTRODUCE_ERROR message event received from the platform signaling.


  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "introduceError".

    • reason {Object}

      The error message.

    • sendingPeerId {Object}

      Id of the peer initiating the handshake

    • receivingPeerId {Object}

      Id of the peer receiving the handshake


  Defined in: source/room-init.js:693      Available since 0.5.2

Starts loading the required dependencies and then retrieve the required connection information from the platform server.




( logLevel ,   message ,   [0] ,   [debugObject] ,   )
private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:275      Available since 0.5.5

Handles the Skylink logs and stores the console log message in _storedLogs if _enableDebugStack is set to true and prints out the log to the Web console.


  • logLevel {String}

    The console log message log level. [Rel: Skylink.LOG_LEVEL]

  • message {Array | String}

    The console log message contents.

    • 1 {String}

      The interface the message is associated with.

    • 2 {String | Array}

      Any additional message information that the message is associated with.

    • 3: {String}

      The console log message message data.

  • 0 {String} Optional

    The Peer ID the message is associated with.

  • debugObject {Object | String} Optional

    The console debugging message object to accompany and display that associates with the console log message.


( peerId ,   data ,   channelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:885      Available since 0.5.2

Handles the MESSAGE Protocol request received from the DataChannel connection.




  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • data {JSON}

    The data object received from the DataChannel connection. This should contain the MESSAGE payload.

    • target {String}

      The targeted Peer ID to receive the message object.

    • data {String | JSON}

      The message object.

    • sender {String}

      The Peer ID of the sender.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "MESSAGE".

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID associated with the transfer.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:450      Available since 0.2.0

Handles the MUTE_AUDIO Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the MUTE_AUDIO payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • muted {Boolean}

      The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "muteAudioEvent".


  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1115      Available since 0.5.6

Handles the muting of audio and video streams in _mediaStream, _mediaScreen and _mediaScreenClone,



The information of the self MediaStream object attached to Skylink if they have the specified tracks for the stream settings.

  • return.hasAudioTracks: The flag that indicates if self MediaStream has audio tracks
  • return.hasVideoTracks: The flag that indicates if self MediaStream has video tracks


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:478      Available since 0.2.0

Handles the MUTE_VIDEO Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the MUTE_VIDEO payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • muted {String}

      The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "muteVideoEvent".


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:1203      Available since 0.5.1

Handles the OFFER Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the OFFER payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • sdp {String}

      The generated offer session description.

    • target {String}

      The targeted Peer ID to receive the message object.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "offer".


( error ,   )
  Defined in: source/ice-candidate.js:210      Available since 0.5.9

Handles the event when adding an ICE candidate has failed. This is mainly to prevent JShint errors.


  • error {Object}

    The error received in the failure callback in RTCPeerConnection.addIceCandidate(candidate, successCb, failureCb).


  Defined in: source/ice-candidate.js:197      Available since 0.5.9

Handles the event when adding an ICE candidate has been added successfully. This is mainly to prevent JShint errors.


( targetMid ,   candidate ,   )
  Defined in: source/ice-candidate.js:63      Available since 0.1.0

Handles the ICE candidate object received from associated Peer connection to send the ICE candidate object or wait for all gathering to complete before sending the candidate to prevent trickle ICE.




  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the ICE candidate object received.

  • candidate {RTCIceCandidate}

    The local generated candidate object.


( targetMid ,   event ,   [isScreenSharing=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:584      Available since 0.5.2

Handles the event when remote MediaStream is received from Peer connection.




  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the remote Stream object received.

  • event {Event}

    The event object received in the RTCPeerConnection. onaddstream.

  • isScreenSharing {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if Peer connection Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.


( error ,   [isScreenSharing=false] ,   [audioFallback=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:528      Available since 0.5.4

Handles the event when access to self user media MediaStream has failed.




  • error {Object}

    The error object thrown that caused the failure.

  • isScreenSharing {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if self Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.

  • audioFallback {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if stage of stream media error should do an audio fallback.


( stream ,   [isScreenSharing=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:418      Available since 0.3.0

Handles the event when access to self user media MediaStream is successful.




  • stream {MediaStream}

    The self user MediaStream object.

  • isScreenSharing {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if self Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.


  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:524      Available since 0.5.5

Connects to the socket connection endpoint URI to platform signaling that is constructed with _signalingServerProtocol, _signalingServer and _signalingServerPort. Example format: protocol//serverUrl:port.
Once URI is formed, it will start a new connection with _createSocket().


channelMessage, channelOpen, channelError, channelClose


( [options=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:631      Available since 0.5.5

Parses the audio stream settings for self provided.


  • options {Boolean | JSON} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if self user media MediaStream would have audio streaming.

    • mute {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted.

    • optional {Array} Optional

      The optional constraints for audio streaming in self user media Stream object. Some of the values are set by the audio.optional setting in getUserMedia().



The parsed audio stream settings for self.

  • return.settings: The output audio stream settings information for self
  • return.userMedia: The output audio MediaStreamConstraints to be passed into getUserMedia()


( [options] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:791      Available since 0.5.5

Parses the streaming bandwidth settings for self provided.


  • options {String} Optional

    The self streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured in kb/s.

    • audio {String} Optional

      The configured audio stream channel for self connection Stream object bandwidth that audio streaming should use in kb/s.

    • video {String} Optional

      The configured video stream channel for the self connection Stream object bandwidth that video streaming should use in kb/s.

    • data {String} Optional

      The configured datachannel channel for self DataChannel connection bandwidth that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in kb/s.


( defaults ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:903      Available since 0.5.7

Parses the default stream settings received from the platform signaling.


  • defaults {JSON}

    The default user media settings.

    • maxHeight {Number} Optional

      The default user media MediaStream video streaming resolution maximum height.

    • maxWidth {Number} Optional

      The default user media MediaStream video streaming resolution maximum width.


( info ,   )
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:565      Available since 0.5.2

Parses the connection information retrieved from the platform server and stores them into the relevant attributes in _room and _user.




  • info {JSON}

    The HTTP response data if the HTTP status code is 200 (which means HTTP OK code)

    • pc_constraints {String}

      The RTCPeerConnection constraints. The data is in JSON stringified string and requires converting the JSON string to an JSON object to use the object.

    • media_constraints {String}

      The getUserMedia() MediaStreamConstraints. The data is in JSON stringified string and requires converting the JSON string to an JSON object to use the object.

    • offer_constraints {String}

      The RTCPeerConnection RTCOfferOptions. The data is in JSON stringified string and requires converting the JSON string to an JSON object to use the object.

    • bandwidth {String}

      The self streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured in kb/s.

      • audio {String}
        The default audio stream channel for self Stream object bandwidth that audio streaming should use in kb/s.
      • video {String}
        The default video stream channel for self Stream object bandwidth that video streaming should use in kb/s.
      • data {String}
        The default datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in kb/s.
    • cid {String}

      The Skylink server connection key for starting the selected room connection.

    • apiOwner {String}

      The Skylink server Application Key owner string for the selected room.

    • httpPortList {Array}

      The list of HTTP ports for reconnection retries.

      • (#index) {Number}
        The HTTP port that Skylink could reattempt to establish for a signaling connection with http: protocol.
    • httpsPortList {Array}

      The list of HTTPS ports for reconnection retries.

      • (#index) {Number}
        The HTTPS port that Skylink could reattempt to establish for a signaling connection with https: protocol or when {{#crossLink "Skylink/_forceSSL:attribute"}}_forceSSL{{/crossLink}} is enabled.
    • ipSigserver {String}

      The platform signaling endpoint URI to open socket connection with.

    • roomCred {String}

      The generated room token given by the platform server for starting the platform signaling connection.

    • room_key {String}

      For success state. The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • start {String}

      The start datetime stamp (in The startDateTime in (ISO 8601 format) that the call has started sent by the platform server as an indication for the starting datetime of the platform signaling connection to self.

    • timeStamp {String}

      The self session timestamp.

    • userCred {String}

      The self session access token.

    • username {String}

      The self session ID.


( [options] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:937      Available since 0.5.6

Parses the provided stream settings for self provided.


  • options {JSON} Optional

    The self Stream streaming settings. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no audio and video stream sending from self connection.

    • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream audio user media access is given.

      • stereo {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.
      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted.
    • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream video user media access is given.

      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted.
      • resolution {JSON} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • frameRate {Number} Optional
        DEFAULT: 50 The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
    • bandwidth {String} Optional

      The configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. Setting the flags may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.

      • audio {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • video {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • data {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.


( [options] ,   [audio.stereo=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:835      Available since 0.5.5

Parses the mediaStatus settings for self provided.


  • options {JSON} Optional

    The self Stream streaming settings.

    • userData {String | JSON} Optional

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream audio user media access is given.

      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted.
    • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream video user media access is given.

      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted.
      • resolution {JSON} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • frameRate {Number} Optional
        DEFAULT: 50 The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
  • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The default flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.



The parsed mediaStatus settings for self.

  • return.audioMuted: The flag that indicates if self connection Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for self connection, by default, it is set to true.
  • return.videoMuted: The flag that indicates if self connection Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for self connection, by default, it is set to true.


( [userData] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-data.js:181      Available since 0.5.6

Parses the custom user data information for self provided.


  • userData {JSON} Optional

    The custom (or updated) user data information for self provided.


( [options=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:690      Available since 0.5.8

Parses the video stream settings for self provided.


  • options {Boolean | JSON} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of self connection.

    • resolution {JSON} Optional

      The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]

      • width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
    • frameRate {Number} Optional

      The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.

    • mute {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted.

    • optional {Array} Optional

      The optional constraints for video streaming in self user media Stream object. Some of the values are set by the video.optional setting in getUserMedia().



The parsed video stream settings for self.

  • return.settings: The output video stream settings information for self
  • return.userMedia: The output video MediaStreamConstraints to be passed into getUserMedia()


( message.type ,   message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:292      Available since 0.6.1

Handles the PEER_LIST message event received from the platform signaling.


  • message.type {String}

    Protocol step: "peerList".

  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step: "peerList".

    • result {Object}

      The received resulting object E.g. {room1: [peer1, peer2], room2: ...}.


private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:181      Available since 0.5.5

Prints all the stored Skylink console logs into the Web console from _storedLogs.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:580      Available since 0.4.0

Handles the PRIVATE_MESSAGE Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the PRIVATE_MESSAGE payload.

    • data {JSON | String}

      The Message object.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • cid {String}

      The Skylink server connection key for the selected room.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • target {String}

      The targeted Peer ID to receive the message object.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step: "private".


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:204      Available since 0.1.0

Routes the data received to the relevant Protocol handler based on the socket message received.


  • message {JSON}

    The message object received.


( messageString ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:179      Available since 0.1.0

Parses any GROUP type of message received and split them up to send them to Skylink/_processSingleMessage:method to handle the individual message object received. If the message is not GROUP type of message received, it will send it directly to Skylink/_processSingleMessage:method


  • messageString {String}

    The message object in JSON string.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:610      Available since 0.4.0

Handles the PUBLIC_MESSAGE Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the PUBLIC_MESSAGE payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • cid {String}

      The Skylink server connection key for the selected room.

    • muted {String}

      The flag to indicate if the User's audio stream is muted or not.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step: "public".


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:364      Available since 0.5.1

Handles the REDIRECT message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the REDIRECT payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • info {String}

      The message received from the platform signaling when the system action and reason is given.

    • action {String}

      The system action that is received from the platform signaling. [Rel: Skylink.SYSTEM_ACTION]

    • reason {String}

      The reason received from the platform signaling behind the system action given. [Rel: Skylink.SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON]

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "redirect".


( peerId ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:304      Available since 0.5.5

Disconnects the Peer connection and remove object references associated.




  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID to disconnect the connection with.


( sdpLines ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-sdp.js:357      Available since 0.5.2

Modifies the array of session description received to remove the Firefox 32 H262 preference to prevent breaking connection with nsupported browsers.


  • sdpLines {Array}

    The array of lines in the session description.



The updated array of lines in the session description removed of the Firefox 32 H262 preference.


( method ,   url ,   callback ,   params ,   )
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:400      Available since 0.5.2

Starts a HTTP /GET REST call to the platform server to retrieve the required connection information.


  • method {String}

    The HTTP method. The value should be provided as "GET".

  • url {String}

    The HTTP URI to invoke the REST call to. The value should be _path.

  • callback {Function}

    The callback fired The callback fired after the HTTP /GET REST call has a response from the platform server.

    • status {Number}

      The HTTP status code of the HTTP response given by the platform server.

    • response {JSON}

      The HTTP response data after the platform server has responded with the HTTP request.

      • success {Boolean}
        The response from the platform server if Application Key connection retrieval is successful and validated or not.
      • pc_constraints {String}
        For success state. The RTCPeerConnection constraints that would be configured in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_room:attribute"}}_room.peerConstraints{{/crossLink}} in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_parseInfo:method"}}_parseInfo(){{/crossLink}}. The data is in JSON stringified string and requires converting the JSON string to an JSON object to use the object.
      • media_constraints {String}
        For success state. The getUserMedia() MediaStreamConstraints that would be configured in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_room:attribute"}}_room.mediaConstraints{{/crossLink}} in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_parseInfo:method"}}_parseInfo(){{/crossLink}}. The data is in JSON stringified string and requires converting the JSON string to an JSON object to use the object.
      • offer_constraints {String}
        For success state. The RTCPeerConnection RTCOfferOptions that would be configured in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_room:attribute"}}_room.offerConstraints{{/crossLink}} in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_parseInfo:method"}}_parseInfo(){{/crossLink}}. The data is in JSON stringified string and requires converting the JSON string to an JSON object to use the object.
      • bandwidth {String}
        For success state. The self streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured in kb/s.
      • {String}
        The default audio stream channel for self Stream object bandwidth that audio streaming should use in kb/s.
      • {String}
        The default video stream channel for self Stream object bandwidth that video streaming should use in kb/s.
      • {String}
        The default datachannel channel for the DataChannel connection bandwidth that datachannel connection per packet should be able use in kb/s.
      • cid {String}
        For success state. The Skylink server connection key for the selected room. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_key:attribute"}}_key{{/crossLink}} in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_parseInfo:method"}}_parseInfo(){{/crossLink}}.
      • apiOwner {String}
        For success state. The Skylink server Application Key owner string for the selected room. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_appKeyOwner:attribute"}}_appKeyOwner{{/crossLink}} in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_parseInfo:method"}}_parseInfo(){{/crossLink}}.
      • httpPortList {Array}
        For success state. The list of HTTP ports for reconnection retries. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_socketPorts:attribute"}}_socketPorts.http:{{/crossLink}}.
      • httpPortList.(#index) {Number}
        The HTTP port that Skylink could reattempt to establish for a signaling connection with http: protocol.
      • httpsPortList {Array}
        For success state. The list of HTTPS ports for reconnection retries. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_socketPorts:attribute"}}_socketPorts.https:{{/crossLink}}.
      • httpsPortList.(#index) {Number}
        The HTTPS port that Skylink could reattempt to establish for a signaling connection with https: protocol or when {{#crossLink "Skylink/_forceSSL:attribute"}}_forceSSL{{/crossLink}} is enabled.
      • ipSigserver {String}
        For success state. The platform signaling endpoint URI to open socket connection with. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_signalingServer:attribute"}}_signalingServer{{/crossLink}}.
      • roomCred {String}
        For success state. The generated room token given by the platform server for starting the platform signaling connection. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_room:attribute"}}_room.token{{/crossLink}}.
      • room_key {String}
        For success state. The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_room:attribute"}}{{/crossLink}}.
      • start {String}
        For success state. The start datetime stamp (in The startDateTime in [(ISO 8601 format)]( that the call has started sent by the platform server as an indication for the starting datetime of the platform signaling connection to self. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_room:attribute"}}_room.startDateTime{{/crossLink}}.
      • timeStamp {String}
        For success state. The self session timestamp. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_user:attribute"}}_user.timeStamp{{/crossLink}}
      • userCred {String}
        For success state. The self session access token. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_user:attribute"}}_user.token{{/crossLink}}.
      • username {String}
        For success state. The self session ID. This would be stored in {{#crossLink "Skylink/_user:attribute"}}_user.username{{/crossLink}}.
      • info {String}
        For failure state. The error message thrown by the platform server.
      • error {Number}
        For failure state. The error code of the error thrown by the platform server.
  • params {JSON}

    HTTP Params The HTTP data parameters that would be application/json;charset=UTF-8 encoded when sent to the platform server.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:841      Available since 0.5.6

Handles the RESTART Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.


handshakeProgress, peerRestart


  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the RESTART payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • receiveOnly {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if the Peer connection would send Stream or not (receive only).

    • enableIceTrickle {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if PeerConnections should enable trickling of ICE to connect the ICE connection.

    • enableDataChannel {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if Peer connection should have any DataChannel connections.

    • userInfo {JSON}

      The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

      • userData {String | JSON}
        The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().
      • settings {JSON}
        The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.
      • {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in the Peer connection Stream audio streaming.
      • {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • settings.bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • mediaStatus {JSON}
        The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.
      • mediaStatus.audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: true The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • mediaStatus.videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: true The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • {String}

      The Peer platform browser or agent name.

    • version {Number}

      The Peer platform browser or agent version.

    • os {Number}

      The Peer platform name.

    • target {String}

      The targeted Peer ID to receive the message object.

    • weight {Number}

      The generated handshake reconnection weight for associated Peer.

    • lastRestart {Number}

      The datetime stamp generated using (in ms) used to throttle the Peer reconnection functionality to prevent less Peer reconnection handshaking errors.

    • isConnectionRestart {Boolean}

      The flag that indicates whether the restarting action is caused by ICE connection or handshake connection failure. Currently, this feature works the same as message.explict parameter.

    • explict {Boolean}

      The flag that indicates whether the restart functionality is invoked by the application or by Skylink when the ICE connection fails to establish a "healthy" connection state. Currently, this feature works the same as message.isConnectionRestart parameter.

    • sessionType {String}

      The Peer connection remote Stream streaming session type. If value is "stream", the Stream streaming session is normal user media streaming, else if it is "screensharing", the Stream streaming session is screensharing session.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "restart".


