public class


extends Object

Class Overview

Main class to connect to the skylink infrastructure.


Nested Classes
enum SkylinkConnection.ConnectionState List of Connection state types  
int DEFAULT_DURATION Duration in hours after the start time when the room will be closed by the signalling server.
Public Methods
boolean connectToRoom(String skylinkConnectionString, Object userData)
Connects to a room with SkylinkConnectionString
boolean connectToRoom(String secret, String roomName, Object userData)
Connects to a room with the default duration of 24 hours and with the current time It is encouraged to use the method connectToRoom(String connectionString, Object userData)
void disconnectFromRoom()
Disconnects from the room we are currently in.
DataTransferListener getDataTransferListener()
FileTransferListener getFileTransferListener()
synchronized static SkylinkConnection getInstance()
LifeCycleListener getLifeCycleListener()
MediaListener getMediaListener()
MessagesListener getMessagesListener()
RemotePeerListener getRemotePeerListener()
Object getUserData(String remotePeerId)
Retrieves the user defined data object associated with a remote peer.
void init(String apiKey, SkylinkConfig config, Context context)
Creates a new SkylinkConnection object with the specified parameters.
void lockRoom()
Locks the room if its not already locked
void muteLocalAudio(boolean isMuted)
Mutes the local user's audio and notifies all the peers in the room.
void muteLocalVideo(boolean isMuted)
Mutes the local user's video and notifies all the peers in the room.
void restartConnection(String remotePeerId)
Restarts a connection with a specific peer or all connections if remotePeerId is null
void sendData(String remotePeerId, byte[] data)
Sends a byte array to a specified remotePeer or to all participants of the room if the remotePeerId is null
void sendFileTransferPermissionRequest(String remotePeerId, String fileName, String filePath)
Sends request(s) to share file with a specific remote peer or to all remote peers in a direct peer to peer manner in the same room.
void sendFileTransferPermissionResponse(String remotePeerId, String filePath, boolean isPermitted)
Call this method to accept or reject the file share request from a remote peer.
void sendLocalUserData(Object userData)
Sends local user data related to oneself, to all remote peers in our room.
void sendP2PMessage(String remotePeerId, Object message)
Sends a user defined message to a specific remote peer or to all remote peers in a direct peer to peer manner.
void sendServerMessage(String remotePeerId, Object message)
Sends a user defined message to a specific remote peer or to all remote peers via a server.
void setDataTransferListener(DataTransferListener dataTransferListener)
void setFileTransferListener(FileTransferListener fileTransferListener)
Sets the specified file transfer listener object.
void setLifeCycleListener(LifeCycleListener lifeCycleListener)
Sets the specified life cycle listener object.
void setMediaListener(MediaListener mediaListener)
Sets the specified media listener object that will receive callbacks related to Media Stream.
void setMessagesListener(MessagesListener messagesListener)
Sets the specified messages listener object.
void setRemotePeerListener(RemotePeerListener remotePeerListener)
Sets the specified remote peer listener object.
void unlockRoom()
Unlocks the room if its already locked
Protected Methods
Map<StringObject> getDisplayNameMap()
void setDataChannelManager(DataChannelManager dataChannelManager)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String API_SERVER

Constant Value: ""

public static final int DEFAULT_DURATION

Duration in hours after the start time when the room will be closed by the signalling server.

Constant Value: 24 (0x00000018)

Public Methods

public boolean connectToRoom (String skylinkConnectionString, Object userData)

Connects to a room with SkylinkConnectionString

skylinkConnectionString SkylinkConnectionString Generated with room name, apiKey, secret, startTime and duration
userData User defined data relating to oneself. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.
  • 'false' if the connection is already established

public boolean connectToRoom (String secret, String roomName, Object userData)

Connects to a room with the default duration of 24 hours and with the current time It is encouraged to use the method connectToRoom(String connectionString, Object userData)

secret The secret associated with the key as registered with the Skylink Developer Console
roomName The name of the room
userData User defined data relating to oneself. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.
  • 'false' if the connection is already established

public void disconnectFromRoom ()

Disconnects from the room we are currently in.

public DataTransferListener getDataTransferListener ()

public FileTransferListener getFileTransferListener ()

  • The file transfer listener object.

public static synchronized SkylinkConnection getInstance ()