( [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:728      Available since 0.6.1

Restarts all Peers connection in a MCU connection environment. This would require the current user to leave the room and restart all current existing Peers connection.


peerRestart, serverPeerRestart, peerJoined, peerLeft, serverPeerJoined


  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after all targeted Peers connection has been initiated with refresh or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {JSON}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peers that the refresh connection had been initiated with.
      • refreshErrors {JSON}
        The list of errors occurred based on per Peer basis.
      • refreshErrors.(#peerId) {Object | String}
        The Peer ID associated with the error that occurred when refreshing the connection.
    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.

      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peers that the refresh connection had been initiated with.


( peerId ,   isSelfInitiatedRestart ,   isConnectionRestart ,   callback ,   [explict=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:158      Available since 0.5.8

Restarts a Peer connection in a P2P environment. This is usually done for replacing the previous Stream attached and restarting the connection with a new one, or when the ICE connection has issues streaming video/audio stream in the remote Stream which requires a refresh in the ICE connection.


  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID to restart the connection with.

  • isSelfInitiatedRestart {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if the restart action was caused by self.

  • isConnectionRestart {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates whether the restarting action is caused by ICE connection or handshake connection failure. Currently, this feature works the same as explict parameter.

  • callback {Function}

    The callback fired after the Peer connection has been succesfully initiated with a restart. Set this value to null if you do not want to pass in any callbacks.

  • explict {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates whether the restart functionality is invoked by the application or by Skylink when the ICE connection fails to establish a "healthy" connection state. Currently, this feature works the same as isConnectionRestart parameter.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:428      Available since 0.2.0

Handles the ROOM_LOCK Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the ROOM_LOCK payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • lock {String}

      The flag that indicates if the currently joined room is locked.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "roomLockEvent".


( data ,   dataInfo ,   [targetPeerId=null] ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:345      Available since 0.5.5

Starts a data transfer with a Peer. If multi-transfer is supported, Skylink would open a new DataChannel connection with Peer to start data transfer. If mutli-transfer is not supported in _INTEROP_MULTI_TRANSFERS, the data transfer would start in the DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.MESSAGING channel instead.


  • data {Blob}

    The Blob data object to send.

  • dataInfo {JSON}

    The data transfer information.

    • transferId {String}

      The transfer ID of the data transfer.

    • name {String}

      The transfer Blob data object name.

    • timeout {Number} Optional
      DEFAULT: 60

      The timeout set to await in seconds for response from DataChannel connection.

    • size {Number}

      The Blob data binary size expected to be received in the receiving end.

    • isPrivate {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.

  • targetPeerId {String | Array} Optional
    DEFAULT: null

    The receiving Peer ID. Array is used for MCU connection where multi-targeted Peers are used. By default, the value is null, which indicates that the data transfer is requested with all connected Peers.



The DataChannel connection ID associated with the transfer. If returned as null or empty, it indicates an error.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:232      Available since 0.5.8

Sends socket message over the platform signaling socket connection.


  • message {JSON}

    The socket message object.

    • type {String}

      Required. Protocol type of the socket message object.


( peerId ,   data ,   [channelName="main"] ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-channel.js:288      Available since 0.5.2

Sends data over the DataChannel connection associated with the Peer connection. The current supported data type is string. Blob, ArrayBuffer types support is not yet currently handled or implemented.




  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID to send the data to the associated DataChannel connection.

  • data {JSON | String}

    The data to send over. string is only used to send binary data string over. JSON is primarily used for the DT Protocol that Skylink follows for P2P messaging and transfers.

  • channelName {String} Optional
    DEFAULT: "main"

    The DataChannel channelName of the connection to send the data over to. The datachannel to send messages to. By default, if the DataChannel channelName is not provided, the DataChannel connection associated with the channelName "main" would be used.


( peerId ,   timeout ,   [isSender=false] ,   channelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:269      Available since 0.5.0

Sets a waiting timeout for every response sent to DataChannel connection receiving end. Once the timeout has ended, a timeout error will be thrown and data transfer will be terminated.


  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • timeout {Number}

    The waiting timeout in seconds.

  • isSender {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag thats indicates if the response is related to a downloading or uploading data transfer.

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID.


( config ,   )
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:204      Available since 0.5.4

Reconfigures the RTCConfiguration.iceServers that is to be passed in constructing the new RTCPeerConnection object to remove (disable) STUN or remove TURN (disable) server connections based on the init() configuration passed in.


  • config {JSON}

    The RTCConfiguration that is to be passed for constructing the new RTCPeerConnection object.



The updated RTCConfiguration object based on the configuration settings in the init() method.


( targetMid ,   sessionDescription ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:421      Available since 0.5.2

Sets the WebRTC handshake layer session description into the Peer RTCPeerConnection object RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription() associated with the Peer connection.




  • targetMid {String}

    The Peer ID to send the session description to after setting into the associated RTCPeerConnection object.

  • sessionDescription {JSON}

    The OFFER or an ANSWER session description to set to the associated Peer after setting into the RTCPeerConnection object.


( sdpLines ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-sdp.js:300      Available since 0.5.2

Modifies the array of session description received to configure the selected audio codec to use in the audio streaming connection.


  • sdpLines {Array}

    The array of lines in the session description.



The updated array of lines in the session description with the selected audio codec.


( sdpLines ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-sdp.js:151      Available since 0.5.10

Modifies the array of session description received to set a custom bandwidth bitrate (in kbps) in the streaming connection. Setting the bandwidth flags may not force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate.


  • sdpLines {Array}

    The array of lines in the session description.



The updated array of lines in the session description with custom bandwidth bitrate (in kbps) settings.


( sdpLines ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-sdp.js:242      Available since 0.5.2

Modifies the array of session description received to configure the selected video codec to use in the video streaming connection.


  • sdpLines {Array}

    The array of lines in the session description.



The updated array of lines in the session description with the selected video codec.


( sdpLines ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-sdp.js:62      Available since 0.5.10

BROKEN (not in use). Modifies the array of session description received to set a custom video resolution in the video streaming connection.


  • sdpLines {Array}

    The array of lines in the session description.



The updated array of lines in the session description with the custom video resolution.


( data ,   dataInfo ,   [listOfPeers] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:1537      Available since 0.6.1

Starts the actual data transfers with the array of Peers provided and based on the data transfer type to start the DataChannel connection data transfer.


  • data {Blob | String}

    The transfer data object.

  • dataInfo {JSON}

    The transfer data object information.

    • name {String} Optional
      DEFAULT: transferId

      The transfer data object name. If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.

    • size {Number}

      The transfer data size.

    • transferId {String}

      The data transfer ID.

    • dataType {String}

      The type of data transfer initiated. Available types are "dataURL" and "blob".

    • timeout {String}

      The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.

    • isPrivate {Boolean}

      The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.

  • listOfPeers {Array} Optional

    The array of targeted Peer to transfer the data object to.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after all the data transfers is completed successfully or met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {JSON}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

      • state {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The dataTransferState when the error has occurred. This only triggers for a single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • error {Object | String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The error received when the data transfer fails. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • transferId {String}
        The transfer ID of the failed data transfer.
      • peerId {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null The single targeted Peer ID for the data transfer. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peer that the data transfer has been initiated with.
      • isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
      • transferErrors {JSON}
        The list of errors occurred based on per Peer basis.
      • transferErrors.(#peerId) {Object | String}
        The error that occurred when having a DataChannel connection data transfer with associated Peer.
      • transferInfo {JSON}
        The transfer data object information.
      • {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: transferId The transfer data object name. If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.size {Number}
        The transfer data size.
      • transferInfo.transferId {String}
        The data transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.dataType {String}
        The type of data transfer initiated. The received type would be "blob".
      • transferInfo.timeout {String}
        The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
      • transferInfo.isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.

      • state {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The dataTransferState when the data transfer has been completed successfully. This only triggers for a single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • transferId {String}
        The transfer ID of the successful data transfer.
      • peerId {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null The single targeted Peer ID for the data transfer. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peer that the data transfer has been initiated with.
      • isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
      • transferInfo {JSON}
        The transfer data object information.
      • {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: transferId The transfer data object name. If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.size {Number}
        The transfer data size.
      • transferInfo.transferId {String}
        The data transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.dataType {String}
        The type of data transfer initiated. The received type would be "blob".
      • transferInfo.timeout {String}
        The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
      • transferInfo.isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.


( peerId ,   [toOffer=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:302      Available since 0.5.5

Starts the waiting timeout for a "healthy" connection with associated Peer connection. It waits for any existing Peer "healthy" state in successful _peerConnectionHealth. If timeout has reached it's limit and does not have any "healthy" connection state with Peer connection, it will restart the connection again with _restartPeerConnection(). This sets the timeout object associated with the Peer into Skylink/_peerConnectionHealthTimers.


  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID to start a waiting timeout for a "healthy" connection.

  • toOffer {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if Peer connection is an offerer or an answerer for an accurate timeout waiting time.


( options ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1227      Available since 0.6.3

Handles the stopping of audio and video streams.


  • options {Boolean | JSON}

    The stop attached Stream options for Skylink when leaving the room.

    • userMedia {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if leaving the room should automatically stop and clear the existing user media stream attached to skylink. This would trigger mediaAccessStopped for this Stream if available.

    • screenshare {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if leaving the room should automatically stop and clear the existing screensharing stream attached to skylink. This would trigger mediaAccessStopped for this Stream if available.


( peerId ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:394      Available since 0.5.5

Stops the waiting timeout for a "healthy" connection associated with the Peer.


  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID to stop a waiting timeout for a "healthy" connection.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:506      Available since 0.2.0

Handles the STREAM Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the STREAM payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • status {String}

      The Peer connection remote Stream streaming current status.

      • ended: The Peer connection remote Stream streaming has ended
    • cid {String}

      The Skylink server connection key for the selected room.

    • sessionType {String}

      The Peer connection remote Stream streaming session type. If value is "stream", the Stream streaming session is normal user media streaming, else if it is "screensharing", the Stream streaming session is screensharing session.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "stream".


( func ,   wait ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1640      Available since 0.5.8

Returns a wrapper of the original function, which fires only once during a specified amount of time.


  • func {Function}

    The function that should be throttled.

  • wait {Number}

    The amount of time that function need to throttled (in ms).



The throttled function.


( eventName ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1357      Available since 0.1.0

Triggers event subscription handlers that is associated with the event name. on() event subscription handlers will be triggered always, but once() event subscription hadlers will only be triggered once the condition is met.


  • eventName {String}

    The Skylink event name to trigger that would trigger event subscription handlers associated to the event name with the arguments parameters payload.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:400      Available since 0.2.0

Handles the UPDATE_USER Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.




  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the UPDATE_USER payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • userData {JSON | String}

      The updated Peer information custom user data.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "updateUserEvent".


( callback ,   condition ,   [intervalTime=50] ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1590      Available since 0.5.5

Starts the interval check for the condition provided to meet before clearing the interval and triggering the callback provided. This utilises setInterval() function.


  • callback {Function}

    The callback fired after the condition provided has been met.

  • condition {Function}

    The condition function that once the condition has been met, trigger the callback. Return in the condition function true to pass as meeting the condition.

  • intervalTime {Number} Optional
    DEFAULT: 50

    The interval loop timeout that the interval check should iterate based on the timeout provided (in ms). By default, if the value is not configured, it is 50ms.


( callback ,   callback ,   [options] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1330      Available since 0.5.6

Waits for self MediaStream object to be attached to Skylink based on the options provided before firing the callback to indicate that self Stream object is received. This will stop any currently attached Stream object to Skylink.


mediaAccessSuccess, mediaAccessError, mediaAccessRequired


  • callback {Function}

    The callback fired after self MediaStream object is attached to Skylink based on the options provided.

    • error {Object} Optional
      DEFAULT: null

      The callback error that is defined when there's an error.

  • callback {Function}

    The callback fired after self MediaStream object is attached to Skylink based on the options provided successfully or met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error).

    • {Object}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as undefined, it means that there is no errors.

  • options {JSON} Optional

    The self Stream streaming settings. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no audio and video stream sending from self connection.

    • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream audio user media access is given.

      • stereo {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.
      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted.
    • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream video user media access is given.

      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted.
      • resolution {JSON} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • frameRate {Number} Optional
        DEFAULT: 50 The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
    • bandwidth {String} Optional

      The configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. Setting the flags may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.

      • audio {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • video {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • data {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.


( [options] ,   callback ,   )
  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:560      Available since 0.5.5

Waits for the signaling socket channel connection to be ready before starting the room connection with the Skylink signaling platform.


peerJoined, incomingStream, mediaAccessRequired


  • options {JSON} Optional

    The connection settings for self connection in the room. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no audio and video stream sending from self connection.

    • userData {String | JSON} Optional

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream audio user media access is given.

      • stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.
      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted.
    • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream video user media access is given.

      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted.
      • resolution {JSON} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • frameRate {Number} Optional
        DEFAULT: 50 The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
    • bandwidth {String} Optional

      The configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. Setting the flags may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.

      • audio {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • video {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • data {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • manualGetUserMedia {Boolean} Optional

      The flag that indicates if joinRoom() should not invoke getUserMedia() automatically but allow the developer's application to invoke getUserMedia() manually in the application. When user media access is required, the event mediaAccessRequired will be triggered.

  • callback {Function}

    The callback fired after signaling socket channel connection has opened successfully with relevant user media being available according to the settings or met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error).

    • error {Object}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as undefined, it means that there is no errors.


( message ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:1035      Available since 0.5.4

Handles the WELCOME Protocol message event received from the platform signaling.


handshakeProgress, peerJoined


  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from platform signaling. This should contain the WELCOME payload.

    • rid {String}

      The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

    • mid {String}

      The Peer ID associated with this message.

    • receiveOnly {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if the Peer connection would send Stream or not (receive only).

    • enableIceTrickle {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if PeerConnections should enable trickling of ICE to connect the ICE connection.

    • enableDataChannel {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if Peer connection should have any DataChannel connections.

    • userInfo.userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • userInfo.settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

    • {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.

    • {Boolean} Optional

      The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in the Peer connection Stream audio streaming.

    • {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.

    • {JSON} Optional

      The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]

    • {Number} Optional

      The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.

    • {Number} Optional

      The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.

    • {Number} Optional

      The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.

    • {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.

    • userInfo.settings.bandwidth {String} Optional

      The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.

    • {String} Optional

      The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.

    • {String} Optional

      The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.

    • {String} Optional

      The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.

    • userInfo.mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

    • userInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.

    • userInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.

    • {String}

      The Peer platform browser or agent name.

    • version {Number}

      The Peer platform browser or agent version.

    • os {Number}

      The Peer platform name.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "enter".

    • target {String}

      The targeted Peer ID to receive the message object.

    • weight {Number}

      The generated handshake connection weight for associated Peer.

    • sessionType {String}

      The Peer connection remote Stream streaming session type. If value is "stream", the Stream streaming session is normal user media streaming, else if it is "screensharing", the Stream streaming session is screensharing session.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "welcome".


( senderPeerId ,   data ,   channelName ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:652      Available since 0.5.2

Handles the WRQ Protocol request received from the DataChannel connection.




  • senderPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the DataChannel connection.

  • data {JSON}

    The data object received from the DataChannel connection. This should contain the WRQ payload.

    • agent {String}

      The sender Peer platform browser or agent name.

    • version {Number}

      The sender Peer platform browser or agent version.

    • name {String}

      The transfer data object name.

    • size {Number}

      The transfer data object expected received size.

    • chunkSize {Number}

      The expected data transfer packet (chunk) size.

    • timeout {Number}

      The timeout set to await in seconds for response from DataChannel connection.

    • isPrivate {Boolean}

      The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer connection directly and not broadcasted to all Peers conneciton.

    • sender {String}

      The Peer ID of the sender.

    • type {String}

      Protocol step "WRQ".

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID associated with the transfer.


( peerId ,   transferId ,   [accept=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:1881      Available since 0.6.1

Responds to a data transfer request by a Peer.


dataTransferState, incomingDataRequest, incomingData


  • peerId {String}

    The sender Peer ID.

  • transferId {String}

    The data transfer ID of the data transfer request to accept or reject.

  • accept {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates true as a response to accept the data transfer and false as a response to reject the data transfer request.


( peerId ,   transferId ,   )
Deprecated: Use .cancelDataTransfer()
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:1968      Available since 0.5.7

Terminates a current data transfer with Peer.




  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the data transfer.

  • transferId {String}

    The data transfer ID of the data transfer request to terminate the request.


( peerId ,   transferId ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:1981      Available since 0.6.1

Terminates a current data transfer with Peer.




  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the data transfer.

  • transferId {String}

    The data transfer ID of the data transfer request to terminate the request.


Deprecated: Use .muteStream()
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:2053      Available since 0.5.5

Mutes the currently attached Stream object audio stream.


streamMuted, peerUpdated





  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:2089      Available since 0.5.5

Mutes the currently attached Stream object video stream.


streamMuted, peerUpdated





Deprecated: Use .muteStream()
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:2035      Available since 0.5.5

Unmutes the currently attached Stream object audio stream.


streamMuted, peerUpdated





Deprecated: Use .muteStream()
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:2071      Available since 0.5.5

Unmutes the currently attached Stream object video stream.


streamMuted, peerUpdated





  Defined in: source/template/header.js:191      Available since 0.5.9

Helper function that generates an Unique ID (UUID) string.



Generated Unique ID (UUID) string.



// Get Unique ID (UUID) var uuid = SkylinkDemo.generateUUID();


( [peerId] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-data.js:197      Available since 0.4.0

Gets the Peer information. If an invalid Peer ID is provided, or no Peer ID is provided, the method will return the self peer information.


  • peerId {String} Optional

    The Peer information to retrieve the data from. If the Peer ID is not provided, it will return the self Peer information.



The Peer information. The parameters relates to the peerInfo payload given in the peerJoined event.



// Example 1: To get other peer's information var peerInfo = SkylinkDemo.getPeerInfo(peerId);

// Example 2: To get own information var userInfo = SkylinkDemo.getPeerInfo();


( [showAll=false] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-privileged.js:77      Available since 0.6.1

Retrieves the list of rooms and peers under the same realm based on the Application Key configured in init() from the platform signaling. This will only work if self is a privileged Peer.




  • showAll {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if returned list should also include privileged and standard in the list. By default, the value is false. Which means only unprivileged peers' ID (isPrivileged = autoIntroduce = false) is included.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after the receiving the current list of Peers from platform signaling or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {Object}

      The error object received in the callback. This is the exception thrown that caused the failure for getting self user media. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.



// To get list of unprivileged peers only SkylinkDemo.getPeers();

// To get list of all peers, including other privileged peers SkylinkDemo.getPeers(true);

// To get a list of unprivileged peers then invoke the callback SkylinkDemo.getPeers(function(error, success){ if (error){ console.log("Error happened. Can not retrieve list of peers"); } else{ console.log("Success fully retrieved list of peers", success); } });

// To get a list of all peers then invoke the callback SkylinkDemo.getPeers(true, function(error, success){ if (error){ console.log("Error happened. Can not retrieve list of peers"); } else{ console.log("Success fully retrieved list of peers", success); } });


  Defined in: source/peer-data.js:150      Available since 0.5.10

Gets the current custom user data information for self. You may set the current customer user data information for self in setUserData().


{JSON | String}:

The custom (or updated) user data information for self set.



// Example 1: To get other peer's userData var peerData = SkylinkDemo.getUserData(peerId);

// Example 2: To get own userData var userData = SkylinkDemo.getUserData();


( [options] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1465      Available since 0.5.6

Gets self user media Stream object to attach to Skylink. Do not invoke this function when user has already joined a room as this may affect any currently attached stream. You may use sendStream() instead if self is already in the room, and allows application to attach application own MediaStream object to Skylink.


mediaAccessSuccess, mediaAccessError


  • options {JSON} Optional

    The self Stream streaming settings for the new Stream object attached to Skylink. If this parameter is not provided, the options value would be { audio: true, video: true }.

    • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream audio user media access is given.

      • stereo {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.
      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted.
      • optional {Array} Optional
        The optional constraints for audio streaming in self user media Stream object. This follows the optional setting in the MediaStreamConstraints when getUserMedia() is invoked. Tampering this may cause errors in retrieval of self user media Stream object. Refer to this [site for more reference](
    • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream video user media access is given.

      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted.
      • resolution {JSON} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width. This sets the maxWidth of the video constraints passed in getUserMedia().
      • resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height. This sets the maxHeight of the video constraints passed in getUserMedia().
      • frameRate {Number} Optional
        DEFAULT: 50 The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate. This sets the maxFramerate of the video constraints passed in getUserMedia().
      • optional {Array} Optional
        The optional constraints for video streaming in self user media Stream object. This follows the optional setting in the MediaStreamConstraints when getUserMedia() is invoked. Tampering this may cause errors in retrieval of self user media Stream object. Refer to this [site for more reference](
  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after Skylink has gained access to self media stream and attached it successfully with the provided media settings or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {Object}

      The error object received in the callback. This is the exception thrown that caused the failure for getting self user media. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

    • success {Object}

      The success object received in the callback. The self user media MediaStream object. To display the MediaStream object to a video or audio, simply invoke:
      attachMediaStream(domElement, stream);. If received as null, it means that there are errors.



// Default is to get both audio and video // Example 1: Get both audio and video by default. SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia();

// Example 2: Get the audio stream only SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia({ video: false, audio: true });

// Example 3: Set the stream settings for the audio and video SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia({ video: { resolution: SkylinkDemo.VIDEO_RESOLUTION.HD, frameRate: 50 }, audio: { stereo: true } });

// Example 4: Get user media with callback SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia({ video: false, audio: true },function(error,success){ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ console.log(success); } });


( options ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:839      Available since 0.5.5

Initialises and configures Skylink to begin any connection. NOTE that this is the first method that has to be called before using any other functionalities other than debugging features like setLogLevel() and setDebugMode() and after all event subscriptions like on() or once() has been made. This is where the Application Key is configured and attached to Skylink for usage.




  • options {String | JSON}

    The configuration settings for Skylink. If provided options is a typeof string, it will be interpreted as the Application Key being provided.

    • appKey {String}

      Previously known as apiKey. The Application Key that Skylink uses for initialising and connecting rooms.

    • defaultRoom {String} Optional
      DEFAULT: options.appKey

      The default room that Skylink should connect to if there is no room provided in joinRoom(). If this value is not provided, the default room value would be the Application Key provided.

    • roomServer {String} Optional

      The platform server URL that Skylink makes a HTTP /GET to retrieve the connection information required. This is a debugging feature, and it's not advisable to manipulate this value unless you are using a beta platform server.

    • region {String} Optional

      Deprecated feature. The regional server that Skylink should connect to for fastest connectivity. [Rel: Skylink.REGIONAL_SERVER]

    • enableIceTrickle {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      Debugging Feature. The flag that indicates if PeerConnections should enable trickling of ICE to connect the ICE connection. Configuring this value to false may result in a slower connection but a more stable connection.

    • enableDataChannel {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      Debugging feature. The flag that indicates if PeerConnections should have any DataChannel connections. Configuring this value to false may result in failure to use features like sendBlobData(), sendP2PMessage() and sendURLData() or any DataChannel connection related services.

    • enableTURNServer {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      Debugging feature. The flag that indicates if PeerConnections connection should use any TURN server connection. Tampering this flag may disable any successful Peer connection that is behind any firewalls, so set this value at your own risk.

    • enableSTUNServer {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      Debugging feature. The flag that indicates if PeerConnections connection should use any STUN server connection. Tampering this flag may cause issues to connections, so set this value at your own risk.

    • forceTURN {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if PeerConnections connection should only use TURN server connection which enables a quicker connectivity. Note that this will not work if TURN is disabled for the Application Key provided. This configuration will override the settings for enableTURNServer and enableSTUNServer and set enableTURNServer as true and enableSTUNServer as false if the value is set to true.

    • usePublicSTUN {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      The flag that indicates if PeerConnections connection should enable usage of public STUN server connection connectivity. This configuration would not work if enableSTUNServer is set to false or forceTURN is set to true.

    • TURNServerTransport {Boolean} Optional

      Debugging feature. The TURN server transport to enable for TURN server connections. Tampering this flag may cause issues to connections, so set this value at your own risk. [Rel: Skylink.TURN_TRANSPORT]

    • credentials {JSON} Optional

      The credentials configured for starting a new persistent room meeting or connecting with Application Keys that do not use CORS authentication. Setting the startDateTime or the duration will not affect the actual duration for non persistent rooms. This feature would only affect connections with Application Keys that is configured for persistent room feature. To enable persistent room or disable CORS, you may set it in the developer console. CORS may be disabled by setting the platform to "Other".

      • startDateTime {String}
        The room start datetime stamp in ISO 8601 format. This will start a new meeting based on the starting datetime stamp in the room that was selected to join for Application Key that is configured with persistent room feature. You may use Date.toISOString() to retrieve ISO 8601 formatted date time stamp. The start date time of the room will not affect non persistent room connection.
      • duration {Number}
        The duration (in hours) that the room duration should be in. This will set the duration starting from the provided startDateTime onwards and after the duration is over, the meeting is over and the room is closed for Application Key that is configured with persistent room feature. The duration will not affect non persistent room connection.The duration of the meeting in hours.
        E.g. 0.5 for half an hour, 1.4 for 1 hour and 24 minutes
      • credentials {String}
        The room credentials for Application Key. This is required for rooms connecting without CORS verification or starting a new persistent room meeting.

        To generate the credentials:
        1. Concatenate a string that consists of the room name the room meeting duration (in hours) and the start date timestamp (in ISO 8601 format).
          Format room + "_" + duration + "_" + startDateTimeStamp
        2. Hash the concatenated string with the Application Key token using SHA-1. You may use the CryptoJS.HmacSHA1 function to do so.
          Example var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(concatenatedString, token);
        3. Convert the hash to a Base64 encoded string. You may use the CryptoJS.enc.Base64 function to do so.
          Example var base64String = hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
        4. Encode the Base64 encoded string to a URI component using UTF-8 encoding with encodeURIComponent().
          Example var credentials = encodeURIComponent(base64String);

    • audioFallback {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if there is a failure in getUserMedia() in retrieving user media video stream, it should fallback to retrieve audio stream only. This would not work for joinRoom() except getUserMedia().

    • forceSSL {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag to enforce an SSL platform signaling and platform server connection. If self domain accessing protocol is https:, SSL connections would be automatically used. This flag is mostly used for self domain accessing protocol that is http: and enforcing the SSL connections for platform signaling and platform server connection.

    • audioCodec {String} Optional

      Debugging Feature. The preferred audio codec that Peer connection streaming audio codec should use in the connection when available. If not available, the default codec would be the browser generated session description selected codec. [Rel: Skylink.AUDIO_CODEC]

    • videoCodec {String} Optional

      Debugging Feature. The preferred video codec that Peer connection streaming video codec should use in the connection when available. If not available, the default codec would be the browser generated session description selected codec. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_CODEC]

    • socketTimeout {Number} Optional
      DEFAULT: 20000

      The timeout that the socket connection should throw a timeout exception when socket fails to receive a response from connection. Depending on the max retries left based on the availability of ports given by the platform server, the socket will reattempt to establish a socket connection with the signaling server.
      The mininum timeout value is 5000.

    • forceTURNSSL {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag to enforce an SSL TURN server connection. If self domain accessing protocol is https:, SSL connections would be automatically used. This flag is mostly used for self domain accessing protocol that is http: and enforcing the SSL connections for TURN server connection. This will configure TURN server connection using port 443 only and if turns: protocol is supported, it will use turns: protocol.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after Skylink has been initialised successfully or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {JSON}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

      • errorCode {Number}
        The READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR if there is an readyStateChange event error that caused the failure for initialising Skylink. [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR]
      • error {Object}
        The exception thrown that caused the failure for initialising Skylink.
      • status {Number}
        The XMLHttpRequest status code received when exception is thrown that caused the failure for initialising Skylink.
    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.

      • appKey {String}
        Previously known as apiKey. The Application Key that Skylink uses for initialising and connecting rooms.
      • defaultRoom {String}
        The default room that Skylink should connect to if there is no room provided in joinRoom().
      • roomServer {String}
        The platform server URL that Skylink makes a HTTP /GET to retrieve the connection information required.
      • enableIceTrickle {Boolean}
        The flag that indicates if PeerConnections should enable trickling of ICE to connect the ICE connection.
      • enableDataChannel {Boolean}
        The flag that indicates if PeerConnections should have any DataChannel connections.
      • enableTURNServer {Boolean}
        The flag that indicates if PeerConnections connection should use any TURN server connection.
      • enableSTUNServer {Boolean}
        The flag that indicates if PeerConnections connection should use any STUN server connection.
      • TURNServerTransport {Boolean}
        The TURN server transport to enable for TURN server connections. [Rel: Skylink.TURN_TRANSPORT]
      • serverRegion {String} Optional
        The regional server that Skylink should connect to for fastest connectivity. [Rel: Skylink.REGIONAL_SERVER]
      • audioFallback {Boolean}
        The flag that indicates if there is a failure in getUserMedia() in retrieving user media video stream, it should fallback to retrieve audio stream only.
      • forceSSL {Boolean}
        The flag to enforce an SSL platform signaling and platform server connection. If self domain accessing protocol is https:, SSL connections would be automatically used.
      • audioCodec {String}
        The preferred audio codec that Peer connection streaming audio codec should use in the connection when available. [Rel: Skylink.AUDIO_CODEC]
      • videoCodec {String}
        The preferred video codec that Peer connection streaming video codec should use in the connection when available. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_CODEC]
      • socketTimeout {Number}
        The timeout that the socket connection should throw a timeout exception when socket fails to receive a response from connection. Depending on the max retries left based on the availability of ports given by the platform server, the socket will reattempt to establish a socket connection with the signaling server.
      • forceTURNSSL {Boolean}
        The flag to enforce an SSL TURN server connection. If self domain accessing protocol is https:, SSL connections would be automatically used. This will configure TURN server connection using port 443 only and if turns: protocol is supported, it will use turns: protocol.
      • forceTURN {Boolean}
        The flag that indicates if PeerConnections connection should only use TURN server connection which enables a quicker connectivity. Note that this will not work if TURN is disabled for the Application Key provided. This configuration will override the settings for enableTURNServer and enableSTUNServer and set enableTURNServer as true and enableSTUNServer as false if the value is set to true.
      • usePublicSTUN {Boolean}
        The flag that indicates if PeerConnections connection should enable usage of public STUN server connection connectivity. This configuration would not work if enableSTUNServer is set to false or forceTURN is set to true.



// Note: Default room is appKey when no room // Example 1: To initalize without setting any default room. SkylinkDemo.init("YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE");

// Example 2: To initialize with appKey and defaultRoom SkylinkDemo.init({ appKey: "YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE", defaultRoom: "mainHangout" });

// Example 3: To initialize with credentials to set startDateTime and // duration of the room var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(roomname + "" + duration + "" + (new Date()).toISOString(), token); var credentials = encodeURIComponent(hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64)); SkylinkDemo.init({ appKey: "YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE", defaultRoom: "mainHangout" credentials: { startDateTime: (new Date()).toISOString(), duration: 500, credentials: credentials } });

// Example 4: To initialize with callback SkylinkDemo.init("YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE", function(error,success){ if (error){ console.error("Init failed:", error); } else{"Init succeed:", success); } });


( sendingPeerId ,   receivingPeerId ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-privileged.js:163      Available since 0.6.1

Introduces two Peers to each other to start a connection with each other. This will only work if self is a privileged Peer.




  • sendingPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the peer that initiates the connection with the introduced Peer.

  • receivingPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the introduced peer who would be introduced to the initiator Peer.


( [room] ,   [options] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:112      Available since 0.5.5

Connects self to the selected room. By default, if room parameter is not provided, it will connect to the default room provided in init() defaultRoom settings. If any existing user media streams attached in Skylink, like for an example, calling getUserMedia() or sendStream() before joinRoom(), self would actually send the current attached user media stream attached. To stop the current attached Stream, please invoke stopStream() before joinRoom() is invoked.


readyStateChange, peerJoined, mediaAccessRequired


  • room {String} Optional

    The room for self to join to. If room is not provided, the room would default to the the defaultRoom option set in init() settings.

  • options {JSON} Optional

    The connection settings for self connection in the room. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no audio and video stream sending from self connection.

    • userData {String | JSON} Optional

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream audio user media access is given.

      • stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.
      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted.
      • optional {Array} Optional
        The optional constraints for audio streaming in self user media Stream object. This follows the optional setting in the MediaStreamConstraints when getUserMedia() is invoked. Tampering this may cause errors in retrieval of self user media Stream object. Refer to this [site for more reference](
    • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream video user media access is given.

      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted.
      • optional {Array} Optional
        The optional constraints for video streaming in self user media Stream object. This follows the optional setting in the MediaStreamConstraints when getUserMedia() is invoked. Tampering this may cause errors in retrieval of self user media Stream object. Refer to this [site for more reference](
      • resolution {JSON} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • frameRate {Number} Optional
        DEFAULT: 50 The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
    • bandwidth {String} Optional

      The configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. Setting the flags may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.

      • audio {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • video {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • data {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • manualGetUserMedia {Boolean} Optional

      The flag that indicates if joinRoom() should not invoke getUserMedia() automatically but allow the developer's application to invoke getUserMedia() manually in the application. When user media access is required, the event mediaAccessRequired will be triggered.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after self has joined the room successfully with the provided media settings or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {JSON}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

      • error {Array}
        The exception thrown that caused the failure for joining the room.
      • errorCode {JSON}
        The READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR if there is an readyStateChange event error that caused the failure for joining the room. [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR]
      • room {Object | String}
        The selected room that self is trying to join to.
    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.

      • room {Array}
        The selected room that self has succesfully joined to.
      • peerId {String}
        The self Peer ID that would be reflected remotely to peers in the room.
      • peerInfo {JSON}
        The connection settings for self connection in the room. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no audio and video stream sending from self connection.
      • peerInfo.userData {String | JSON}
        The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().
      • {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream audio user media access is given.
      • {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.
      • {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream video user media access is given.
      • {JSON} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • {Number} Optional
        DEFAULT: 50 The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • peerInfo.bandwidth {String} Optional
        The configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. Setting the flags may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • peerInfo.mediaStatus {JSON}
        The self Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.
      • peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: true The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the self, by default, it is set to true.
      • peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: true The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer connection, by default, it is set to true.
      • peerInfo.agent {JSON}
        The self platform agent information.
      • {String}
        The self platform browser or agent name.
      • peerInfo.agent.version {Number}
        The self platform browser or agent version.
      • peerInfo.agent.os {Number}
        The self platform name.
      • {String}
        The current room that the self is in.



// To just join the default room without any video or audio // Note that calling joinRoom without any parameters // still sends any available existing MediaStreams allowed. // See Examples 2, 3, 4 and 5 etc to prevent video or audio stream SkylinkDemo.joinRoom();

// To just join the default room with bandwidth settings SkylinkDemo.joinRoom({ bandwidth: { data: 14440 } });

// Example 1: To call getUserMedia and joinRoom seperately SkylinkDemo.getUserMedia(); SkylinkDemo.on("mediaAccessSuccess", function (stream)) { attachMediaStream($(".localVideo")[0], stream); SkylinkDemo.joinRoom(); });

// Example 2: Join a room without any video or audio SkylinkDemo.joinRoom("room_a");

// Example 3: Join a room with audio only SkylinkDemo.joinRoom("room_b", { audio: true, video: false });

// Example 4: Join a room with prefixed video width and height settings SkylinkDemo.joinRoom("room_c", { audio: true, video: { resolution: { width: 640, height: 320 } } });

// Example 5: Join a room with userData and settings with audio, video // and bandwidth SkylinkDemo.joinRoom({ userData: { item1: "My custom data", item2: "Put whatever, string or JSON or array" }, audio: { stereo: true }, video: { resolution: SkylinkDemo.VIDEO_RESOLUTION.VGA, frameRate: 50 }, bandwidth: { audio: 48, video: 256, data: 14480 } });

//Example 6: joinRoom with callback SkylinkDemo.joinRoom(function(error, success){ if (error){ console.log("Error happened. Can not join room"); } else{ console.log("Successfully joined room"); } });


( [stopMediaOptions=true] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:662      Available since 0.5.5

Disconnects self from current connected room.


peerLeft, channelClose, streamEnded


  • stopMediaOptions {Boolean | JSON} Optional
    DEFAULT: true

    The stop attached Stream options for Skylink when leaving the room. If provided options is a typeof boolean, it will be interpreted as both userMedia and screenshare Streams would be stopped.