  • Existing instance of SkylinkConnection Object if it exists or a new instance if it doesn't exist.

public LifeCycleListener getLifeCycleListener ()

  • The life cycle listener object.

public MediaListener getMediaListener ()

  • The media listener object

public MessagesListener getMessagesListener ()

  • The messages listener object.

public RemotePeerListener getRemotePeerListener ()

  • The remote peer listener object.

public Object getUserData (String remotePeerId)

Retrieves the user defined data object associated with a remote peer.

remotePeerId The id of the remote peer whose data is to be retrieved.
  • May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.

public void init (String apiKey, SkylinkConfig config, Context context)

Creates a new SkylinkConnection object with the specified parameters.

apiKey The api key from the Skylink Developer Console
config The SkylinkConfig object to configure the type of call.
context The application context

public void lockRoom ()

Locks the room if its not already locked

public void muteLocalAudio (boolean isMuted)

Mutes the local user's audio and notifies all the peers in the room.

isMuted Flag that specifies whether audio should be mute

public void muteLocalVideo (boolean isMuted)

Mutes the local user's video and notifies all the peers in the room.

isMuted Flag that specifies whether video should be mute

public void restartConnection (String remotePeerId)

Restarts a connection with a specific peer or all connections if remotePeerId is null

remotePeerId Id of the remote peer to whom we will restart a message. Use 'null' if the message is to be broadcast to all remote peers in the room.

public void sendData (String remotePeerId, byte[] data)

Sends a byte array to a specified remotePeer or to all participants of the room if the remotePeerId is null

remotePeerId remotePeerID of a specified peer
data Array of bytes

public void sendFileTransferPermissionRequest (String remotePeerId, String fileName, String filePath)

Sends request(s) to share file with a specific remote peer or to all remote peers in a direct peer to peer manner in the same room.

remotePeerId The id of the remote peer to send the file to. Use 'null' if the file is to be broadcast to all remote peers in the room.
fileName The name of the file that is to be shared.
filePath The absolute path of the file in the filesystem

public void sendFileTransferPermissionResponse (String remotePeerId, String filePath, boolean isPermitted)

Call this method to accept or reject the file share request from a remote peer.

remotePeerId The id of the remote peer that requested to share with us a file.
filePath The absolute path of the file where we want it to be saved.
isPermitted Whether permission was granted for the file share to proceed.

public void sendLocalUserData (Object userData)

Sends local user data related to oneself, to all remote peers in our room.

userData User defined data relating to the peer. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.

public void sendP2PMessage (String remotePeerId, Object message)

Sends a user defined message to a specific remote peer or to all remote peers in a direct peer to peer manner.

remotePeerId Id of the remote peer to whom we will send a message. Use 'null' if the message is to be broadcast to all remote peers in the room.
message User defined data. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.
SkylinkException if the system was unable to send the message.

public void sendServerMessage (String remotePeerId, Object message)

Sends a user defined message to a specific remote peer or to all remote peers via a server.

remotePeerId Id of the remote peer to whom we will send a message. Use 'null' if the message is to be broadcast to all remote peers in the room.
message User defined data. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.

public void setDataTransferListener (DataTransferListener dataTransferListener)

public void setFileTransferListener (FileTransferListener fileTransferListener)

Sets the specified file transfer listener object.

fileTransferListener The file transfer listener object that will receive callbacks related to FileTransfer

public void setLifeCycleListener (LifeCycleListener lifeCycleListener)

Sets the specified life cycle listener object.

lifeCycleListener The life cycle listener object that will receive callbacks related to the SDK's Lifecycle.

public void setMediaListener (MediaListener mediaListener)

Sets the specified media listener object that will receive callbacks related to Media Stream.

Callbacks include those for the local user and remote peers.

mediaListener The media listener object

public void setMessagesListener (MessagesListener messagesListener)

Sets the specified messages listener object.

messagesListener The messages listener object that will receive callbacks related to Message Transmissions.

public void setRemotePeerListener (RemotePeerListener remotePeerListener)

Sets the specified remote peer listener object.

remotePeerListener The remote peer listener object that will receive callbacks related to the RemotePeer.

public void unlockRoom ()

Unlocks the room if its already locked

Protected Methods

protected Map<StringObject> getDisplayNameMap ()

protected void setDataChannelManager (DataChannelManager dataChannelManager)