    • userMedia {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      The flag that indicates if leaving the room should automatically stop and clear the existing user media stream attached to skylink. This would trigger mediaAccessStopped for this Stream if available.

    • screenshare {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      The flag that indicates if leaving the room should automatically stop and clear the existing screensharing stream attached to skylink. This would trigger mediaAccessStopped for this Stream if available.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after self has left the room successfully or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {Object}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.

      • peerId {String}
        The assigned previous Peer ID to self given when self was still connected to the room.
      • previousRoom {String}
        The room self was disconnected from.



//Example 1: Just leaveRoom SkylinkDemo.leaveRoom();

//Example 2: leaveRoom with callback SkylinkDemo.leaveRoom(function(error, success){ if (error){ console.log("Error happened"); } else{ console.log("Successfully left room"); } });


  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:790      Available since 0.5.0

Locks the currently connected room to prevent other peers from joining the room.







( options ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1933      Available since 0.5.7

Mutes the currently attached Stream object in Skylink.


streamMuted, peerUpdated


  • options {JSON}

    The self Stream streaming muted settings.

    • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      The flag that indicates if self connection Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for self connection, by default, it is set to true.

    • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: true

      The flag that indicates if self connection Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for self connection, by default, it is set to true.



SkylinkDemo.muteStream({ audioMuted: true, videoMuted: false });


( eventName ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1492      Available since 0.5.5

Unsubscribes an event handler associated to the event name.


  • eventName {String}

    The Skylink event name to unsubscribe to.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The event handler to unsubscribe to the associated Skylink event name. If the event handler is not provided, Skylink would unsubscribe all event handlers subscribed to the associated event name.



// Example 1: Unsubscribe all event handlers related to the event"peerJoined");

// Example 2: Unsubscribe to one event handler"peerJoined", callback);


( eventName ,   callback ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1416      Available since 0.1.0

Subscribes an event handler associated to the event name. This event handler will always be triggered when the event name is triggered. If you are looking for subscription event handler to be triggered once, check out once() event subscription.


  • eventName {String}

    The Skylink event name to subscribe to.

  • callback {Function}

    The event handler to subsribe to the associated Skylink event name that would be triggered once the event name is triggered.



SkylinkDemo.on("peerJoined", function (peerId, peerInfo) { alert(peerId + " has joined the room"); });


( eventName ,   callback ,   [condition] ,   [fireAlways=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1443      Available since 0.5.4

Subscribes an event handler associated to the event name that would only be triggered once the provided condition function has been met.


  • eventName {String}

    The Skylink event name to subscribe to.

  • callback {Function}

    The event handler to subscribe to the associated Skylink event name to trigger once the condition has met. If fireAlways option is set toe true, this will always be fired when condition is met.

  • condition {Function} Optional

    The condition function that once the condition has been met, trigger the event handler once. Return in the condition function true to pass as meeting the condition. If the condition function is not provided, the event handler will be triggered once the Skylink event name is triggered.

  • fireAlways {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if Skylink should interrupt this once() function once the function has been triggered to not unsubscribe the event handler but to always trigger when the condition has been met.



SkylinkDemo.once("peerConnectionState", function (state, peerId) { alert("Peer has left"); }, function (state, peerId) { return state === SkylinkDemo.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE.CLOSED; });


( [targetPeerId] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:569      Available since 0.5.5

Refreshes a Peer connection.

  • This feature can be used to refresh a Peer connection when the remote Stream received does not stream any audio/video stream.
  • If there are more than 1 refresh during 5 seconds or refresh is less than 3 seconds since the last refresh initiated by the other peer, it will be aborted.
  • As for MCU connection, the restart mechanism makes the self user leave and join the currently connected room again.


peerRestart, serverPeerRestart, peerJoined, peerLeft, serverPeerJoined, serverPeerLeft


  • targetPeerId {String | Array} Optional

    The array of targeted Peers connection to refresh the connection with.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after all targeted Peers connection has been initiated with refresh or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {JSON}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peers that the refresh connection had been initiated with.
      • refreshErrors {JSON}
        The list of errors occurred based on per Peer basis.
      • refreshErrors.(#peerId) {Object | String}
        The Peer ID that is associated with the error that occurred when refreshing the connection.
    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.

      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peers that the refresh connection had been initiated with.



SkylinkDemo.on("iceConnectionState", function (state, peerId)) { if (iceConnectionState === SkylinkDemo.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.FAILED) { // Do a refresh SkylinkDemo.refreshConnection(peerId); } });


( peerId ,   transferId ,   [accept=false] ,   )
Deprecated: Use .acceptDataTransfer()
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:1865      Available since 0.5.0

Responds to a data transfer request by a Peer.


dataTransferState, incomingDataRequest, incomingData


  • peerId {String}

    The sender Peer ID.

  • transferId {String}

    The data transfer ID of the data transfer request to accept or reject.

  • accept {Boolean} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates true as a response to accept the data transfer and false as a response to reject the data transfer request.


( data ,   [timeout=60] ,   [targetPeerId] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:1288      Available since 0.5.5

Starts a data transfer with Peers using the DataChannel connections with Blob.

  • You can transfer files using the input fileupload object and accessing the receiving files using FileUpload files property.
  • The File object inherits from the Blob interface which is passable in this method as a Blob object.
  • The receiving Peers have the option to accept or reject the data transfer with acceptDataTransfer().
  • For Peers connecting from our mobile platforms (iOS / Android), the DataChannel connection channel type would be DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.MESSAGING.
    For Peers connecting from the Web platform, the DataChannel connection channel type would be DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.DATA.


incomingData, incomingDataRequest, dataTransferState, dataChannelState


  • data {Blob}

    The Blob data object to transfer to Peer.

  • timeout {Number} Optional
    DEFAULT: 60

    The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.

  • targetPeerId {String | Array} Optional

    The array of targeted Peers to transfer the data object to. Alternatively, you may provide this parameter as a string to a specific targeted Peer to transfer the data object.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after all the data transfers is completed successfully or met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {JSON}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

      • state {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The dataTransferState when the error has occurred. This only triggers for a single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • error {Object | String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The error received when the data transfer fails. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • transferId {String}
        The transfer ID of the failed data transfer.
      • peerId {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null The single targeted Peer ID for the data transfer. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peer that the data transfer has been initiated with.
      • isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
      • transferErrors {JSON}
        The list of errors occurred based on per Peer basis.
      • transferErrors.(#peerId) {Object | String}
        The error that occurred when having a DataChannel connection data transfer with associated Peer.
      • transferInfo {JSON}
        The transfer data object information.
      • {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: transferId The transfer data object name. If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.size {Number}
        The transfer data size.
      • transferInfo.transferId {String}
        The data transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.dataType {String}
        The type of data transfer initiated. Available types are "dataURL" and "blob".
      • transferInfo.timeout {String}
        The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
      • transferInfo.isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.

      • state {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The dataTransferState when the data transfer has been completed successfully. This only triggers for a single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • transferId {String}
        The transfer ID of the successful data transfer.
      • peerId {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null The single targeted Peer ID for the data transfer. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peer that the data transfer has been initiated with.
      • isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
      • transferInfo {JSON}
        The transfer data object information.
      • {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: transferId The transfer data object name. If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.size {Number}
        The transfer data size.
      • transferInfo.transferId {String}
        The data transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.dataType {String}
        The type of data transfer initiated. Available types are "dataURL" and "blob".
      • transferInfo.timeout {String}
        The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
      • transferInfo.isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.



// Example 1: Send file to all peers connected SkylinkDemo.sendBlobData(file, 67);

// Example 2: Send file to individual peer SkylinkDemo.sendBlobData(blob, 87, targetPeerId);

// Example 3: Send file with callback SkylinkDemo.sendBlobData(data,{ name:, size: data.size },function(error, success){ if (error){ console.error("Error happened. Could not send file", error); } else{"Successfully uploaded file"); } });


( message ,   [targetPeerId] ,   )
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:1515      Available since 0.4.0

Send a message object or string using the platform signaling socket connection to the list of targeted PeerConnections. To send message objects with DataChannel connections, see sendP2PMessage().




  • message {String | JSON}

    The message object.

  • targetPeerId {String | Array} Optional

    The array of targeted PeerConnections to transfer the message object to. Alternatively, you may provide this parameter as a string to a specific targeted Peer to transfer the message object.



// Example 1: Send to all peers SkylinkDemo.sendMessage("Hi there!"");

// Example 2: Send to a targeted peer SkylinkDemo.sendMessage("Hi there peer!", targetPeerId);


( message ,   [targetPeerId] ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:2068      Available since 0.5.5

Send a message object or string using the DataChannel connection associated with the list of targeted Peers.

  • The maximum size for the message object would be16Kb.
  • To send a string length longer than 16kb, please considered to use sendURLData() to send longer strings (for that instance base64 binary strings are long).
  • To send message objects with platform signaling socket connection, see sendMessage().




  • message {String | JSON}

    The message object.

  • targetPeerId {String | Array} Optional

    The array of targeted Peers to transfer the message object to. Alternatively, you may provide this parameter as a string to a specific targeted Peer to transfer the message object.



// Example 1: Send to all peers SkylinkDemo.sendP2PMessage("Hi there! This is from a DataChannel connection!"");

// Example 2: Send to specific peer SkylinkDemo.sendP2PMessage("Hi there peer! This is from a DataChannel connection!", targetPeerId);


( options ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1700      Available since 0.5.6

Replaces the currently attached Stream object in Skylink and refreshes all connection with Peer connections to send the updated Stream object. The application may provide their own MediaStream object to send to all PeerConnections connection. Reference refreshConnection() on the events triggered and restart mechanism.


peerRestart, serverPeerRestart, incomingStream


  • options {Object | JSON}

    The self Stream streaming settings for the new Stream object to replace the current Stream object attached to Skylink. If this parameter is provided as a MediaStream object, the MediaStream object settings for mediaStatus would be detected as unmuted by default.

    • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream audio user media access is given.

      • stereo {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.
      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object audio streaming is muted.
      • optional {Array} Optional
        The optional constraints for audio streaming in self user media Stream object. This follows the optional setting in the MediaStreamConstraints when getUserMedia() is invoked. Tampering this may cause errors in retrieval of self user media Stream object. Refer to this [site for more reference](
    • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the self Stream. If this option is set to true or is defined with settings, getUserMedia() will be invoked. Self will not connect to the room unless the Stream video user media access is given.

      • mute {Boolean} Optional
        DEFAULT: false The flag that indicates if the self Stream object video streaming is muted.
      • resolution {JSON} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • frameRate {Number} Optional
        DEFAULT: 50 The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • optional {Array} Optional
        The optional constraints for video streaming in self user media Stream object. This follows the optional setting in the MediaStreamConstraints when getUserMedia() is invoked. Tampering this may cause errors in retrieval of self user media Stream object. Refer to this [site for more reference](
  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after Skylink has replaced the current Stream object successfully with the provided media settings / MediaStream object or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {Object}

      The error object received in the callback. This is the exception thrown that caused the failure for replacing the current Stream object. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

    • success {Object}

      The success object received in the callback. The self user media MediaStream object. To display the MediaStream object to a video or audio, simply invoke:
      attachMediaStream(domElement, stream);. If received as null, it means that there are errors.



// Example 1: Send a stream object instead SkylinkDemo.on('mediaAccessSuccess', function (stream) { SkylinkDemo.sendStream(stream); });

// Example 2: Send stream with getUserMedia automatically called for you SkylinkDemo.sendStream({ audio: true, video: false });

// Example 3: Send stream with getUserMedia automatically called for you // and audio is muted SkylinkDemo.sendStream({ audio: { mute: true }, video: false });

// Example 4: Send stream with callback SkylinkDemo.sendStream({ audio: true, video: true },function(error,success){ if (error){ console.log('Error occurred. Stream was not sent: '+error) } else{ console.log('Stream successfully sent: '+success); } });


( data ,   [timeout=60] ,   [targetPeerId] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:2168      Available since 0.6.1

Starts a data URI transfer with Peers using the DataChannel connection.

  • The receiving Peers have the option to accept or reject the data transfer with acceptDataTransfer().
  • For Peers connecting from our mobile platforms (iOS / Android), the DataChannel connection channel type would be DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.MESSAGING.
    For Peers connecting from the Web platform, the DataChannel connection channel type would be DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.DATA.


incomingData, incomingDataRequest, dataTransferState, dataChannelState


  • data {String}

    The dataURL (base64 binary string) string to transfer to Peers.

  • timeout {Number} Optional
    DEFAULT: 60

    The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.

  • targetPeerId {String | Array} Optional

    The array of targeted Peers to transfer the data object to. Alternatively, you may provide this parameter as a string to a specific targeted Peer to transfer the data object.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after all the data transfers is completed successfully or met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {JSON}

      The error object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

      • state {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The dataTransferState when the error has occurred. This only triggers for a single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • error {Object | String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The error received when the data transfer fails. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • transferId {String}
        The transfer ID of the failed data transfer.
      • peerId {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null The single targeted Peer ID for the data transfer. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peer that the data transfer has been initiated with.
      • isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
      • transferErrors {JSON}
        The list of errors occurred based on per Peer basis.
      • transferErrors.(#peerId) {Object | String}
        The error that occurred when having a DataChannel connection data transfer with associated Peer.
      • transferInfo {JSON}
        The transfer data object information.
      • {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: transferId The data transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.size {Number}
        The transfer data size.
      • transferInfo.transferId {String}
        The data transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.dataType {String}
        The type of data transfer initiated. The received type would be "dataURL".
      • transferInfo.timeout {String}
        The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
      • transferInfo.isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
    • success {JSON}

      The success object received in the callback. If received as null, it means that there are errors.

      • state {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null Deprecated. The dataTransferState when the data transfer has been completed successfully. This only triggers for a single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • transferId {String}
        The transfer ID of the successful data transfer.
      • peerId {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: null The single targeted Peer ID for the data transfer. This only triggers for single targeted Peer data transfer.
      • listOfPeers {Array}
        The list of Peer that the data transfer has been initiated with.
      • isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.
      • transferInfo {JSON}
        The transfer data object information.
      • {String} Optional
        DEFAULT: transferId The data transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.size {Number}
        The transfer data size.
      • transferInfo.transferId {String}
        The data transfer ID.
      • transferInfo.dataType {String}
        The type of data transfer initiated. The received type would be "dataURL".
      • transferInfo.timeout {String}
        The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.
      • transferInfo.isPrivate {Boolean}
        The flag to indicate if the data transfer is a private transfer to the Peer directly and not broadcasted to all Peers.



// Example 1: Send dataURL to all peers connected SkylinkDemo.sendURLData(dataURL, 67);

// Example 2: Send dataURL to individual peer SkylinkDemo.sendURLData(dataURL, 87, targetPeerId);

// Example 3: Send dataURL with callback SkylinkDemo.sendURLData(dataURL, 87, function(error, success){ if (error){ console.error("Error happened. Could not send dataURL", error); } else{"Successfully sent dataURL"); } });


( [options=false] ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:531      Available since 0.5.2

Configures the Skylink debugging tools.


  • options {Boolean | JSON} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The debugging settings for Skylink. If provided options is a typeof boolean, storeLogs and trace will be set to true.

    • trace {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if Skylink console logs should all output as console.trace(). If console.trace() is not supported, it will fallback and output as console.log().

    • storeLogs {Boolean} Optional
      DEFAULT: false

      The flag that indicates if Skylink should store the logs in SkylinkLogs.



// Example 1: just to enable SkylinkDemo.setDebugMode(true); // or SkylinkDemo.setDebugMode();

// Example 2: just to disable SkylinkDemo.setDebugMode(false);

// Example 3: disable storeLogs or trace feature individually SkylinkDemo.setDebugMode({ trace: true });


( [logLevel] ,   )
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:504      Available since 0.5.5

Configures the Skylink console log level that would determine the type of console logs that would be printed in the Web console.


  • logLevel {Number} Optional

    The log level of console message logs to be printed in the Web console. [Rel: Skylink.LOG_LEVEL]



//Display logs level: Error, warn, info, log and debug. SkylinkDemo.setLogLevel(SkylinkDemo.LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG);


( userData ,   )
  Defined in: source/peer-data.js:104      Available since 0.5.5

Sets the current custom user data information for self. This sets and overwrites the peerInfo.userData value for self. If self is in the room and connected with other peers, the peers will be notified with the peerUpdated event. You may get the current customer user data information for self in getUserData().




  • userData {JSON | String}

    The custom (or updated) user data information for self provided.



// Example 1: Intial way of setting data before user joins the room SkylinkDemo.setUserData({ displayName: "Bobby Rays", fbUserId: "1234" });

// Example 2: Way of setting data after user joins the room var userData = SkylinkDemo.getUserData(); userData.displayName = "New Name"; userData.fbUserId = "1234"; SkylinkDemo.setUserData(userData);


( [enableAudio=false] ,   [callback] ,   )
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:2106      Available since 0.6.0

Shares the current screen with Peer connections and will refresh all Peer connections to send the screensharing Stream object with HTTPS protocol accessing application. Reference refreshConnection() on the events triggered and restart mechanism. This will require our own Temasys Skylink extension to do screensharing. For screensharing feature in IE / Safari with our Temasys Plugin, please contact us. Currently, Opera does not support screensharing feature. This does not replace the currently attached user media Stream object in Skylink.


mediaAccessSuccess, mediaAccessError, incomingStream, peerRestart, serverPeerRestart, peerUpdated


  • enableAudio {JSON} Optional
    DEFAULT: false

    The flag that indicates if self screensharing Stream streaming should have audio. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of self connection.

  • callback {Function} Optional

    The callback fired after Skylink has shared the screen successfully or have met with an exception. The callback signature is function (error, success).

    • error {Object}

      The error object received in the callback. This is the exception thrown that caused the failure for sharing the screen. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

    • success {Object}

      The success object received in the callback. The self screensharing MediaStream object. To display the MediaStream object to a video or audio, simply invoke:
      attachMediaStream(domElement, stream);. If received as null, it means that there are errors.



// Example 1: Share the screen SkylinkDemo.shareScreen();

// Example 2: Share screen with callback when screen is ready and shared SkylinkDemo.shareScreen(function(error,success){ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ console.log(success); } });


  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:2318      Available since 0.6.0

Stops self screensharing Stream object attached to Skylink. If user media Stream object is available, Skylink will refresh all Peer connections to send the user media Stream object. Reference refreshConnection() on the events triggered and restart mechanism.


mediaAccessStopped, streamEnded, incomingStream, peerRestart, serverPeerRestart





  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1099      Available since 0.5.6

Stops self user media Stream object attached to Skylink.


mediaAccessStopped, streamEnded





  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:814      Available since 0.5.0

Unlocks the currently connected room to allow other peers to join the room.







private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:374      Available since 0.5.4

Handles the console.debug console log message.


  • message {Array | String}

    The console log message contents.

  • 0 {String} Optional

    The Peer ID the message is associated with.

  • debugObject {Object | String} Optional

    The console debugging message object to accompany and display that associates with the console log message.



// Logging for message log.debug("This is my message", object);


private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:477      Available since 0.5.4

Handles the console.error console log message.


  • message {Array | String}

    The console log message contents.

  • 0 {String} Optional

    The Peer ID the message is associated with.

  • debugObject {Object | String} Optional

    The console debugging message object to accompany and display that associates with the console log message.



// Logging for external information log.error("There has been an error", object);

private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:426      Available since 0.5.4

Handles the console log message.


  • message {Array | String}

    The console log message contents.

  • 0 {String} Optional

    The Peer ID the message is associated with.

  • debugObject {Object | String} Optional

    The console debugging message object to accompany and display that associates with the console log message.



// Logging for message log.debug("This is my message", object);


private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:400      Available since 0.5.4

Handles the console.log console log message.


  • message {Array | String}

    The console log message contents.

  • 0 {String} Optional

    The Peer ID the message is associated with.

  • debugObject {Object | String} Optional

    The console debugging message object to accompany and display that associates with the console log message.



// Logging for message log.log("This is my message", object);


  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:452      Available since 0.5.4

Handles the console.warn console log message.


  • message {Array | String}

    The console log message contents.

  • 0 {String} Optional

    The Peer ID the message is associated with.

  • debugObject {Object | String} Optional

    The console debugging message object to accompany and display that associates with the console log message.



// Logging for message log.debug("Here's a warning. Please do xxxxx to resolve this issue", object);


  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:208      Available since 0.5.5

The object that handles the stored Skylink console logs.

  • setDebugMode() storeLogs flag must be set as true to enable the storage of logs.


  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:243      Available since 0.5.5

Clears the stored Skylink console logs.


  • logLevel {Number} Optional

    The specific log level of Skylink console logs that should be cleared. If value is not provided, it will clear all stored console logs. [Rel: Skylink.LOG_LEVEL]



SkylinkLogs.clearAllLogs(); // empties all logs


  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:221      Available since 0.5.5

Gets the stored Skylink console logs.


  • logLevel {Number} Optional

    The specific log level of Skylink console logs that should be returned.
    If value is not provided, it will return all stored console logs. [Rel: Skylink.LOG_LEVEL]



The array of stored console logs based on the log level provided.



// Example 1: Get logs of specific level var debugLogs = SkylinkLogs.getLogs(SkylinkDemo.LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG);

// Example 2: Get all logs var allLogs = SkylinkLogs.getLogs();


  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:260      Available since 0.5.5

Prints all the stored Skylink console logs into the Web console.



SkylinkLogs.printAllLogs(); // check the console


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/ice-candidate.js:21      Available since 0.6.4

Stores the list of candidates sent local and added remote information.


  • (#peerId) {JSON}

    The list of candidates sent and added associated with the Peer ID.

    • relay {Array}

      The number of relay candidates added and sent.

    • srflx {Array}

      The number of server reflexive candidates added and sent.

    • host {Array}

      The number of host candidates added and sent.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:230      Available since 0.3.0

Stores the Application Key that is configured in the init().


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:348      Available since 0.5.2

Stores the Skylink server Application Key owner string for the selected room.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:403      Available since 0.5.4

The flag indicates that when Skylink tries to get both audio and video stream but Skylink fails to retrieve the user media stream, it should fallback to retrieve audio streaming for the user media stream only.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
  Defined in: source/peer-privileged.js:41      Available since 0.6.1

Whether this user automatically introduce to other peers.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:139      Available since 0.5.2

The flag that indicates if the current socket connection with platform signaling is opened.


Attribute Type: {Number}
private final
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:15      Available since 0.5.2

The fixed data chunk size for dataURL (which is a binary string (base64) and known as data URIs) data transfers using DataChannel connection.


Attribute Type: {Number}
private final
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:1      Available since 0.5.2

The fixed data chunk size for Blob data transfers using DataChannel connection.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/data-channel.js:82      Available since 0.2.0

Stores the list of DataChannel connections.


  • (#peerId) {Array}

    The Peer ID associated with the list of DataChannel connections.

    • main {Object}

      The DataChannel connection object that is used for messaging only associated with the Peer connection. This is the sole channel for sending P2P messages in sendP2PMessage(). This connection will always be kept alive until the Peer connection has ended. The channelName for this reserved key is "main".

    • (#channelName) {Object}

      The DataChannel connection object that is used temporarily for a data transfer associated with the Peer connection. This is using caused by methods sendBlobData() and sendURLData(). This connection will be closed once the transfer has completed or terminated. The channelName is usually the data transfer ID.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:254      Available since 0.4.1

Stores the list of ongoing data transfer timeouts using the setTimeout objects for each DataChannel connection transfer.


  • (#channelName) {Object}

    The timeout for the associated DataChannel connection.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
private final
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:31      Available since 0.5.2

The list of Protocol types that is used for transfers and messaging using the DataChannel connection.


  • WRQ {String}

    Protocol to initiate a transfer request on the current DataChannel connection. Data transfer step 1.

  • ACK {String}

    Protocol to accept or reject the transfer request. Data transfer step 2.

  • DATA {String}

    Actual binary data or string send based on the ackN in the ACK packet received. Data transfer step 3. This may not occur is step 2 is rejected.

  • CANCEL {String}

    Protocol to terminate an ongoing transfer. This data transfer step can happen after step 2 or 3.

  • ERROR {String}

    Protocol that is sent when a transfer occurs an exception which using causes it to be terminated. This data transfer step can happen after step 2 or 3.

  • MESSAGE {String}

    Protocol that is used to send P2P message objects over the DataChannel connection. This is not related to any data transfer step, but for messaging purposes.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:242      Available since 0.3.0

Stores the default room that is configured in the init(). If no room is provided in joinRoom(), this is the room that self would join to by default. If the value is not provided in init(), by default, the value is the Application Key that is configured in init().

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:200      Available since 0.5.7

Stores the Skylink default streaming settings.


  • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional

    The default streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in self connection Stream.

    • stereo {Boolean} Optional

      The default flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.

  • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional

    The default streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.

    • resolution {JSON} Optional

      The default streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]

      • width {Number} Optional
        The default streaming video resolution width.
      • height {Number} Optional
        The default streaming video resolution height.
    • frameRate {Number} Optional

      The default streaming video maximum frameRate.

  • bandwidth {String} Optional

    The configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. Setting the flags may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it. By default, this is empty.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:226      Available since 0.4.1

Stores the list of ongoing data transfer state informations that is received from the sender point in a DataChannel connection based on the associated DataChannel ID.


  • (#channelName) {JSON}

    The ongoing data transfer information that is sent to receiving end associated with the DataChannel connection.

    • name {String}

      The data transfer name.

    • size {Number}

      The expected data size of the completed data transfer.

    • isUpload {Boolean}

      The flag that indicates if the transfer is an upload data transfer. In this case, the value should be false.

    • senderPeerId {String}

      The Peer uploader ID.

    • transferId {String}

      The data transfer ID.

    • percentage {Number}

      The data transfer percentage.

    • timeout {Number}

      The data transfer timeout to wait for response before throwing a timeout error.

    • chunkSize {Number}

      The data transfer packet (chunk) size.

    • dataType {String}

      The data transfer packet (chunk) data type.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:209      Available since 0.4.1

Stores the list of ongoing data transfers data packets (chunks) to be received from sending point in a DataChannel connection based on the associated DataChannel ID.


  • (#channelName) {Array}

    The ongoing data transfer packets received associated with DataChannel.

    • (#index) {Blob | String}

      The packet index of chunked Blob data object or dataURL string (base64 binary string) received from sending point.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
  Defined in: source/data-channel.js:69      Available since 0.3.0

The flag that indicates if Peers connection should have any DataChannel connections.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:73      Available since 0.5.4

The flag that indicates if Skylink debugging mode is enabled. This is not to be confused with setLogLevel() functionality, as that touches the output Web console log levels, and this enables the debugging trace of the logs console.trace() or storage of the console logs.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:90      Available since 0.5.5

The flag that indicates if Skylink should store the logs in _storedLogs.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:105      Available since 0.5.5

The flag that indicates if Skylink console logs should all output as console.trace(). If console.trace() is not supported, it will fallback and output as console.log().

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:119      Available since 0.3.0

The flag that indicates if PeerConnections should enable trickling of ICE to connect the ICE connection.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:133      Available since 0.5.4

The flag that indicates if PeerConnections ICE gathering should use STUN server connection.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:146      Available since 0.5.4

The flag that indicates if PeerConnections ICE gathering should use TURN server connection. Tampering this flag may disable any successful Peer connection that is behind any firewalls.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1      Available since 0.5.2

Stores the list of on() event subscription handlers.


  • (#eventName) {Array}

    The array of event subscription handlers that is subscribed using on() method associated with the event name.

    • (#index) {Function}

      The event subscription handler associated with the event name. This is to be triggered multiple times until off() is invoked for this event subscription handler.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:141      Available since 0.5.4

The flag to enforce an SSL platform signaling and platform server connection. If self domain accessing protocol is https:, SSL connections would be automatically used. This flag is mostly used for self domain accessing protocol that is http: and enforcing the SSL connections for platform signaling and platform server connection.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:177      Available since 0.6.1

The flag to enforce TURN server connection for quicker connectivity.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:158      Available since 0.6.1

The flag to enforce an SSL TURN server connection. If self domain accessing protocol is https:, SSL connections would be automatically used. This flag is mostly used for self domain accessing protocol that is http: and enforcing the SSL connections for TURN server connection. This will configure TURN server connection using port 443 only and if turns: protocol is supported, it will use turns: protocol.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:352      Available since 0.5.6

Stores the getUserMedia MediaStreamConstraints parsed from _streamSettings for user media Stream object.


  • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional

    The flag that indicates if self user media MediaStream would have audio streaming.

    • optional {Array} Optional

      The optional constraints for audio streaming in self user media MediaStream object. Some of the values are set by the audio.optional setting in getUserMedia().

  • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional

    The flag that indicates if self user media MediaStream would have video streaming.

    • mandatory.maxHeight {Number} Optional

      The self user media MediaStream video streaming resolution maximum height.

    • mandatory.maxWidth {Number} Optional

      The self user media MediaStream video streaming resolution maximum width.

    • mandatory.maxFrameRate {Number} Optional

      The self user media MediaStream video streaming maxinmum framerate.

    • optional {Array} Optional

      The optional constraints for video streaming in self user media MediaStream object. Some of the values are set by the video.optional setting in getUserMedia().


Attribute Type: {Array}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:129      Available since 0.5.10

Stores the list of types of socket messages that requires to be queued or bundled before sending to the server to prevent platform signaling from dropping of socket messages.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
private in-development
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:117      Available since 0.5.4

The flag that indicates if MCU is enabled.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
private in-development
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:149      Available since 0.5.4

The flag that indicates if MCU is in the room and is enabled.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:188      Available since 0.5.8

Stores the list of Peer connection ICE connection failures. After an third attempt of ICE connection failure, the trickling of ICE would be disabled.


  • (#peerId) {Number}

    The Peer ID associated with the number of Peer connection ICE connection attempt failures.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:101      Available since 0.4.0

The flag that indicates if self is currently joined in a room.


Attribute Type: {Array}
private final
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:65      Available since 0.6.1

The list of platforms that Skylink should fallback to use the DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.MESSAGING channel for transfers instead of using multi-transfers due to the lack of support in the platform implementations.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:337      Available since 0.1.0

Stores the Skylink server connection key for the selected room.


Attribute Type: {Object}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:54      Available since 0.5.9

Stores the timestamp of the moment when the last Peers connection restarts has happened. Used for the restart Peers connection functionality.


Attribute Type: {String}
private scoped readonly
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:30      Available since 0.5.4

The format string that is printed in every Skylink console logs for Skylink logs identification.
Example: "SkylinkJS - <>"


Attribute Type: {Array}
required private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:45      Available since 0.5.5

Stores the list of Skylink console logging levels in an array.


Attribute Type: {String}
required private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:58      Available since 0.5.4

Stores the current Skylink log level. By default, the value is ERROR.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Object}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:173      Available since 0.6.0

Stores the self screensharing MediaStream.


Attribute Type: {Object}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:184      Available since 0.6.0

Stores the self screensharing audio MediaStream for browsers that do not support bundling of screensharing MediaStream with audio: true. The current _mediaScreen clones this MediaStream object and .addTrack() with the screensharing MediaStream object video MediaStreamTrack object.


Attribute Type: {Object}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:162      Available since 0.5.6

Stores the self user media MediaStream object.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:384      Available since 0.5.6

Stores self Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.


  • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional

    The flag that indicates if self connection Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for self connection, by default, it is set to true.

  • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional

    The flag that indicates if self connection Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for self connection, by default, it is set to true.


Attribute Type: {Number}
private final
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:30      Available since 0.5.2

The fixed data chunk size for Blob data type for transfers using DataChanel connection on Firefox based browsers. Limitations is different for Firefox as tested in some PCs (linux predominantly) that sending a packet size of 49152kb from another browser reflects as 16384kb packet size when received.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1320      Available since 0.5.4

Stores the list of once() event subscription handlers.


  • (#eventName) {Array}

    The array of event subscription handlers that is subscribed using once() method associated with the event name.

    • (#index) {Function}

      The event subscription handler associated with the event name. This is to be triggered once when condition is met. Alternatively, the once() event subscription handler can be unsubscribed with off() before condition is met.


Attribute Type: {String}
required private
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:190      Available since 0.1.0

The constructed REST path that Skylink makes a HTTP /GET from to retrieve the connection information required.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/ice-candidate.js:1      Available since 0.5.1

Stores the list of buffered ICE candidates received before RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription is called. Adding ICE candidates before receiving the remote session description causes an ICE connection failures in a number of instances.


  • (#peerId) {Array}

    The Peer ID associated with the list of buffered ICE candidates.

    • (#index) {Object}

      The buffered RTCIceCandidate object associated with the Peer.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:123      Available since 0.5.5

Stores the list of Peer connections that has connection established successfully. When the Peer connection has a successful ICE connection state of "completed", it stores the Peer connection as "healthy".


  • (#peerId) {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if the associated Peer connection is in a "healthy" state. If the value is true, it means that the Peer connectin is in a "healthy" state.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:102      Available since 0.5.5

Stores the list of Peer connection health timeout objects that waits for any existing Peer "healthy" state in successful _peerConnectionHealth. If timeout has reached it's limit and does not have any "healthy" connection state with Peer connection, it will restart the connection again with _restartPeerConnection().


  • (#peerId) {Object}

    The timeout object set using setTimeout() that does the wait for any "healthy" state connection associated with the Peer connection. This will be removed when the Peer connection has ended or when the Peer connection has been met with a "healthy" state.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:80      Available since 0.1.0

Stores the list of Peers connection.


  • (#peerId) {Object}

    The Peer ID associated to the RTCPeerConnection object.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-data.js:1      Available since 0.3.0

Stores the list of all Peers information.


  • (#peerId) {JSON}

    The Peer ID associated with the information.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in the Peer connection Stream audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.


Attribute Type: {Object}
  Defined in: source/peer-privileged.js:65      Available since 0.6.1

List of peers retrieved from signaling

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Number}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:140      Available since 0.5.0

Stores the peer connection priority weight.


Attribute Type: {Number}
required private
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:324      Available since 0.1.0

Stores the current Skylink room connection retrieval ready state. [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE]


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:163      Available since 0.5.10

The flag that indicates that the current self connection should only receive streaming Stream objects from other Peer connection and not send streaming Stream objects to other Peer connection.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Number}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:67      Available since 0.5.10

Stores the counter of the number of consecutive Peers connection restarts retries.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:359      Available since 0.5.2

Stores the room connection information that is passed for starting the selected room connection. Some of these information are also used and required to send for every messages sent to the platform signaling connection for targeting the correct room and self identification in the room.


  • id {String}

    The room ID for identification to the platform signaling connection.

  • token {String}

    The generated room token given by the platform server for starting the platform signaling connection.

  • startDateTime {String}

    The start datetime stamp (in The startDateTime in (ISO 8601 format) that the call has started sent by the platform server as an indication for the starting datetime of the platform signaling connection to self.

  • duration {String}

    The duration of the room meeting (in hours). This duration will not affect non persistent room.

  • connection {JSON}

    Connection The RTCPeerConnection constraints and configuration.

    • peerConstraints {JSON}

      Deprecated feature. The RTCPeerConnection constraints that is passed in this format new RTCPeerConnection(config, constraints);. This feature is not documented in W3C Specification draft and not advisable to use.

    • peerConfig {JSON}

      The RTCPeerConnection RTCConfiguration.

    • offerConstraints {JSON}

      Deprecated feature. The RTCPeerConnection RTCOfferOptions used in RTCPeerConnection.createOffer(successCb, failureCb, options);.

    • sdpConstraints {JSON}

      Not in use. The RTCPeerConnection RTCAnswerOptions to be used in RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer(successCb, failureCb, options);. This is currently not in use due to not all browsers supporting this feature yet.

    • mediaConstraints {JSON}

      Deprecated feature. The getUserMedia() MediaStreamConstraints in getUserMedia(constraints, successCb, failureCb);.


Attribute Type: {String}
private optional
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:295      Available since 0.3.0

Stores the room credentials for Application Key. This is required for rooms connecting without CORS verification or starting a new persistent room meeting. To generate the credentials:

  • Concatenate a string that consists of the room name the room meeting duration (in hours) and the start date timestamp (in ISO 8601 format). Format room + duration + startDateTimeStamp.
  • Hash the concatenated string with the Application Key token using SHA-1. You may use the CryptoJS.HmacSHA1 function to do so. Example var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(concatenatedString, token);.
  • Convert the hash to a Base64 encoded string. You may use the CryptoJS.enc.Base64 function to do so. Example var base64String = hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64); .
  • Encode the Base64 encoded string to a URI component using UTF-8 encoding with encodeURIComponent(). Example var credentials = encodeURIComponent(base64String); and the duration.


Attribute Type: {Number}
private optional
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:278      Available since 0.3.0

Stores the new persistent room meeting duration (in hours) that the current new meeting duration should be in the room that was selected to join. The duration will not affect non persistent room connection. The persistent room feature is configurable in the Application Key in the developer console.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:90      Available since 0.5.2

The flag that indicates if the currently joined room is locked.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:214      Available since 0.5.2

The platform server URL that Skylink can construct the REST path with to make a HTTP /GET to retrieve the connection information required. If the value is not the default value, it's mostly for debugging purposes. It's not advisable to allow developers to set the custom server URL unless they are aware of what they are doing, as this is a debugging feature.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {String}
private optional
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:260      Available since 0.3.0

Stores the new persistent room meeting start datetime stamp in (ISO 8601 format). This will start a new meeting based on the starting datetime stamp in the room that was selected to join. The start date time of the room will not affect non persistent room connection. The persistent room feature is configurable in the Application Key in the developer console.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:338      Available since 0.5.6

The flag that indicates if self browser supports the screensharing feature. Currently, Opera does not support screensharing and only premium Temasys plugins support this screensharing feature.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:307      Available since 0.6.1

Stores self screensharing Stream streaming settings.


  • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional

    The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of self connection.

    • stereo {Boolean} Optional

      The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.

  • video {Boolean | JSON}

    The self Stream streaming video settings.

    • screenshare {Boolean} Optional

      The flag that indicates if the self connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not. In this case, the value is true for screensharing Stream object.

  • bandwidth {String} Optional

    The self streaming bandwidth settings. Setting the bandwidth flags may not force set the bandwidth for each connection stream channels as it depends on how the browser handles the bandwidth bitrate. Values are configured in kb/s.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:55      Available since 0.5.10

Stores the preferred Peer connection streaming audio codec.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:74      Available since 0.3.0

Stores the current room self is joined to. The selected room will be usually defaulted to _defaultRoom if there is no selected room in joinRoom().

Default value:



Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:67      Available since 0.5.10

Stores the preferred Peer connection streaming video codec.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:203      Available since 0.5.0

The regional server that Skylink should connect to for fastest connectivity.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
private readonly
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:16      Available since 0.5.6

The list of Protocol types that is used for messaging using the platform signaling socket connection.


  • JOIN_ROOM {String}

    Protocol sent from Skylink to platform signaling to let self join the room. Join room Step 1.

  • IN_ROOM {String}

    Protocol received from platform signaling to inform Skylink that self has joined the room. Join room Step 2 (Completed).

  • ENTER {String}

    Protocol Skylink sends to all Peer peers in the room to start handshake connection. Handshake connection Step 1.

  • WELCOME {String}

    Protocol received to Peer as a response to self ENTER message. This is sent as a response to Peer ENTER message. Handshake connection Step 2.

  • OFFER {String}

    Protocol sent to Peer as a response to the WELCOME message received after generating the offer session description with RTCPeerConnection.createOffer(). This is received as a response from Peer after sending WELCOME message and requires setting into the Peer connection before sending the ANSWER response. Handshake connection Step 3.

  • ANSWER {String}

    Protocol received from Peer as a response to self OFFER message offer session description and requires setting into the Peer connection. This is sent to Peer as a response to the OFFER message received after setting the received OFFER message and generating the answer session description with RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer(). Handshake connection Step 4 (Completed).

  • CANDIDATE {String}

    Protocol received from Peer when connection ICE candidate has been generated and requires self to add to the Peer connection.

  • BYE {String}

    Protocol received from platform signaling when a Peer has left the room.

  • REDIRECT {String}

    Protocol received from platform signaling when self is kicked out from the currently joined room.

  • UPDATE_USER {String}

    Protocol received when a Peer information has been updated. The message object should contain the updated peer information. This is broadcasted by self when self peer information is updated.

  • ROOM_LOCK {String}

    Protocol received when the current joined room lock status have been updated. The message object should contain the updated room lock status. This is broadcasted by self when self updates the room lock status.

  • MUTE_VIDEO {String}

    Protocol received when a Peer Stream video media streaming muted status have been updated. The message object should contain the updated Stream video media streaming muted status. This is broadcasted by self when self Stream video media streaming muted status have been updated.

  • MUTE_AUDIO {String}

    Protocol received when a Peer connection Stream audio media streaming muted status have been updated. The message object should contain the updated Stream audio media streaming muted status. This is broadcasted by self when self Stream audio media streaming muted status have been updated.


    Protocol received when a Peer broadcasts a message object to all Peer peers via the platform signaling socket connection. This is broadcasted by self when self sends the message object.


    Protocol received when a Peer sends a message object targeted to several Peer peers via the platform signaling socket connection. This is sent by self when self sends the message object.

  • RESTART {String}

    Protocol received when a Peer connection requires a reconnection. At this point, the Peer connection have to recreate the RTCPeerConnection object again. This is sent by self when self initiates the reconnection.

  • STREAM {String}

    Protocol received when a Peer connection Stream status have changed.

  • GET_PEERS {String}

    Protocol for privileged self to get the list of Peer peers under the same parent Application Key.

  • PEER_LIST {String}

    Protocol to retrieve a list of peers under the same parent.

  • INTRODUCE {String}

    Protocol sent to the platform signaling to introduce Peer peers to each other.


    Protocol received when Peer peers introduction failed.

  • APPROACH {String}

    Protocol to indicate that a Peer has been introduced. At this point, self would send an ENTER to introduced Peer to start the handshake connection.

  • GROUP {String}

    Protocol received that bundles messages together when socket messages are sent less than 1 second interval apart from the previous sent socket message. This would prevent receiving REDIRECT from the platform signaling.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:152      Available since 0.5.2

Stores the platform signaling endpoint URI to open socket connection with.


Attribute Type: {Number}
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:174      Available since 0.5.4

Stores the current platform signaling port to open socket connection with.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:163      Available since 0.5.4

Stores the current platform signaling protocol to open socket connection with.


Attribute Type: {Object}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:185      Available since 0.1.0

Stores the io object that handles the middleware socket connection with platform signaling.


Attribute Type: {Array}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:38      Available since 0.5.8

Stores the queued socket messages to sent to the platform signaling to prevent messages from being dropped due to messages being sent in less than a second interval.


Attribute Type: {Object}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:52      Available since 0.5.8

Limits the socket messages being sent in less than a second interval using the setTimeout object to prevent messages being sent in less than a second interval. The messaegs are stored in _socketMessageQueue.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:69      Available since 0.5.8

Stores the list of fallback ports that Skylink can attempt to establish a socket connection with platform signaling.


  • http:// {Array}

    The array of HTTP protocol fallback ports. By default, the ports are [80, 3000].

  • https:// {Array}

    The The array of HTTP protocol fallback ports. By default, the ports are [443, 3443].


Attribute Type: {Number}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:198      Available since 0.5.4

Stores the timeout (in ms) set to await in seconds for response from platform signaling before throwing a connection timeout exception when Skylink is attemtping to establish a connection with platform signaling. If the value is 0, it will use the default timeout from that is in 20000.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:215      Available since 0.5.4

The flag that indicates if the current socket connection for transports types with "Polling" uses XDomainRequest.aspx) instead of XMLHttpRequest due to the IE 8 / 9 XMLHttpRequest not supporting CORS access.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {Array}
required private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:122      Available since 0.5.5

Stores all Skylink console logs.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:250      Available since 0.5.6

Stores self user media Stream streaming settings. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from self connection.


  • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional

    The self Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of self connection.

    • stereo {Boolean} Optional

      The flag that indicates if stereo should be enabled in self connection Stream audio streaming.

    • optional {Array} Optional

      The optional constraints for audio streaming in self user media Stream object. Some of the values are set by the audio.optional setting in getUserMedia().

  • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional

    The self Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of self connection.

    • resolution {JSON} Optional

      The self Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]

      • width {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • height {Number} Optional
        The self Stream streaming video resolution height.
    • frameRate {Number} Optional

      The self Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.

    • screenshare {Boolean} Optional

      The flag that indicates if the self connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not. In this case, the value is false for user media Stream object.

    • optional {Array} Optional

      The optional constraints for video streaming in self user media Stream object. Some of the values are set by the video.optional setting in getUserMedia().

  • bandwidth {String} Optional

    The configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.

    • audio {String} Optional

      The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.

    • video {String} Optional

      The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.

    • data {String} Optional

      The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1341      Available since 0.5.8

The throttling function datetime stamp in (ISO 8601 format).


Attribute Type: {String}
private final
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:16      Available since 0.5.10

The fixed delimiter that is used in Skylink to concat the DataChannel channelName and the actual transfer ID together based on the transfer ID provided in dataTransferState.


Attribute Type: {String}
required private
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:174      Available since 0.5.4

Stores the TURN server transport to enable for TURN server connections. [Rel: Skylink.TURN_TRANSPORT]

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:182      Available since 0.4.1

Stores the list of ongoing data transfer state informations that is sent to receiving end in a DataChannel connection based on the associated DataChannel ID.


  • (#channelName) {JSON}

    The ongoing data transfer information that is sent to receiving end associated with the DataChannel connection.

    • name {String}

      The data transfer name.

    • size {Number}

      The expected data size of the completed data transfer.

    • isUpload {Boolean}

      The flag that indicates if the transfer is an upload data transfer. In this case, the value should be true.

    • senderPeerId {String}

      The Peer uploader ID.

    • transferId {String}

      The data transfer ID.

    • percentage {Number}

      The data transfer percentage.

    • timeout {Number}

      The data transfer timeout.

    • chunkSize {Number}

      The data transfer packet (chunk) size.

    • dataType {String}

      The data transfer packet (chunk) data type.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:165      Available since 0.4.1

Stores the list of ongoing data transfers data packets (chunks) to be sent to receiving end in a DataChannel connection based on the associated DataChannel ID.


  • (#channelName) {Array}

    The ongoing data transfer packets to be sent to receiving end associated with the DataChannel connection.

    • (#index) {Blob | String}

      The packet index of chunked Blob data object or dataURL string (base64 binary string) to be sent to received end.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
required private
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:161      Available since 0.6.1

The flag to enable using of public STUN server connections.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-data.js:70      Available since 0.5.6

Stores the self credentials that is required to connect to Skylink platform signalling and identification in the signalling socket connection.


  • uid {String}

    The self session ID.

  • sid {String}

    The self session socket connection ID. This is used by the signalling socket connection as ID to target self and the peers Peer ID.

  • timeStamp {String}

    The self session timestamp.

  • token {String}

    The self session access token.


Attribute Type: {JSON | String}
required private
  Defined in: source/peer-data.js:90      Available since 0.5.6

Stores the custom user data information set by developer for self. By default, if no custom user data is set, it is an empty string "".

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:28      Available since 0.5.10

These are the list of available audio codecs settings that Skylink would use when streaming audio stream with Peers.

  • The audio codec would be used if the self and Peer's browser supports the selected codec.
  • This would default to the browser selected codec. In most cases, option OPUS is used by default.


  • AUTO {String}

    DEFAULT | Value "auto" The option to let Skylink use any audio codec selected by the browser generated session description.

  • OPUS {String}

    Value "opus" The option to let Skylink use the OPUS) codec.
    This is the common and mandantory audio codec used.

  • ISAC {String}

    Value "ISAC" The option to let Skylink use the iSAC.
    This only works if the browser supports the iSAC video codec.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/ice-candidate.js:37      Available since 0.4.1

The list of Peer connection ICE candidate generation states that Skylink would trigger.


  • NEW {String}

    Value "new" The state when the object was just created, and no networking has occurred yet.
    This state occurs when Peer connection has just been initialised.

  • GATHERING {String}

    Value "gathering" The state when the ICE engine is in the process of gathering candidates for connection.
    This state occurs after NEW state.

  • COMPLETED {String}

    Value "completed" The ICE engine has completed gathering. Events such as adding a new interface or a new TURN server will cause the state to go back to gathering.
    This state occurs after GATHERING state and means ICE gathering has been done.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/data-channel.js:1      Available since 0.1.0

These are the list of DataChannel connection states that Skylink would trigger.

  • Some of the state references the w3c WebRTC Specification Draft, except the ERROR state, which is an addition provided state by Skylink to inform exception during the DataChannel connection with Peers.


  • CONNECTING {String}

    Value "connecting" The state when DataChannel is attempting to establish a connection.
    This is the initial state when a DataChannel connection is created.

  • OPEN {String}

    Value "open" The state when DataChannel connection is established.
    This happens usually after CONNECTING state, or not when DataChannel connection is from initializing Peer (the one who begins the DataChannel connection).

  • CLOSING {String}

    Value "closing" The state when DataChannel connection is closing.
    This happens when DataChannel connection is closing and happens after OPEN.

  • CLOSED {String}

    Value "closed" The state when DataChannel connection is closed.
    This happens when DataChannel connection has closed and happens after CLOSING (or sometimes OPEN depending on the browser implementation).

  • ERROR {String}

    Value "error" The state when DataChannel connection have met with an exception.
    This may happen during any state not after CLOSED.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/data-channel.js:38      Available since 0.6.1

These are the types of DataChannel connection that Skylink provides.

  • Different channels serves different functionalities.


  • MESSAGING {String}

    MAIN connection | Value "messaging" This DataChannel connection is used for P2P messaging only, as used in sendP2PMessage().
    Unless if self connects with Peers connecting from the mobile SDK platform applications, this connection would be used for data transfers as used in sendBlobData() and and sendURLData(), which allows only one outgoing and incoming data transfer one at a time (no multi-transfer support).
    This connection will always be kept alive until the Peer connection has ended.

  • DATA {String}

    Value "data" This DataChannel connection is used for a data transfer, as used in sendBlobData() and sendURLData().
    If self connects with Peers with DataChannel connections of this type, it indicates that multi-transfer is supported.
    This connection will be closed once the data transfer has completed or terminated.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/data-process.js:48      Available since 0.1.0

These are the list of available transfer encodings that would be used by Skylink during a data transfer.

  • The currently supported data type is BINARY_STRING.
  • Support for data types BLOB and ARRAY_BUFFER is still in implementation.


  • BINARY_STRING {String}

    DEFAULT | Value "binaryString" The option to let Skylink encode data packets using binary converted strings when sending the data packets through the DataChannel connection during data transfers.

  • ARRAY_BUFFER {String}

    IN IMPLEMENTATION | Value "arrayBuffer" The option to let Skylink encode data packets using ArrayBuffers when sending the data packets through the DataChannel connection during data transfers.

  • BLOB {String}

    IN IMPLEMENTATION | Value "blob" The option to let Skylink encode data packets using Blobs when sending the data packets through the DataChannel connection during data transfers.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:102      Available since 0.4.0

These are the list of data transfer states that Skylink would trigger.



    Value "request" The state when a data transfer request has been received from Peer. This happens after Peer starts a data transfer using sendBlobData() or sendURLData().


    Value "uploadStarted" The state when the data transfer will begin and start to upload the first data packets to receiving Peer.
    This happens after receiving Peer accepts a data transfer using acceptDataTransfer().


    Value "downloadStarted" The state when the data transfer has begin and associated DataChannel connection is expected to receive the first data packet from sending Peer.
    This happens after self accepts a data transfer using acceptDataTransfer() upon the triggered state of UPLOAD_REQUEST.

  • REJECTED {String}

    Value "rejected" The state when the data transfer has been rejected by receiving Peer and data transfer is terminated.
    This happens after Peer rejects a data transfer using acceptDataTransfer().

  • UPLOADING {String}

    Value "uploading" The state when the data transfer is still being transferred to receiving Peer.
    This happens after state UPLOAD_STARTED.

  • DOWNLOADING {String}

    Value "downloading" The state when the data transfer is still being transferred from sending Peer.
    This happens after state DOWNLOAD_STARTED.


    Value "uploadCompleted" The state when the data transfer has been transferred to receiving Peer successfully.
    This happens after state UPLOADING or UPLOAD_STARTED, depending on how huge the data being transferred is.


    Value "downloadCompleted" The state when the data transfer has been transferred from sending Peer successfully.
    This happens after state DOWNLOADING or DOWNLOAD_STARTED, depending on how huge the data being transferred is.

  • CANCEL {String}

    Value "cancel" The state when the data transfer has been terminated by Peer.
    This happens after state DOWNLOAD_STARTED or UPLOAD_STARTED.

  • ERROR {String}

    Value "error" The state when the data transfer has occurred an exception.
    At this stage, the data transfer would usually be terminated and may lead to state CANCEL.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:81      Available since 0.1.0

These are the types of data transfers that indicates if transfer is an outgoing (uploading) or incoming (downloding) transfers.


  • UPLOAD {String}

    Value "upload" This data transfer is an outgoing (uploading) transfer.
    Data is sent to the receiving Peer using the associated DataChannel connection.

  • DOWNLOAD {String}

    Value "download" The data transfer is an incoming (downloading) transfer.
    Data is received from the sending Peer using the associated DataChannel connection.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/data-transfer.js:1      Available since 0.5.10

The current version of the internal Data Transfer (DT) Protocol that Skylink is using.

  • This is not a feature for developers to use but rather for SDK developers to see the Protocol version used in this Skylink version.
  • In some cases, this information may be used for reporting issues with Skylink.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/peer-privileged.js:1      Available since 0.6.1

These are the list of Peer list retrieval states that Skylink would trigger.

  • This relates to and requires the Privileged Key feature where Peers using that Privileged alias Key becomes a privileged Peer with privileged functionalities.


  • ENQUIRED {String}

    Value "enquired" The state when the privileged Peer already enquired signaling for list of peers.

  • RECEIVED {String}

    Value "received" The state when the privileged Peer received list of peers from signaling.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/peer-handshake.js:1      Available since 0.1.0

These are the list of Peer connection handshake states that Skylink would trigger.

  • Do not be confused with PEER_CONNECTION_STATE. This is the Peer recognition connection that is established with the platform signaling protocol, and not the Peer connection signaling state itself.
  • In this case, this happens before the PEER_CONNECTION_STATE handshaking states. The OFFER and ANSWER relates to the PEER_CONNECTION_STATE states.
  • For example as explanation how these state works below, let's make self as the offerer and the connecting Peer as the answerer.


  • ENTER {String}

    Value "enter" The state when Peer have received ENTER from self, and Peer connection with self is initialised with self.
    This state will occur for both self and Peer as ENTER message is sent to ping for Peers in the room.
    At this state, Peer would sent WELCOME to the peer to start the session description connection handshake.

    1. Sends ENTERSends ENTER
    2. -Receives self ENTER
    3. -Sends self WELCOME
  • WELCOME {String}

    Value "welcome" The state when self have received WELCOME from Peer, and Peer connection is initialised with Peer.
    At this state, self would start the session description connection handshake and send the local OFFER session description to Peer.

    4. Receives WELCOME-
    5. Generates OFFER-
    6. Sets local OFFERREF-
    7. Sends OFFER-
    REF: The will cause PEER_CONNECTION_STATE state go to HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER.

  • OFFER {String}

    Value "offer" The state when Peer received OFFER from self. At this state, Peer would set the remote OFFER session description and start to send local ANSWER session description to self.

    8. -Receives OFFER
    9. -Sets remote OFFERREF
    10. -Generates ANSWER
    11. -Sets local ANSWER
    12. -Sends ANSWER
    REF: The will cause PEER_CONNECTION_STATE state go to HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER.

  • ANSWER {String}

    Value "answer" The state when self received ANSWER from Peer.
    At this state, self would set the remote ANSWER session description and the connection handshaking progress has been completed.

    13. Receives ANSWER-
    14. Sets remote ANSWER-
  • ERROR {String}

    Value "error" The state when connection handshake has occurred and exception, in this which the connection handshake could have been aborted abruptly and no Peer connection is established.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:1      Available since 0.1.0

These are the list of Peer connection ICE connection states that Skylink would trigger.

  • These states references the w3c WebRTC Specification Draft, except the TRICKLE_FAILED state, which is an addition provided state by Skylink to inform that trickle ICE has failed.


  • STARTING {String}

    Value "starting" The state when the ICE agent is gathering addresses and/or waiting for remote candidates to be supplied.
    This state occurs when Peer connection has just been initialised.

  • CHECKING {String}

    Value "checking" The state when the ICE agent has received remote candidates on at least one component, and is checking candidate pairs but has not yet found a connection. In addition to checking, it may also still be gathering.
    This state occurs after STARTING state.

  • CONNECTED {String}

    Value "connected" The state when the ICE agent has found a usable connection for all components but is still checking other candidate pairs to see if there is a better connection. It may also still be gathering.
    This state occurs after CHECKING.

  • COMPLETED {String}

    Value "completed" The state when the ICE agent has finished gathering and checking and found a connection for all components.
    This state occurs after CONNECTED (or sometimes after CHECKING).

  • FAILED {String}

    Value "failed" The state when the ICE agent is finished checking all candidate pairs and failed to find a connection for at least one component.
    This state occurs during the ICE connection attempt after STARTING state.


    Value "disconnected" The state when liveness checks have failed for one or more components. This is more aggressive than "failed", and may trigger intermittently (and resolve itself without action) on a flaky network.
    This state occurs after CONNECTED or COMPLETED state.

  • CLOSED {String}

    Value "closed" The state when the ICE agent has shut down and is no longer responding to STUN requests.
    This state occurs after Peer connection has been disconnected (closed).


    Value "trickeFailed" The state when attempting to connect successfully with ICE connection fails with trickle ICE connections.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/peer-privileged.js:21      Available since 0.6.1

These are the list of Peer introduction states that Skylink would trigger.

  • This relates to and requires the Privileged Key feature where Peers using that Privileged alias Key becomes a privileged Peer with privileged functionalities.


  • INTRODUCING {String}

    Value "enquired" The state when the privileged Peer have sent the introduction signal.

  • ERROR {String}

    Value "error" The state when the Peer introduction has occurred an exception.


Attribute Type: {Boolean}
  Defined in: source/peer-privileged.js:53      Available since 0.6.1

Whether this user is a privileged user.

Default value:



Attribute Type: {JSON}
required private scoped
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:357      Available since 0.5.4

The object that handles the logging functionality in Skylink.



Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/skylink-debug.js:1      Available since 0.5.4

These are the logging levels that Skylink provides.


  • DEBUG {Number}

    Value 4 | Level higher than LOG Displays debugging logs from LOG level onwards with DEBUG logs.

  • LOG {Number}

    Value 3 | Level higher than INFO Displays debugging logs from INFO level onwards with LOG logs.

  • INFO {Number}

    Value 2 | Level higher than WARN Displays debugging logs from WARN level onwards with INFO logs.

  • WARN {Number}

    Value 1 | Level higher than ERROR Displays debugging logs of ERROR level with WARN logs.

  • ERROR {Number}

    DEFAULT | Value 0 | Lowest level Displays only ERROR logs.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:1      Available since 0.5.0

These are the list of Peer connection signaling states that Skylink would trigger.


  • STABLE {String}

    Value "stable" The state when there is no handshaking in progress and when handshaking has just started or close.
    This state occurs when Peer connection has just been initialised and after HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER or HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER.


    Value "have-local-offer" The state when the local session description "offer" is generated and to be sent.
    This state occurs after STABLE state.


    Value "have-remote-offer" The state when the remote session description "offer" is received.
    At this stage, this indicates that the Peer connection signaling handshaking has been completed, and likely would go back to STABLE after local "answer" is received by Peer.

  • CLOSED {String}

    Value "closed" The state when the Peer connection is closed.
    This state occurs when connection with Peer has been closed, usually when Peer leaves the room.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:1      Available since 0.1.0

These are the list of room initialization ready states that Skylink would trigger.

  • The states indicates if the required connection information has been retrieved successfully from the platform server to start a connection.
  • These states are triggered when init() or Skylink/joinRoom:attr is invoked.


  • INIT {Number}

    Value 0 The state when Skylink is at the initial state before retrieval.
    If all dependencies has been loaded, this would proceed to LOADING state.

  • LOADING {Number}

    Value 1 The state when Skylink starts retrieving the connection information from the platform server.
    This state occurs after INIT state and if retrieval is successful, this would proceed to COMPLETED state.

  • COMPLETED {Number}

    Value 2 The state when the connection information has been retrieved successfully.
    This state occurs after LOADING, and if it's Skylink/joinRoom:attr that is invoked, room connection would commerce.

  • ERROR {Number}

    Value -1 The state when an exception occured while retrieving the connection information.
    This state might be triggered when dependencies failed to load or HTTP retrieval fails.
    Reference READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR to see the list of errors that might have triggered the ERROR state.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:38      Available since 0.4.0

These are the list of room initialization ready state errors that Skylink has.

  • Ready state errors like ROOM_LOCKED, API_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDIT, API_NOT_ENOUGH_PREPAID_CREDIT, API_FAILED_FINDING_PREPAID_CREDIT and SCRIPT_ERROR has been removed as they are no longer supported.


  • API_INVALID {Number}

    Value 4001 The error when provided Application Key does not exists (invalid).
    For this error, it's recommended that you check if the Application Key exists in your account in the developer console.


    Value 4002 The error when application accessing from backend IP address is not valid for provided Application Key.
    This rarely (and should not) occur and it's recommended to report this issue if this occurs.


    Value 4003 The error when application accessing from the CORS domain is not valid for provided Application Key.
    For this error, it's recommended that you check the CORS configuration for the provided Application Key in the developer console.


    Value 4004 The error when credentials provided is not valid for provided Application Key.
    For this error, it's recommended to check the credentials provided in init() configuration.


    Value 4005 The error when credentials does not match as expected generated credentials for provided Application Key.
    For this error, it's recommended to check the credentials provided in init() configuration.


    Value 4006 The error when provided alias Application Key has an error because parent Application Key does not exists.
    For this error, it's recommended to provide another alias Application Key.


    Value 4010 The error when there is no meeting currently that is open or available to join for self at the current time in the selected room.
    For this error, it's recommended to retrieve the list of meetings and check if it exists using the Meeting Resource REST API.

  • NO_SOCKET_IO {Number}

    Value 1 The error when dependency is not loaded.
    For this error, it's recommended to load the correct dependency from the CDN.


    Value 2 The error when XMLHttpRequest is not supported in current browser.
    For this error, it's recommended to ask user to switch to another browser that supports XMLHttpRequest.


    Value 3 The error when WebRTC is not supported in current browser.
    For this error, it's recommended to ask user to switch to another browser that supports WebRTC.

  • NO_PATH {Number}

    Value 4 The error when constructed path is invalid.
    This rarely (and should not) occur and it's recommended to report this issue if this occurs.


    Value 5 The error when XMLHttpRequest does not return a HTTP status code of 200 but a HTTP failure.
    This rarely (and should not) occur and it's recommended to report this issue if this occurs.


    Value 7 The error when AdapterJS dependency is not loaded.
    For this error, it's recommended to load the correct AdapterJS dependency from the CDN.


    Value -1 The error when XMLHttpRequest failure on the network level when attempting to connect to the platform server to retrieve selected room connection information.
    This might happen when connection timeouts. If this is a persistent issue, it's recommended to report this issue.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
deprecated readonly
Deprecated: Signaling server selection is handled on the server side based on load and latency.
  Defined in: source/room-init.js:120      Available since 0.5.0

These are the list of available platform signaling servers Skylink should connect to for faster connectivity.


  • APAC1 {String}

    Value "sg" The option to select the Asia pacific server 1 regional server.

  • US1 {String}

    Value "us2" The option to select the US server 1 regional server.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/peer-connection.js:33      Available since 0.6.1

These are the types of server Peers that Skylink would connect with.

  • Different server Peers that serves different functionalities.
  • The server Peers functionalities are only available depending on the Application Key configuration.
  • Eventually, this list will be populated as there are more server Peer functionalities provided by the Skylink platform.


  • MCU {String}

    Value "mcu" This server Peer is a MCU server connection.


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/socket-message.js:1      Available since 0.6.0

The current version of the internal Signaling Message (SM) Protocol that Skylink is using.

  • This is not a feature for developers to use but rather for SDK developers to see the Protocol version used in this Skylink version.
  • In some cases, this information may be used for reporting issues with Skylink.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:1      Available since 0.5.6

These are the list of socket connection error states that Skylink would trigger.



    Value 0 The error state when Skylink have failed to establish a socket connection with platform signaling in the first attempt.


    Value -1 The error state when Skylink have failed to reestablish a socket connection with platform signaling after the first attempt CONNECTION_FAILED.


    Value -2 The error state when attempt to reestablish socket connection with platform signaling has been aborted after the failed first attempt CONNECTION_FAILED.


    Value -3 The error state when attempt to reestablish socket connection with platform signaling has been aborted after several failed reattempts RECONNECTION_FAILED.


    Value -4 The error state when Skylink is attempting to reestablish a socket connection with platform signaling after a failed attempt CONNECTION_FAILED or RECONNECTION_FAILED.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/socket-channel.js:89      Available since 0.5.6

These are the list of fallback attempt types that Skylink would attempt with.


  • NON_FALLBACK {String}

    Value "nonfallback" | Protocol "http:", "https:" | Transports "WebSocket", "Polling" The current socket connection attempt is using the first selected socket connection port for the current selected transport "Polling" or "WebSocket".

  • FALLBACK_PORT {String}

    Value "fallbackPortNonSSL" | Protocol "http:" | Transports "WebSocket" The current socket connection reattempt is using the next selected socket connection port for HTTP protocol connection with the current selected transport "Polling" or "WebSocket".


    Value "fallbackPortSSL" | Protocol "https:" | Transports "WebSocket" The current socket connection reattempt is using the next selected socket connection port for HTTPS protocol connection with the current selected transport "Polling" or "WebSocket".

  • LONG_POLLING {String}

    Value "fallbackLongPollingNonSSL" | Protocol "http:" | Transports "Polling" The current socket connection reattempt is using the next selected socket connection port for HTTP protocol connection with "Polling" after many attempts of "WebSocket" has failed. This occurs only for socket connection that is originally using "WebSocket" transports.


    Value "fallbackLongPollingSSL" | Protocol "https:" | Transports "Polling" The current socket connection reattempt is using the next selected socket connection port for HTTPS protocol connection with "Polling" after many attempts of "WebSocket" has failed. This occurs only for socket connection that is originally using "WebSocket" transports.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:1      Available since 0.5.1

These are the list of platform signaling system actions that Skylink would be given with.

  • Upon receiving from the signaling, the application has to reflect the relevant actions given.
  • You may refer to SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON for the types of system action reasons that would be given.


  • WARNING {String}

    Value "warning" This action serves a warning to self. Usually if warning is not heeded, it may result in an REJECT action.

  • REJECT {String}

    Value "reject" This action means that self has been kicked out of the current signaling room connection, and subsequent Peer connections would be disconnected.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/room-connection.js:26      Available since 0.5.2

These are the list of Skylink platform signaling codes as the reason for the system action given by the platform signaling that Skylink would receive.

  • You may refer to SYSTEM_ACTION for the types of system actions that would be given.
  • Reason codes like FAST_MESSAGE, ROOM_FULL, VERIFICATION and OVER_SEAT_LIMIT has been removed as they are no longer supported.


  • ROOM_LOCKED {String}

    Value "locked" | Action ties with REJECT The reason code when room is locked and self is rejected from joining the room.


    Value "duplicatedLogin" | Action ties with REJECT The reason code when the credentials given is already in use, which the platform signaling throws an exception for this error.
    This rarely occurs as Skylink handles this issue, and it's recommended to report this issue if this occurs.

  • SERVER_ERROR {String}

    Value "serverError" | Action ties with REJECT The reason code when the connection with the platform signaling has an exception with self.
    This rarely (and should not) occur and it's recommended to report this issue if this occurs.

  • EXPIRED {String}

    Value "expired" | Action ties with REJECT The reason code when the persistent room meeting has expired so self is unable to join the room as the end time of the meeting has ended.
    Depending on other meeting timings available for this room, the persistent room will appear expired.
    This relates to the persistent room feature configured in the Application Key.

  • ROOM_CLOSED {String}

    Value "roomclose" | Action ties with REJECT The reason code when the persistent room meeting has ended and has been rendered expired so self is rejected from the room as the meeting is over.
    This relates to the persistent room feature configured in the Application Key.

  • ROOM_CLOSING {String}

    Value "toclose" | Action ties with WARNING The reason code when the persistent room meeting is going to end soon, so this warning is given to inform users before self is rejected from the room.
    This relates to the persistent room feature configured in the Application Key.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/ice-connection.js:61      Available since 0.5.4

These are the list of available transports that Skylink would use to connect to the TURN servers with.

  • For example as explanation how these options works below, let's take that these are list of TURN servers given by the platform signaling:


  • TCP {String}

    Value "tcp" The option to connect using only TCP transports. EXAMPLE OUTPUT

  • UDP {String}

    Value "udp" The option to connect using only UDP transports. EXAMPLE OUTPUT

  • ANY {String}

    DEFAULT | Value "any" This option to use any transports that is preconfigured by provided by the platform signaling. EXAMPLE OUTPUT

  • NONE {String}

    Value "none" This option to set no transports. EXAMPLE OUTPUT

  • ALL {String}

    Value "all" This option to use both TCP and UDP transports. EXAMPLE OUTPUT


Attribute Type: {String}
  Defined in: source/template/header.js:181      Available since 0.1.0

The current version of Skylink Web SDK.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:1      Available since 0.5.10

These are the list of available video codecs settings that Skylink would use when streaming video stream with Peers.

  • The video codec would be used if the self and Peer's browser supports the selected codec.
  • This would default to the browser selected codec. In most cases, option VP8 is used by default.


  • AUTO {String}

    DEFAULT | Value "auto" The option to let Skylink use any video codec selected by the browser generated session description.

  • VP8 {String}

    Value "VP8" The option to let Skylink use the VP8 codec.
    This is the common and mandantory video codec used by most browsers.

  • H264 {String}

    Value "H264" The option to let Skylink use the H264 codec.
    This only works if the browser supports the H264 video codec.


Attribute Type: {JSON}
  Defined in: source/stream-media.js:80      Available since 0.5.6

These are the list of suggested video resolutions that Skylink should configure when retrieving self user media video stream.

  • Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution.
  • It's recommended to use video resolution option to maximum FHD, as the other resolution options may be unrealistic and create performance issues. However, we provide them to allow developers to test with the browser capability, but do use it at your own risk.
  • The higher the resolution, the more CPU usage might be used, hence it's recommended to use the default option VGA.
  • This follows the Wikipedia Graphics display resolution page



    Value { width: 160, height: 120 } | Aspect Ratio 4:3 The option to use QQVGA resolution.


    Value { width: 240, height: 160 } | Aspect Ratio 3:2 The option to use HQVGA resolution.


    Value { width: 320, height: 240 } | Aspect Ratio 4:3 The option to use QVGA resolution.


    Value { width: 384, height: 240 } | Aspect Ratio 16:10 The option to use WQVGA resolution.


    Value { width: 480, height: 320 } | Aspect Ratio 3:2 The option to use HVGA resolution.

  • VGA {JSON}

    DEFAULT | Value { width: 640, height: 480 } | Aspect Ratio 4:3 The option to use VGA resolution.


    Value { width: 768, height: 480 } | Aspect Ratio 16:10 The option to use WVGA resolution.


    Value { width: 854, height: 480 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use FWVGA resolution.


    Value { width: 800, height: 600 } | Aspect Ratio 4:3 The option to use SVGA resolution.


    Value { width: 960, height: 640 } | Aspect Ratio 3:2 The option to use DVGA resolution.


    Value { width: 1024, height: 576 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use WSVGA resolution.

  • HD {JSON}

    Value { width: 1280, height: 720 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use HD resolution.


    Value { width: 1600, height: 900 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use HDPLUS resolution.

  • FHD {JSON}

    Value { width: 1920, height: 1080 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use FHD resolution.

  • QHD {JSON}

    Value { width: 2560, height: 1440 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use QHD resolution.


    Value { width: 3200, height: 1800 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use WQXGAPLUS resolution.

  • UHD {JSON}

    Value { width: 3840, height: 2160 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use UHD resolution.


    Value { width: 5120, height: 2880 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use UHDPLUS resolution.


    Value { width: 7680, height: 4320 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use FUHD resolution.


    Value { width: 15360, height: 8640 } | Aspect Ratio 16:9 The option to use QUHD resolution.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:153      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when a Peer connection ICE gathering state has changed.

  • This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the Peer ICE candidate gathering status.
  • This indicates if the ICE gathering has been completed to start ICE connection for DataChannel and media streaming connection.

Event Payload:

  • state {String}

    The current ICE gathering state. See the list of available triggered states in the related link. [Rel: Skylink.CANDIDATE_GENERATION_STATE]

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the connection


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:30      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when the socket connection to the platform signaling is closed.

  • This event means that socket connection is closed and self has left the room.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:53      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when the socket connection has occurred an exception during a connection with the platform signaling.

  • After this event is triggered, it may result in channelClose, and the socket connection with the platform signaling could be disrupted.

Event Payload:

  • error {Object | String}

    The error object thrown that caused the exception.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:40      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when the socket connection is exchanging messages with the platform signaling.

  • This event is a debugging feature, and it's not advisable to subscribe to this event unless you are debugging the socket messages received from the platform signaling.

Event Payload:

  • message {JSON}

    The socket message object data received from the platform signaling.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:20      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when the socket connection to the platform signaling is opened.

  • This event means that socket connection is open and self is ready to join the room.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:66      Available since 0.5.6

Event triggered when attempting to reconnect the socket connection with the platform signaling.

  • Depending on the current type triggered in socketError event before, it may or may not attempt the socket reconnection and this event may not be triggered.
  • If reconnection attempt fails, it will trigger socketError event again and repeat the stage from there.

Event Payload:

  • fallbackType {String}

    The fallback socket transport that Skylink is attempting to reconnect with. [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_FALLBACK]

  • currentAttempt {Number}

    The current reconnection attempt.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1003      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when a Peer connection DataChannel connection state has changed.

Event Payload:

  • state {String}

    The current DataChannel connection state. [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_STATE]

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the current DataChannel connection state.

  • error {Object} Optional

    The error object thrown when there is a failure in the DataChannel connection. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

  • channelName {String}

    The DataChannel connection ID.

  • channelType {String}

    The DataChannel connection functionality type. [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE]


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1028      Available since 0.4.1

Event triggered when a data transfer state has changed.

  • This event triggers more extensive states like the outgoing and incoming data transfer progress and rejection of data transfer requests. For simplified events, you may subscribe to the incomingDataRequest and incomingData events.
  • If enableDataChannel disabled in init() configuration settings, this event will not be triggered at all.

Event Payload:

  • state {String}

    The data transfer made to Peer in a DataChannel connection state. [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_STATE]

  • transferId {String}

    The transfer ID of the completed data transfer.

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the data transfer.

  • transferInfo {JSON}

    The transfer data object information.

    • data {Blob | String}

      The transfer data object. This is defined only after the transfer data is completed, when the state is DATA_TRANSFER_STATE.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED and DATA_TRANSFER_STATE.UPLOAD_STARTED
      For Blob data object, see the createObjectURL method on how you can convert the Blob data object to a download link.

    • name {String} Optional

      The transfer data object name. If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.

    • size {Number}

      The transfer data size.

    • dataType {String}

      The type of data transfer initiated. Available types are "dataURL" and "blob".

    • timeout {String}

      The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.

    • isPrivate {Boolean}

      The flag to indicate if the data transferred targeted Peer peers and not broadcasted to all Peer peers.

  • error {JSON} Optional

    The error object thrown when there is a failure in transferring data.

    • message {Object}

      The exception thrown that caused the failure for transferring data.

    • transferType {String}

      The data transfer type to indicate if the DataChannel is uploading or downloading the data transfer when the exception occurred. [Rel: Skylink.DATA_TRANSFER_TYPE]


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1283      Available since 0.6.1

Event triggered when the retrieval of the list of rooms and peers under the same realm based on the Application Key configured in init() from the platform signaling state has changed.

  • This requires that the provided alias Application Key has privileged feature configured.

Event Payload:

  • state {String}

    The retrieval current status.

  • privilegedPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the privileged Peer.

  • peerList {JSON}

    The retrieved list of rooms and peers under the same realm based on the Application Key configured in init().


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:131      Available since 0.3.0

Event triggered when a Peer handshaking state has changed.

  • This event may trigger state HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.ENTER for self to indicate that broadcast to ping for any existing Peers in the room has been made.
  • This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the Peer handshaking connection status.
  • This starts the Peer connection handshaking, where it retrieves all the Peer information and then proceeds to start the ICE connection.

Event Payload:

  • state {String}

    The Peer connection handshake state. [Rel: Skylink.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS]

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the connection handshake state.

  • error {Object | String} Optional

    The error object thrown when there is a failure in the connection handshaking.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:187      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when a Peer connection ICE connection state has changed.

  • This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the Peer ICE connection of added ICE candidates status.
  • This event indicates if the ICE connection is established for successful DataChannel and media streaming connection.

Event Payload:

  • state {String}

    The current ICE connection state. [Rel: Skylink.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE]

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the current ICE connection state.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:854      Available since 0.6.1

Event triggered when a data transfer is completed.

  • This event may trigger for self when transferring data to Peer, which indicates that self has transferred the data successfully.
  • For more extensive states like the outgoing and incoming data transfer progress and rejection of data transfer requests, you may subscribe to the dataTransferState event.
  • If enableDataChannel disabled in init() configuration settings, this event will not be triggered at all.

Event Payload:

  • data {Blob | String}

    The transferred data object.
    For Blob data object, see the createObjectURL method on how you can convert the Blob data object to a download link.

  • transferId {String}

    The transfer ID of the completed data transfer.

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the data transfer.

  • transferInfo {JSON}

    The transfer data object information.

    • name {String} Optional

      The transfer data object name. If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.

    • size {Number}

      The transfer data size.

    • dataType {String}

      The type of data transfer initiated. Available types are "dataURL" and "blob".

    • timeout {String}

      The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.

    • isPrivate {Boolean}

      The flag to indicate if the data transferred targeted Peer peers and not broadcasted to all Peer peers.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if the data transfer is from self or from associated Peer.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:889      Available since 0.6.1

Event triggered when there is a request to start a data transfer.

  • This event may trigger for self when requesting a data transfer to Peer, which indicates that self has sent the data transfer request.
  • For more extensive states like the outgoing and incoming data transfer progress and rejection of data transfer requests, you may subscribe to the dataTransferState event.
  • If enableDataChannel disabled in init() configuration settings, this event will not be triggered at all.

Event Payload:

  • transferId {String}

    The transfer ID of the data transfer request.

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the data transfer request.

  • transferInfo {JSON}

    The transfer data object information.

    • name {String} Optional

      The transfer data object name. If there is no name based on the Blob given, the name would be the transfer ID.

    • size {Number}

      The transfer data size.

    • dataType {String}

      The type of data transfer initiated. Available types are "dataURL" and "blob".

    • timeout {String}

      The waiting timeout in seconds that the DataChannel connection data transfer should wait before throwing an exception and terminating the data transfer.

    • isPrivate {Boolean}

      The flag to indicate if the data transferred targeted Peer peers and not broadcasted to all Peer peers.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if the data transfer request is from self or from associated Peer.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:763      Available since 0.5.2

Event triggered when message data is received from Peer.

  • This event may trigger for self when sending message data to Peer, which indicates that self has sent the message data.

Event Payload:

  • message {JSON}

    The message object received from Peer.

    • content {JSON | String}

      The message object content. This is the message data content passed in sendMessage() and sendP2PMessage().

    • senderPeerId {String}

      The Peer ID of the peer who sent the message object.

    • targetPeerId {String | Array} Optional

      The array of targeted Peer peers or the single targeted Peer the message is targeted to received the message object. If the value is null, the message object is broadcasted to all Peer peers in the room.

    • isPrivate {Boolean}

      The flag that indicates if the message object is sent to targeted Peer peers and not broadcasted to all Peer peers.

    • isDataChannel {Boolean}

      The flag that indicates if the message object is sent from the platform signaling socket connection or P2P channel connection (DataChannel connection).

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of peer who sent the message object.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:682      Available since 0.5.5

Event triggered when a Stream is sent by Peer.

  • This event may trigger for self, which indicates that self has joined the room and is sending this Stream object to other Peers connected in the room.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated to the Stream object.

  • stream {Object}

    The Peer MediaStream object that is sent in this connection. To display the MediaStream object to a video or audio, simply invoke:
    attachMediaStream(domElement, stream);.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1299      Available since 0.6.1

Event triggered when introductory state of two Peer peers to each other selected by the privileged Peer state has changed.

  • This requires that the provided alias Application Key has privileged feature configured.

Event Payload:

  • state {String}

    The Peer introduction state.

  • privilegedPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the privileged Peer.

  • sendingPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the peer that initiates the connection with the introduced Peer.

  • receivingPeerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the introduced peer who would be introduced to the initiator Peer.

  • reason {String}

    The error object thrown when there is a failure in the introduction with the two Peer peers. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:203      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when access to self user media stream has failed.

  • If audioFallback is enabled in init(), it will throw an error if audio only user media stream failed after a failed attempt to retrieve video and audio user media.

Event Payload:

  • error {Object | String}

    The error object thrown that caused the failure.

  • isScreensharing {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.

  • isAudioFallbackError {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if Skylink throws the error after an audio fallback has been attempted.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:220      Available since 0.6.3

Event triggered when media access fallback has been made.

  • If audioFallback is enabled in init(), and if there is a failed attempt to retrieve video and audio user media, it will attempt to do the audio fallback.
  • If MediaStream successfully received does not meet to expected tracks, this event would be triggered.

Event Payload:

  • error {JSON}

    The error object information.

    • error {Object | String}

      The error object thrown that caused the failure from retrieve video and audio user media stream. is triggered because (video+audio) error is fallbacking to audio only.

    • diff {JSON} Optional

      The list of expected audio and video tracks and received tracks.
      This is only defined when state payload is 1.

      • video {JSON}
        The expected and received video tracks.
      • video.expected {Number}
        The expected video tracks.
      • video.received {Number}
        The received video tracks.
      • audio {JSON}
        The expected and received audio tracks.
      • audio.expected {Number}
        The expected audio tracks.
      • audio.received {Number}
        The received audio tracks.
  • state {Number}

    The access fallback state.

    • 0: Attempting to retrieve access for fallback state.
    • 1: Fallback access has been completed successfully
    • -1: Failed retrieving fallback access

  • isScreensharing {Boolean} Optional

    The flag that indicates if this event ia an fallback from failed screensharing retrieval or attaching of audio.

  • isAudioFallback {Boolean} Optional

    The flag that indicates if this event is an audio fallbacking from failed attempt to retrieve video and audio user media.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:271      Available since 0.5.5

Event triggered when the application requires to retrieve self user media stream manually instead of doing it automatically in joinRoom().

  • This event triggers based on the configuration of manualGetUserMedia in the joinRoom() configuration settings.
  • Developers must manually invoke getUserMedia() to retrieve the user media stream before self would join the room. Once the user media stream is attached, self would proceed to join the room automatically.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:288      Available since 0.5.6

Event triggered when self user media stream attached to Skylink has been stopped.

Event Payload:

  • isScreensharing {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:256      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when access to self user media stream is successfully attached to Skylink.

Event Payload:

  • stream {Object}

    The self user MediaStream object. To display the MediaStream object to a video or audio, simply invoke:
    attachMediaStream(domElement, stream);.

  • isScreensharing {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:170      Available since 0.1.0

Event triggered when a Peer connection signaling state has changed.

  • This event is a debugging feature, and it's used to check the Peer signaling connection status.
  • This event indicates if the session description is received to start ICE gathering for DataChannel and media streaming connection.

Event Payload:

  • state {String}

    The current connection signaling state. [Rel: Skylink.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE]

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated with the current connection signaling state.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:299      Available since 0.5.2

Event triggered when a Peer joins the room.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the new peer that has joined the room.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:533      Available since 0.5.2

Event triggered when a Peer leaves the room.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the peer that had left the room.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:374      Available since 0.5.5

Event triggered when a Peer connection has been restarted for a reconnection.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the connection that is restarted for a reconnection.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.

  • isSelfInitiateRestart {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the one who have initiated the Peer connection restart.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:451      Available since 0.5.2

Event triggered when a Peer information have been updated.

  • This event would only be triggered if self is in the room.
  • This event triggers when the peerInfo data is updated, like peerInfo.mediaStatus or the peerInfo.userData, which is invoked through muteStream() or setUserData().

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the peer with updated information.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:102      Available since 0.4.0

Event triggered when room connection information is being retrieved from platform server.

  • This is also triggered when init() is invoked, but the socket connection events like channelOpen does not get triggered but stops at readyStateChange event.

Event Payload:

  • readyState {String}

    The current ready state of the retrieval when the event is triggered. [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE]

  • error {JSON} Optional

    The error object thrown when there is a failure in retrieval. If received as null, it means that there is no errors.

    • status {Number}

      Http status when retrieving information. May be empty for other errors.

    • errorCode {Number}

      The READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR if there is an readyStateChange event error that caused the failure for initialising Skylink. [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR]

    • content {Object}

      The exception thrown that caused the failure for initialising Skylink.

    • status {Number}

      The XMLHttpRequest status code received when exception is thrown that caused the failure for initialising Skylink.

  • room {String}

    The selected room connection information that Skylink is attempting to retrieve the information for to start connection to.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:925      Available since 0.5.2

Event triggered when the currently connected room lock status have been updated.

  • If this event is triggered, this means that the room is locked / unlocked which may allow or prevent any other Peers from joining the room.

Event Payload:

  • isLocked {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if the currently connected room is locked.

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the peer that updated the currently connected room lock status.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1088      Available since 0.6.1

Event triggered when a server Peer joins the room.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the new server peer that has joined the room.

  • serverPeerType {String}

    The server Peer type [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1101      Available since 0.6.1

Event triggered when a server Peer leaves the room.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the new server peer that has left the room.

  • serverPeerType {String}

    The server Peer type [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1114      Available since 0.6.1

Event triggered when a sever Peer connection has been restarted for a reconnection.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the new server peer that has joined the room.

  • serverPeerType {String}

    The server Peer type [Rel: Skylink.SERVER_PEER_TYPE]


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:608      Available since 0.6.10

Event triggered when self is disconnected from room.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID of the peer that had left the room.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:83      Available since 0.5.5

Event triggered when attempt to (re)connect the socket connection with the platform signaling has failed.

  • Depending on the current type payload, it may or may not attempt the socket reconnection and channelRetry event may not be triggered.
  • If reconnection attempt fails and there are still available ports to reconnect with, it will trigger channelRetry event again and repeat the stage from there.

Event Payload:

  • errorCode {String}

    The socket connection error code received. [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_ERROR]

  • error {Number | String | Object}

    The error object thrown that caused the failure.

  • type {String}

    The socket transport that Skylink has failed to connect with. [Rel: Skylink.SOCKET_FALLBACK]


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1128      Available since 0.5.10

Event triggered when a Peer connection Stream streaming has stopped.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String} Optional

    The Peer ID associated to the Stream object. If self is not in the room, the value returned would be null.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.

  • isScreensharing {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if Peer connection Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1205      Available since 0.6.1

Event triggered when a Peer connection Stream streaming audio or video stream muted status have been updated.

Event Payload:

  • peerId {String}

    The Peer ID associated to the Stream object. If self is not in the room, the value returned would be null.

  • peerInfo {Object}

    The peer information associated with the Peer Connection.

    • userData {String | JSON}

      The custom user data information set by developer. This custom user data can also be set in setUserData().

    • settings {JSON}

      The Peer Stream streaming settings information. If both audio and video option is false, there should be no receiving remote Stream object from this associated Peer.

      • audio {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming audio settings. If false, it means that audio streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • audio.stereo {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if stereo option should be explictly enabled to an OPUS enabled audio stream. Check the audioCodec configuration settings in init() to enable OPUS as the audio codec. Note that stereo is already enabled for OPUS codecs, this only adds a stereo flag to the SDP to explictly enable stereo in the audio streaming.
      • video {Boolean | JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video settings. If false, it means that video streaming is disabled in the remote Stream of the Peer.
      • video.resolution {JSON} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution settings. Setting the resolution may not force set the resolution provided as it depends on the how the browser handles the resolution. [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_RESOLUTION]
      • video.resolution.width {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution width.
      • video.resolution.height {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video resolution height.
      • video.frameRate {Number} Optional
        The Peer Stream streaming video maximum frameRate.
      • video.screenshare {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the Peer connection Stream object sent is a screensharing stream or not.
      • bandwidth {String} Optional
        The Peer configuration for the maximum sending bandwidth. The flags set may or may not work depending on the browser implementations and how it handles it.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending audio bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the audio bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending video bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the video bitrate to the browser defaults.
      • {String} Optional
        The maximum sending data bandwidth bitrate in kb/s. If this is not provided, it will leave the data bitrate to the browser defaults.
    • mediaStatus {JSON}

      The Peer Stream mute settings for both audio and video streamings.

      • audioMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object audio streaming is muted. If there is no audio streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
      • videoMuted {Boolean} Optional
        The flag that indicates if the remote Stream object video streaming is muted. If there is no video streaming enabled for the Peer, by default, it is set to true.
    • agent {JSON}

      The Peer platform agent information.

      • name {String}
        The Peer platform browser or agent name.
      • version {Number}
        The Peer platform browser or agent version.
      • os {Number}
        The Peer platform name.
    • room {String}

      The current room that the Peer is in.

  • isSelf {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if self is the Peer.

  • isScreensharing {Boolean}

    The flag that indicates if Peer connection Stream object is a screensharing stream or not.


  Defined in: source/skylink-events.js:1072      Available since 0.5.1

Event triggered when Skylink receives an system action from the platform signaling.

Event Payload:

  • action {String}

    The system action that is received from the platform signaling. [Rel: Skylink.SYSTEM_ACTION]

  • message {String}

    The message received from the platform signaling when the system action and reason is given.

  • reason {String}

    The reason received from the platform signaling behind the system action given. [Rel: Skylink.SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON]